#dev 2024-05-17
2024-05-17 UTC
Renfield joined the channel
cophee i really liked this video
cophee I feel like it's short + sweet + easy for non-tech people to understand
IWDiscord <cโophee>
cophee i found that it was a challenge to find videos that were under 10min about the IndieWeb when I was looking for an easy explanation for my survey
cophee GWG: do you have a link to it? would love to see it
cophee thank you!!!
cophee i really want to get micropub working on my site ๐
[aciccarello] joined the channel
[aciccarello] Me too. I'm really thankful to Indiekit for making that easier for static sites.
cophee weird thing happened when i tried to create a cloudflare page
cophee all my javascript stopped working
cophee nvm i think I know why
cophee was missing a quotation mark I think
rano joined the channel
cophee pcarrier[d]: it seems pretty much the exact same as netlify for me (since I only have a static website)
cophee migrating was really easy since i registered my domain through them as well
cophee but im very noob to development stuff so can't really say ๐
cophee pcarrier[d]: ๐ happy to hear i can help!!
jacky and [Al_Abut] joined the channel
cophee pcarrier[d]: decapcms got broken and trying to get it to work again
cophee really weird since it works locally after auth but blanks out in prod
cophee ๐ that's ok!!
jeremycherfas, [capjamesg] and saptaks joined the channel
cophee @sknebel hi!
cophee i'm not too sure actually
cophee i'm using a static website generator so i think it only loads when i build it
cophee but currently webmentions.io doesnt seem to be getting test webmentions from webmention.rocks either (even though the test said it's successful)
cophee ๐ญ I think I'll look at it a bit laterโneed to do assignment!
GuestZero and Renfield joined the channel
cophee I think I know why?
cophee maybe
GuestZero, [tantek], geoffo and [Jo] joined the channel
jacky and axcelott joined the channel
herbi I now have valid h-card and h-entry using blogger!
oblivxi0us joined the channel
Loqi PDF is an abbreviation typically for either Portable Document Format (see pdf;dr), or Personal Democracy Forum, an annual conference where several IndieWeb and microformats related talks & sessions have been held https://indieweb.org/PDF

Loqi tell Tantek to review https://brid.gy/about#picture for u-featured vs u-photo vs u-video and file any necessary PRs to tweak, edit /u-photo and /u-video accordingly

[tantek] cophee there a 5min and a 13min talk here https://indieweb.org/videos_about_the_indieweb#Featured_videos

[byJP] joined the channel
oblivxi0us I'm building a IndieWeb-based website and I'm working on the CMS. I already implemented an IndieAuth endpoint, and I was wondering whether it'd be possible to use IndieAuth as auth for the CMS itself. Is that a smart/wise thing to do?
oblivxi0us The IndieAuth endpoint is based on Selfauth (a PHP project I found on the wiki) and uses a password. I was wondering if I can somehow tell the CMS "use that for login" easily.
[Al_Abut] and oblivxi0us joined the channel; oblivxi0us left the channel
GuestZero joined the channel
cophee [tantek]: Thanks!!!
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] `// TODO unbullshitize this` says the comment in the code when I discover something misbehaving. Yes, I totally agree, past me. Let's bother future me with this one.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] In non-bug, non-b.s. news, I added respect for `@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)` to my site and I think it mostly works - artlung dot com. I still have to vet some of my pages and content. I think I've got 95% of it. (Of course it's the 5% that gets you!)
[Joe_Crawford] I'm opting not to provide a dark-light switcher for now but may change that in future. Respecting the user preference satisfies my goal.
oblivxi0us, sp1ff and jacky joined the channel
oblivxi0us I'm reading the IndieAuth docs and one thing isn't fully clear to me: how does the token endpoint *know* whether the authorization code is valid and the code_verifier matches the code_challenge, without talking to the authorization endpoint? Do they need to be on the same server with some common database?
oblivxi0us so it's not possible to use the IndieAuth.com token endpoint in combination with selfauth? (https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth)
oblivxi0us is that a bad thing to do?
oblivxi0us Okay. I think I'll keep using tokns.indieauth.com for now and then I can implement my own token endpoint later. Thanks for the info :)
jacky and GuestZero joined the channel; oblivxi0us left the channel
aaronpk ok indieauth people, what do you think of this? https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/133

jacky joined the channel