#dev 2024-05-09

2024-05-09 UTC
lifeofpablo, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, gerben and bterry joined the channel
😭 I tried that pitchfork and it went well, hope it could support multi language bc my site is not written in any latin letters mostly
gerben, alephalpha0, jacky, geoffo, Guest6, [tantek] and win0err joined the channel
Anybody using webrtc, by any chance?
[edit] Anybody using webrtc or meaning to, by any chance?
what is WebRTC?
WebRTC is a W3C Candidate Recommendation that defines a set of JS APIs for Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities, supported by modern browsers, and some video chat sites, sometimes used for remote participation during IndieWebCamps and virtual Homebrew Website Club meetups https://indieweb.org/webrtc
hmm, no IndieWeb Examples there yet
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
it's pretty hard to get started
trying to remedy that
[edit] trying to remedy that, potentially
on another topic, has anyone looked at adding mf2 e.g. h-entry + author h-card to Bluesky permalinks NOSCRIPT minimal HTML? e.g. this template (search for noscript) https://github.com/bluesky-social/social-app/blob/55ac287d5e822a24c201d6f756b2d0ab76df242c/bskyweb/templates/post.html#L44
the values of the individual properties/elements inside the NOSCRIPT tags look very well formatted for h-entry, e.g. author (p-name and p-nickname and u-url), p-summary, dt-updated
I figure [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] may have opinions on that
We did this in bsky.link and they do map quite well
is that mapping documented in /Bluesky ?
so we can make sure we use the same mapping across different Bluesky / AT Proto implementations / sites / clients?
(Aside [tantek] I talked about your box model hack yesterday during the Pacific HWC. I had used the Acid test 1 as my zoom background)
[Ros], [snarfed] and [schmarty] joined the channel
just shared in chat but realized it's relevant here. 11th conf on making websites real good is live. shouts out to IndieWeb already. :} https://www.youtube.com/live/iLxJ6PtuF9M
gruetzhaxe joined the channel
I'm thinking of setting something up so that many of my blog posts have an associated Fediverse URL (to a particular ActivityPub post) and making it so that when someone enters the URL to my blog post in their Fedi app, they find the ActivityPub post in there.
So going to https://my-blog-url/xyzzy-post normally you find the normal web page, but if you go there with wget -qO- --header 'Accept: application/json, application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"' you instead find some sorta JSON document that sends you to https://my-fedi-url/post-number-1234
So if someone pastes in, say https://my-blog-url/xyzzy-post, into their AP instance, they would find https://my-fedi-url/post-number-1234 since I've associated those two posts with each other.
Not sure if this is even possible. I'm on nginx serving static HTML pages. So can nginx dispatch based on these kinds of accept headers? ← I guess that was my question
gRegor joined the channel
for fediverse search, we know rel-alternate at least works: https://fed.brid.gy/docs#web-searchable
I expect nginx can do conneg, yes
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
That rel alternate, if that works (and that's easily testable), that's gonna be the least effort solution on my part so that's awesome, thank you so much β™₯︎
I'll go see if it works right now!
and u-syndication links from your blog post permalink page to copies on Mastodon or elsewhere
amyiscoolz joined the channel
hah [Joe_Crawford] that's amazing. I hope it was in the context of fond memories, not any use today πŸ™‚
watching the 11ty conf live video that [schmarty] posted but it's some sort of intermission quiz show
yep, they're on break
wget -qO- https://idiomdrottning.org/mpe|grep application/activity+json
Searching for https://idiomdrottning.org/mpe didn't work on Akkoma
Ewww it doesn't do the conneg, just forwards it (and that, I already do have set up, since Akkoma itself does do that)
ah, this talk has "IndieWeb Cowboys" in the name
and its about POSSE πŸ˜‚
spelled out on his slide as P.O.S.S.E. like as in "Notorious P.O.S.S.E."
'eyyyy! direct shout-out, pointing folks to the wiki πŸŽ‰
gruetzhaxe_ joined the channel
this whole talk is pure IndieWeb. amazing
speaker's demo site at https://showbiz.baby which is a pretty great domain
also can't believe COPE, PESOS, and PESETAS have showed up on a slide πŸ˜‚
mf2 wiki is "medium well documented. a bit of a wild west out there" - fair!
100% true
indieauth! micropub! quill! yess!
So cool!
aaronpk, MAJOR shoutouts. your ears should be on fire by now πŸ˜‚
ok, just got name-checked aaronpk
i like this approach to an oh-no-wall-of-code slide. little boxes show that each part is not so complicated despite there being many steps.
yes, this is a very good approach
"there's another Aaron Parecki service, thank you IndieWeb god" πŸ˜‚
oh no πŸ™ˆ
Bridgy++ mention
Bridgy has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
Renfield joined the channel
backfeed++ slide shows an icon of two large πŸ– πŸ–
backfeed has 1 karma over the last year
yep this talk pretty much ripped! πŸ‘ πŸŽ‰
It was a banger
HenryDesroches has 1 karma over the last year
oh oops already shared that. got too excited lol
pcarrier and gruetzhaxe joined the channel
Wow, that's a fancy looking personal site
slightly jealous, but then I imagine the hours πŸ˜„
barnaby, benji, gRegorLove_, geoffo, Renfield and amyiscoolz joined the channel
Hey pals, does anyone have a recommendation for a (ideally free) file server? I want to make the first step to get my indie pages up on a sub-domain - while the rest of my site (with my portfolio) remains on a CMS with a server. I only have two pages with text on them so it’s matchstick light, so I just wanted to find a free service to learn how to do this part so I can code the rest while it’s up on the sub-domain. Trying to take the first
tentative steps to actually put something I made on the web.
Any advice? Hopefully it’s only for a few weeks
(maybe I put this in the wrong channel on reflection. Apologies if so. I get confused but I’m trying to follow the protocols)
I like GitHub Pages for hosting static web pages. It's free and has a web interface.
GitHub Pages doesn't scale well if you plan to host videos or massive images, though.
You can host on your own domain, or a GitHub subdomain.
[capjamesg] Sounds perfect for me for this step! It’s only a stepping stone to learn some aspects and keep me moving
I tried to set my GitHub up to link with my VS Code, with three videos’ help, and failed misrably. I think my neighbours would have heard me cursing.
Before Step 3, drag and drop your HTML files into the GitHub web interface.
Or you can use Git, but Git is harder and most of the time I use drag-and-drop for my website if I have single things to upload.
[capjamesg] You win β€œHero of Thursday” award! πŸ†
Let me know if you have any questions.
geoffo_, sebbu2, dustinm`, win0err, [aciccarello] and [Al_Abut] joined the channel