#dev 2024-05-12

2024-05-12 UTC
ttybitnik joined the channel
hey all! trying to get search set up on my 11ty static website to look like the image attached
does anyone have a direction they can point me in for the dynamic filtering for checkboxes/search queries?
just found this (https://pagefind.app/), might try and see if I can figure it out
PuercoPop joined the channel
It looks like micropub.rocks doesn't support PKCE? Are there any other validators out there that do support PKCE I could use to test my site?
gRegor joined the channel
^ aaronpk
GuestZero, nikkin, [Paul_Robert_Ll], [tantek], danielpietzsch, laker and barnaby joined the channel
aaronpk: The FedCM thing, where are browsers other than Chrome on it?
byjp joined the channel
the FedCM API is in firefox (i forget whether it's behind a flag) and safari has publicly voiced support for it but tbd on shipping it
the IdP registration API is only in chrome i think
here's a recent state of fedcm presentation https://blog.timcappalli.me/p/preso-osw24-fedcm101/
aaronpk has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (120 in all channels)
Very cool demo!
aaronpk: What were you thinking WordPress IndieAuth might do? Just add support?
yep wordpress indieauth plugin is in a great position to build this in so that the wordpress site could register as an IdP in the browser
aaronpk: I'm willing to give it a try
Hi folks! capjamesg suggested I ask in here if anyone has considered a microformat (or other indexable method) for sharing recommendations for independent retailers or — more generally — products and services. (I have some context ready, but I don't want to spam the channel!)
What is a review?
A review is a post evaluating a product, service, or experience, usually involving a written description, sometimes with summary numerical evaluations, also known as just a rating if it’s just a single numerical value or iconic representation like stars (★★★★☆) https://indieweb.org/review
That page may be helpful ^
Thanks capjamesg — I just realised my own reviewes were missing the h-review tag! I just added it (example: https://www.byjp.me.test/posts/reviews/movies/barbie/) — but I guess I’m back to the bootstrapping problem: if no-one else is/is interested in posting reviews of products/services, then there’s no data to index to offer recommendations.
I’ll try to add my own reviews of things like that in the coming weeks, to see if it’s useful to others — though I suppose the major issue would be what kind of a taxonomy to use to allow people to find things. Has anyone here thought about cross-site taxonomies/ontologies for the IndieWeb?
[Murray] joined the channel
[aaronpk] what format is the video in you FedCM post using? (I have a recurrent issue on Firefox with videos "playing" but getting stuck on a specific frame, so just trying to debug; I think this is a me-specific issue, not something on your end)
to be specific: I see it's an .mp4, but what is the audio codec and what was the capture process (roughly), if you don't mind 😅
quicktime to capture, then ran it thru ffmpeg with no options to convert to mp4
ffmpeg -i in.mov out.mp4
awesome, thanks. QuickTime appears to be a common thread, so that's a useful additional data point 🙂 Also, sorry I couldn't watch along with IWC this weekend, but this looks awesome and I'd definitely be interested in using it with http://webmention.io as a test case aaronpk++
the trick is going to be figuring out what to run as the indieauth IdP
any chance you have already built your own indieauth server?
unfortunately not, I'm using your indielogin and RelMeAuth at the moment
actually, just realising, what that work? Or is this full-fat IndieAuth only?
this requires something is an indieauth server
i don't really want to add it to indieauth.com but that is the shortest path
well, at some point this year I'm hoping to re-explore indieauth properly, but likely not a useful guinea pig (for now) 😉
also, Loqi?
aaronpk has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (121 in all channels)
What is Loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/Loqi
Loqi! ☺️
there they are. I wonder why the previous one didn't work. Message too long?
[snarfed] joined the channel
aaronpk great FedCM experiment project, thanks for writing it up! I hadn't grokked that it lets sites register to be IdPs like that. seems like it could be useful in the fediverse to improve the remote follow UX problem, ie your instance could register as your fediverse IdP, and then other fediverse instances could pop that up as a login option instead of making you type in your instance...?
oh that would be great
[snarfed] that remote follow thing is basically a subset of web actions- it's much broader than "fediverse"
sure, of course, just one example use case
yep definitely fediverse implications for this too!
aaronpk: Did you write any thoughts about how FedCM might work with an IndieAuth implementation? For example, can I just add a privacy policy and terms of use to the existing metadata endpoint?
my next step is to actually add it to an indieauth provider
i think i need to speedrun building out the indieauth.com replacement
aaronpk: What would the replacement be like?
i have some thoughts
aaronpk: I'm curious when you are ready to share, but will wait
i need a good name for it
the hardest part
i decided i don't want to use a name that has indieauth in it at all
How about...Ingress?
I've always wanted to name something Hurdy Gurdy
i guess i could first try making my own website a fedcm provider, that will be faster
faster way to test what it takes to add it to a real indieauth server instead of the hack i did for the demo
aaronpk: I look forward to learning more.
I'd love to hear what it'd take to make a minimal server, totally down to integrating eg email based auth at the toggle of a switch on xmit.co
an indieauth server? this might be a bit out of date but you can look at this as a minimal example https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth
geoffo and bterry joined the channel
I might be lost in the terminology. Is indieauth effectively a specific way to implement a standard OIDC IdP?
I wonder how long crawlers will fall into https://srv.us/tarpit ; might want to build stats, could make for an interesting post
it's not OIDC, but it's another way to add identity on top of oauth
OK OK. are there are big fishes who let you log in with your own provider?
well tailscale.com lets you bring your own OIDC provider, but that's unusual even for OIDC
but no generally "bring your own IdP" is only in the enterprise world
oh yeah, that's because they opened SSO, otherwise tons of people do, it's "just" an enterprise feature
aaronpk: FedCM could in theory change that, couldn't it? Again, in theory
yes, i am hoping so
I guess I'm hoping the choice between Google vs Apple vs Twitter vs GitHub evolves toward most people entering what they think of as their email address / selecting it from a list as you demoed
the reality is every website lets you bring your own provider, they just don't think of it that way
since nearly every website lets you log in with an email address, they're technically already letting you bring your own IdP, since you can run your own email server
this 🙂
so it's really more of a mindset shift rather than anything technical to change that to actually bringing your own functional OAuth IdP
except not involving links being passed around in SMTP and clicked on in mailers
so i'm trying to popularize this IdP registration feature and position it as equivalent to email login but without all the UX friction
aaronpk: Tailscale does? That's interesting
yeah it's basically self-serve enterprise SSO but what's interesting is you can actually create your account this way
normally you would first create an account, then buy the enterprise plan, then add the SSO config
I'm more and more on the side of not providing _any_ identifiers when I sign up for something. I like the balance I struck with https://xmit.co: you can give me your contact details if you want to, but you can get started without my knowing anything about you other than a public key…
yeah i hope more sites move to that with passkeys, but the reality is a lot of sites will want an account recovery method, the easiest of which is an email address
then one could imagine attaching arbitrarily many "proven identities" through IdPs to their acount
aaronpk: I am using Wireguard, but not Tailscale. Is there an advantage? A bit off topic, but curious.
yeah tailscale does NAT hole punching like nobody
tailscale is a nice fancy management layer around wireguard
much easier to configure, and better apps too
Maybe I'll think about it
heh you can create an account on xmit.co with a passkey then remove the passkey from your account, making it impossible to log back in
this is basically the login/signup flow i'm going to do for the new indieauth service tho
aaronpk[d] nothing is impossible 🙂
aaronpk[d] if you have anything to recover, I can identify your account, and give you a one-time login link
nah i was just messing around
as one should 😉
(you can prove your identity to me by providing me with an API key and/or making a change in DNS and/or having a contact detail stored in your account and/or have one on the website you published)
(providing an email is the most straightforward solution for everybody, so I might hint a bit at that approach on first login, but it'll always be skippable)
I don't hate it
yeah they did a pretty good job
i was actually able to add a tiny bit of code to my indieauth server to make it work with this
ttybitnik and byjp joined the channel
Hey folks, a chat in #indieweb earlier today made me write up a prototype I’ve been working on to bring distributed search to the IndieWeb. I’d appreciate any thoughts or feedback on this bit of fun I’m having! https://www.byjp.me/posts/indiesearch/
byjp: Great! I’ll add the <link> ref to my branch with Pagefinder when I’m free from assignments
gRegor joined the channel
as for mobile/tablet, what if it was similar to something like Omnivore web? (i.e. allowing users to add + store websites on the site)
as a side note, it’s a pretty great rss reader!
the text to speech feature is surprisingly good (I use the voice profile Echo)
Oh Omnivore looks interesting. Do you know if you can take notes directly on a webpage via the browser plugin? Or export those notes in something like Markdown or just plain text format? I currently use (and enjoy) Readwise Reader, but always on the lookout for alternatives
influous left the channel
[Murray]: Oooh I think the notes are taken on the omnivore.app hosted site or mobile app where the pages are saved to
I'm not sure whether exporting notes is a feature yet –– haven't played around with that myself
But it's open source, so could always be a potential feature 😄
geoffo and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Do you want http://web-it.me for your new Indieauth service [aaronpk]?
haha no thanks