#dev 2024-05-25
2024-05-25 UTC
geoffo joined the channel
# cygnusx01 Possibly wrong place for this but I'm looking for a list of time zones that I could potentially put into the timezone: argument new Date().toLocalString. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10087819/convert-date-to-another-timezone-in-javascript
# cygnusx01 MDN docs keeps referencing a timezone value but doesn't say where the list/database is... https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toUTCString
# cygnusx01 [edit] MDN docs keeps referencing a timezone value but doesn't say where the list/database is... https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toLocaleString
# aaronpk i think this is the canonical https://www.iana.org/time-zones
# aaronpk if you want to see my horrible hack that works better than it should, check out https://github.com/aaronpk/p3k-timezone/blob/master/src/p3k/Timezone.php
# cygnusx01 aaronpk: Is there a plain text version of this somewhere or HTML? Seems weird that they make people dig into the data file itself to get a simple string or UTC value? Would explain why there's so many people on Stack Overflow having trouble picking a timezone value
# [snarfed] this is the zoneinfo db on *nix OSes, right? usually in /usr/share/zoneinfo ?
geoffo joined the channel
# cophee [Paul_Robert_Ll]: Those were the only logs from Cloud Run logs :((
# cophee I tried enabling the debugger through their cloud client but they can't recognise the project id for some reason
# cophee Should I still make a ticket?
# cophee NVM! I figured it out
# cophee I had
# cophee `<link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="https://indieauth.com/auth">`
# cophee As my auth endpoint as well as indiekit
# cophee cloud run ux really sucks though
# cophee gonna try something else
barnaby, GuestZero, barnabywalters, gRegorLove_, amyiscoolz, [jeremycherfas], chimo, geoffo, [qubyte] and gRegor joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] harbinger_of_decay[d] I learned so much building a static site generator!
# capjamesg[d] Suppose you have two folders: `posts` and `templates`. My generator reads all the posts then saves them in memory in a Python program. Then, each template is read. Where there is logic like a list of posts, the list of posts that were read from `posts` are added to the template then saved to a new place: `site`. Then all the posts are saved in `site` too. Then that folder is made public.
# capjamesg[d] My generator has more than two folders, but it is basically that logic.
# capjamesg[d] I use a tool called `jinja2` to control some of the logic in `templates` so I can list posts, make things appear if I set a variable, etc.
# harbinger_of_decay Wow okay! Conceptually that's quite simple then (I can imagine that it is probably not in practice)
# harbinger_of_decay What format are your posts written in?
# harbinger_of_decay I did play around with Node.js generating a dynamic blog from markdown files, and recently been using Gatsby.js as generating web pages from markdown files is sort of a main feature.
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# harbinger_of_decay How are you implementing structured data or similar (if you're doing that)
# capjamesg[d] I use the same format as a lot of static site generators.
# capjamesg[d] Let me take a screenshot of a post.
# capjamesg[d] I use the same "front matter" as many other static site generators.
# harbinger_of_decay Ahh okay that's the same as my posts too! Cool!
# harbinger_of_decay Well that will probably be my next project!
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# capjamesg[d] Static site generators are fun to build!
# capjamesg[d] What is your domain name?
lagomorph_ joined the channel
# harbinger_of_decay I've got a few, paddy-mccabe.com, paddymccabe.com, millennium-webdesign.com. but there's nothing on them at present. I was never happy with the sites so I am rebuilding them.
# harbinger_of_decay Paddymccabe.com is going to be a more focussed webdev portfolio and I will build that in Laravel or Node (probably Laravel just to play around with PHP)
# harbinger_of_decay Millennium web design is just a freelancing site.
# harbinger_of_decay Paddy-mccabe.com will be a personal diary/blog. I'm working on that right now. That's being built in gatsby because I can't get the canvas aninations to work in laravel (but the other javascript works fine)
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# harbinger_of_decay I've got a half finished spell generator for warhammer the old on a netlify subdomain and I am working on an army builder.
# IWDiscord <harbinger_of_decay>
# harbinger_of_decay But yeah there's not a lot left to show people these days
GuestZero and geoffo joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] Where do you all store images for your website?
barnaby joined the channel
# harbinger_of_decay In an assets folder in the source files
rrix and barnabywalters joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] reacted with 👍 to <harbinger_of_decay[d]> I've got a few, paddy-mccabe.com, …
# harbinger_of_decay reacted with 👍 to <harbinger_of_decay[d]> I've got a few, paddy-mccabe.com, …
# capjamesg[d] I think I have shaved ~1 minute off my site build time today (all in GitHub Actions optimizations).
# capjamesg[d] Maybe not. Something is broken.
[tantek] joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] I don't have image conversions, but I do have a 400 MB repository and it takes 15 seconds to be processed and another 45 to upload to my server. Every commit 😭
# capjamesg[d] Yeah. It's mostly images and some short (<20s) mp4s/movs.
# capjamesg[d] Your graph build system is exactly what I need 😂
# capjamesg[d] My site build time is ~1m:06s for 4k pages.
# capjamesg[d] Is your code open source [qubyte]?
# capjamesg[d] I'm looking at your repo on GitHub. I tried to implement some of this but my current system is already complicated enough.
# capjamesg[d] I have lost a lot of the context I had with my generator, so I really need to read back up on it or start again.
# capjamesg[d] [qubyte] Were there any substantial reference materials you used in implementation?
# capjamesg[d] I need to revisit the concept before I implement.
# capjamesg[d] I understand I'd be building a dependency graph where every file has dependents and dependencies, then I'd need to traverse that graph so every dependency is met before a file is built?
JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] Upgrades are important!
# [qubyte] Nope, I totally winged it. The basic idea is that each node declares its dependencies, and you register all the nodes at the same time. As the inputs of a node become available, it gets computed. Should a node be invalidated (for example, a file changes), it’s subtree of dependants becomes invalid and computation starts again at the invalidated node. There are caveats though. For example, nodes can declare teardown (for example, clean up o
# [qubyte] I’m in the middle or overhauling it completely so it doesn’t need a runner library (just the nodes themselves). Here’s the existing version though: https://github.com/qubyte/qubyte-codes/blob/main/lib/execution-graph.js
# [qubyte] And the site as defined as a graph: https://github.com/qubyte/qubyte-codes/blob/main/index.js#L100-L790
# capjamesg[d] Thank you for sharing!
[0x3b0b] joined the channel