#dev 2024-05-24
2024-05-24 UTC
gerben joined the channel
gerben and eitilt joined the channel
# cophee @[Paul_Robert_Ll] Been trying to get Indiekit set up!
# cophee I got it working hosting off of Google Cloud Run, but not sure how to change the pathing + format of posts to match what I have already for my 11ty website on TinaCMS
# [aciccarello] cophee, you may need to add a custom publication format
# [aciccarello] I did something like that for my site https://github.com/aciccarello/ciccarello-indiekit/blob/main/indiekit.config.js
# [aciccarello] I still need to upgrade though
barnaby and gerben joined the channel
# cophee Thank you @[aciccarello]!
# cophee I’ll take a look at it
# cophee [aciccarello]++
barnaby, jjuran_ and sebbu2 joined the channel
# cophee Just took a look!!! I'm still quite noob so would like to ask: how does IndieKit expose fields for use in templating?
# cophee I.e. my Notes page at the moment renders styles based on the notetype I specify in the frontmatter of my notes (see image)
# IWDiscord <cophee>
windiebb and strugee_ joined the channel
# cophee nvm! i assume I just set the different post types to also have a field called notetype/targetLink
GuestZero, barnaby and pixelglade joined the channel
# Loqi A composite stream is a stream that interleaves multiple types of posts, such as notes and articles https://indieweb.org/composite_stream
# cygnusx01 Loqi: thank you, I still haven't been able to go through all the wiki yet so this is helpful
# cygnusx01 Okay that's pretty cool, I'll look that up
# capjamesg If you subscribe to https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=rss&url=https%3A%2F%2Fjamesg.blog in your feed reader, it shows you an RSS version of my site, even though I don't actually publish one. Granary does the conversion for me.
# Loqi h-feed is a microformats2 draft specification with a top level feed object to contain root class(h-*) objects, usually h-entry posts and optionally a common author, name, and representative photo https://indieweb.org/h-feed
# cygnusx01 thanks you've been very helpful!
# cygnusx01 Thank you 🙂
GuestZero joined the channel
# cygnusx01 capjamesg[d] I found your Not by AI button and I think I Might add something like it to my site (or make my own) https://notbyai.fyi/
# cygnusx01 Funny I was just thinking of making a 88x31px one
# [Jo] http://notby.ai i think wad the site
claudinec and pcarrier joined the channel
GuestZero, IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [Ros], [aciccarello] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
# cophee Today I made my first federated note using Bridgy Fed 😃😃😃
[jamietanna] joined the channel
# Loqi [preview] [Photo of Wing Pang wearing a kimono] Açai bowl for dinner 😂🤭 https://wingpang.com/assets/img/IMG_4562.jpeg
# cophee thank you [snarfed]++ for your work
# cophee [snarfed]++
[snarfed] joined the channel
# [aciccarello] Wow, what a bowl!
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
# cophee cygnusx01[d] let me know if you run into any issues!!
# cygnusx01 wing_wingpang_com_[d]: I'm sure I will haha. Right now I'm still figuring out h-feed so I'll get to webmotion eventually
[Ana_R], jeremycherfas and dz4k joined the channel
# dz4k hello, indieweb chat! long time listener, first time caller :] for the last 6 months or so, I've been working on my own indieweb-compatible cms to replace my convoluted SSG setup: <https://denizen.dz4k.com/>. It's far from complete but I figured it never will be if I don't show it to anyone.
# dz4k there are two testing instances at https://denizen-test.deno.dev/ and https://denizen.fly.dev/
dz4k_ joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
# dz4k_ thanks!
# cophee dz4k: that's awesome!!!
# cophee dz4k++
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# cophee Got indiekit all set up!
# cophee Now just having one issue when trying to use external clients (e.g. Quill)
# cophee `Invalid value provided for: `client_id``
# cophee [edit] Got indiekit all set up!
# cophee Now just having one issue when trying to use external clients (e.g. Quill)
# cophee > Invalid value provided for: `client_id`
gRegor, [Jo], [tantek] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
# [capjamesg] [Paul_Robert_Ll] ^
[aciccarello] joined the channel
# [aciccarello] I've used quill with Indiekit before. I wonder if its a config value on the Indiekit side missing
# cophee Likely my issue
# cophee Just not sure where 🥲
# [aciccarello] Maybe the application.url config?
# [aciccarello] No, that's not it
# [aciccarello] I wonder if it's a newer change to IndieKit's auth. I'd need to upgrade to confirm.
# [aciccarello] If it's this line, I think that means indiekit doesn't like quill's response?? I'm not sure though. https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit/blob/db7012aed4d01fc24439fcb02a5456e9dc003925/packages/indiekit/lib/indieauth.js#L82
# [aciccarello] Actually, I think you're hitting this line which means maybe it's a missing query param https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit/blob/db7012aed4d01fc24439fcb02a5456e9dc003925/packages/endpoint-auth/lib/controllers/authorization.js#L48
# [aciccarello] Or it can't parse it.
# cophee Hmmmmm
# cophee is it because my indiekit is hosted off my domain?
# [aciccarello] I don't think so. I have mine hosed on a sub domain.
# cophee *i.e. it's currently
# cophee (trying to set up domain but dns isn't populating yet)
# cophee *subdomain
IWDiscord, pcarrier[d], the_kovah[d], erscheinung[d], momuslim[d], gremblo_gremblo[, mauromotion[d], marmadilemanteat, hidjy[d], capjamesg[d] and [Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
# [Paul_Robert_Ll] Not sure what this might be. If `application.url` is not set (only needed if using behind a proxy), then it looks to get information from response headers: https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit/blob/db7012aed4d01fc24439fcb02a5456e9dc003925/packages/indiekit/lib/utils.js#L68
# [Paul_Robert_Ll] Can’t imagine that not working, though.
# [Paul_Robert_Ll] Can you view console logs, if debugging is enabled, hopefully, some useful output may be shown there.
# cophee Sure!
# cophee Let me try
# cophee ```
# cophee {
# cophee "insertId": "6650e24e00045bf4e8e1a7af",
# cophee "httpRequest": {
# cophee "requestMethod": "POST",
IWDiscord joined the channel
# cophee This is when I tried using micropublish.net
GuestZero joined the channel
# [Paul_Robert_Ll] Not sure if that came through fully. Mind filling an issue? https://github.com/getindiekit/indiekit/issues
barnaby, pcarrier, [snarfed], [Ros], sebbu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# pcarrier[d] wouldn't recommend deviating from mastodon if you have the resources to run it and expect the featureset
# cygnusx01 For those of you using webmotion or an equivalent do you use it as a replacement for Mastodon?
# pcarrier[d] what is webmotion
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "webmotion" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "webmotion is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# pcarrier[d] did you mean WebMention sorry?
# cygnusx01 Yes we mention, sorry
# cygnusx01 [edit] Yes webmention, sorry
# capjamesg[d] cygnusx01[d] I use mastodon too.
# capjamesg[d] I think you can relay Mastodon actions over Webmention.
# capjamesg[d] [snarfed] maybe knows more?
# cygnusx01 Reading more about it, thanks for the link!
# cygnusx01 Do search engines find your content easier if it uses h-feed and related tags or are they completely oblivious because they crawl content not tags?
# [snarfed] probably not _find_ it easier, but google does extract and some basic structured data from mf2, along with http://schema.org etc
barnaby joined the channel