#dev 2024-05-17
2024-05-17 UTC
Renfield joined the channel
# cophee i really liked this video
# cophee I feel like it's short + sweet + easy for non-tech people to understand
# IWDiscord <cโophee>
# cophee i found that it was a challenge to find videos that were under 10min about the IndieWeb when I was looking for an easy explanation for my survey
# cophee GWG: do you have a link to it? would love to see it
# cophee thank you!!!
# cophee i really want to get micropub working on my site ๐
[aciccarello] joined the channel
# [aciccarello] Me too. I'm really thankful to Indiekit for making that easier for static sites.
# cophee weird thing happened when i tried to create a cloudflare page
# cophee all my javascript stopped working
# cophee nvm i think I know why
# cophee was missing a quotation mark I think
rano joined the channel
# cophee pcarrier[d]: it seems pretty much the exact same as netlify for me (since I only have a static website)
# cophee migrating was really easy since i registered my domain through them as well
# cophee but im very noob to development stuff so can't really say ๐
# cophee pcarrier[d]: ๐ happy to hear i can help!!
jacky and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
# cophee pcarrier[d]: decapcms got broken and trying to get it to work again
# cophee really weird since it works locally after auth but blanks out in prod
# cophee ๐ that's ok!!
jeremycherfas, [capjamesg] and saptaks joined the channel
# cophee @sknebel hi!
# cophee i'm not too sure actually
# cophee i'm using a static website generator so i think it only loads when i build it
# cophee but currently webmentions.io doesnt seem to be getting test webmentions from webmention.rocks either (even though the test said it's successful)
# cophee ๐ญ I think I'll look at it a bit laterโneed to do assignment!
GuestZero and Renfield joined the channel
# cophee I think I know why?
# cophee maybe
GuestZero, [tantek], geoffo and [Jo] joined the channel
jacky and axcelott joined the channel
# herbi I now have valid h-card and h-entry using blogger!
oblivxi0us joined the channel
# Loqi PDF is an abbreviation typically for either Portable Document Format (see pdf;dr), or Personal Democracy Forum, an annual conference where several IndieWeb and microformats related talks & sessions have been held https://indieweb.org/PDF
# Loqi tell Tantek to review https://brid.gy/about#picture for u-featured vs u-photo vs u-video and file any necessary PRs to tweak, edit /u-photo and /u-video accordingly
# [tantek] cophee there a 5min and a 13min talk here https://indieweb.org/videos_about_the_indieweb#Featured_videos
[byJP] joined the channel
# oblivxi0us I'm building a IndieWeb-based website and I'm working on the CMS. I already implemented an IndieAuth endpoint, and I was wondering whether it'd be possible to use IndieAuth as auth for the CMS itself. Is that a smart/wise thing to do?
# oblivxi0us The IndieAuth endpoint is based on Selfauth (a PHP project I found on the wiki) and uses a password. I was wondering if I can somehow tell the CMS "use that for login" easily.
[Al_Abut] and oblivxi0us joined the channel; oblivxi0us left the channel
GuestZero joined the channel
# cophee [tantek]: Thanks!!!
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
# [Joe_Crawford] `// TODO unbullshitize this` says the comment in the code when I discover something misbehaving. Yes, I totally agree, past me. Let's bother future me with this one.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
# [Joe_Crawford] In non-bug, non-b.s. news, I added respect for `@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)` to my site and I think it mostly works - artlung dot com. I still have to vet some of my pages and content. I think I've got 95% of it. (Of course it's the 5% that gets you!)
# [Joe_Crawford] I'm opting not to provide a dark-light switcher for now but may change that in future. Respecting the user preference satisfies my goal.
oblivxi0us, sp1ff and jacky joined the channel
# oblivxi0us I'm reading the IndieAuth docs and one thing isn't fully clear to me: how does the token endpoint *know* whether the authorization code is valid and the code_verifier matches the code_challenge, without talking to the authorization endpoint? Do they need to be on the same server with some common database?
# oblivxi0us so it's not possible to use the IndieAuth.com token endpoint in combination with selfauth? (https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth)
# oblivxi0us is that a bad thing to do?
# oblivxi0us Okay. I think I'll keep using tokns.indieauth.com for now and then I can implement my own token endpoint later. Thanks for the info :)
jacky and GuestZero joined the channel; oblivxi0us left the channel
# aaronpk ok indieauth people, what do you think of this? https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/133
jacky joined the channel