#dev 2024-05-16
2024-05-16 UTC
ttybitnik joined the channel
[schmarty] aaronpk++ exciting!

[schmarty] aaronpk: i think this is a typo in the new page? the "IdP config file" section lists the url `http://login.example.com/.well-known/web-identity` but i think that should be `http://login.example.com/fedcm/config.json` to match the example from the previous section?

[schmarty] woohoo, reading comprehension! 😂 thanks for the fix!

geoffo, [aciccarello] and gRegor joined the channel
jacky, [0x3b0b], [Al_Abut] and geoffo joined the channel
pcarrier [edit] OK, going through https://developers.google.com/privacy-sandbox/3pcd/fedcm-developer-guide

geoffo, barnaby and bterry joined the channel
sandra I found out why the rel alternate thing doesn't work on Akkoma: https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/issues/6389#issuecomment-2114654659
barnaby joined the channel
[Murray] joined the channel
capjamesg Maybe this was already discussed, but ATP has a paper summarising its architecture and position in the broader social web ecosystem: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.03239

[tantek] joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "ATP" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ATP is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Loqi pdf;dr is when you avoid clicking a link because it's a PDF https://indieweb.org/pdf;dr

[Ros] joined the channel
Guest6 and [Scout] joined the channel
ryokagriffin asking here because I don't keep up with stuff as much as I should - is there an alternative to cookies when it comes to storing a non-authenticated user preference (ie. theme choice) long term?
ryokagriffin No local storage either, zero javascript.
IWDiscord <ryokagriffin>
[Murray] Was going to suggest local storage, guess not. If you're not wanting to use _any_ JS then I think the answer is basically no. You can do a decent amount using URL parameters, which could be hardcoded. I know people have exerimented with entire to-do apps and things built entirely into URLs

ryokagriffin Yeah my only cookieless option I can think of is rendering every in-page URL with a parameter that determines the theme, but this wouldn't survive search or bookmarks if preferences changed anyway.
ryokagriffin I was pretty sure cookies was the only option but I might've missed some magical new fangled thing everyone is using that I didn't know about 🙂
[Joe_Crawford] And the time where one could use the limited storage of Adobe Flash is long in the past. https://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/help02.html#117121
[Joe_Crawford] (Kind of an insidious loophole)
ryokagriffin haha I'm all for insidious loopholes, but not flash based ones
cophee im late to the party but the new 11ty image transform plugin seems awesome!!!
ryokagriffin Nothing wrong with cookies, just occurred to me that there might be an alternative
ryokagriffin thought as much. thanks everyone 🙂
[Joe_Crawford] Browser fingerprinting is another mechanism—the sequence would be to collect every possible variable that is specific to the visitor and call that matrix of values unique identifiability. This falls down as browsers update IP address changes, people use multiple devices, so you’d have to have a plan for changes to parts of the data. You’d also need to capture that client side with JS and send it to a server during the session and
[Joe_Crawford] it serve as a pseudo cookie.
ryokagriffin that's a funky idea, using profiling. Themes: One little cookie vs thousands of lines of advertiser-oriented code to loosely determine and track an individual
ryokagriffin I was wondering if there was anything neat I could do with cached data or something, though this would involve javascript. Something like randomise the favicon then parse the cached one to determine uniqueness
ryokagriffin (this is entirely theoretical, I'm going with the cookie option, but it's fun to think about)
[Joe_Crawford] localStorage is the other common option. I’m not familiar enough with navigator.storage / StorageManager API to know enough about how it works—it seems like it might be a synonym for localStorage but I could be dead wrong.
jacky and gerben joined the channel
aaronpk curious about peoples thoughts on this: https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/issues/585

Guest6_, [jeremycherfas] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Guest6, jeremycherfas, jacky, petermolnar, sebbu2, rjomara580, ancarda, chenghiz__, Guest1350_, vikanezrimaya, eb, mcepl, Saphire, capjamesg, roxwize, oxtyped, amyiscoolz, streety and RapidRotator joined the channel
aaronpk well that's an idea, could an indieauth server use the HTTP Origin header as the client_id instead of having the client pass in its URL? https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/issues/586

[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[Paul_Robert_Ll] Try:
[Paul_Robert_Ll] ```"renderData": {
[Paul_Robert_Ll] "eleventyComputed": {
[Paul_Robert_Ll] }
[Paul_Robert_Ll] }```
[Paul_Robert_Ll] "title": "
{{ airport.name | safe }}
[Paul_Robert_Ll] Or perhaps even just:
[Paul_Robert_Ll] ```"eleventyComputed": {
[Paul_Robert_Ll] }```
[Paul_Robert_Ll] "title": "
{{ airport.name | safe }}
",gRegor joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] would the existing `<h1>
{{ airport.name | safe }}</h1>` also need to be replaced with `<h1>{{ title }}
</h1>` ?#
[Joe_Crawford] I see I see. Sorry. I've only toyed with 11ty.
[Joe_Crawford] I see that `og:title` is also empty.
[Paul_Robert_Ll] Similar bug reported here: https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-base-blog/issues/15
[Paul_Robert_Ll] If possible, I wouldn’t have the `safe` filter in data, but in your template
[Paul_Robert_Ll] Looks like you might have some illegal characters in that part of the file

[Paul_Robert_Ll] This works:
[Paul_Robert_Ll] ```...
[Paul_Robert_Ll] "noHero": true,
[Paul_Robert_Ll] "eleventyComputed": {
[Paul_Robert_Ll] "title": "
{{ airport.name | safe }}
[Paul_Robert_Ll] }```
jacky joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] A thing Facebook does that I really appreciate is console.log() a warning that if you're not a developer and someone told you to paste things into browser dev tools they probably don't have your interests at heart.
IWDiscord <capjamesg>
ttybitnik, jacky, [KevinMarks], sp1ff, amyiscoolz and [0x3b0b] joined the channel