#dev 2024-05-23

2024-05-23 UTC
I thought the site started with a P
maybe there were multiple?
I was regularly a top contributor, and you got extra points or ranking for being the first one to find a new hotspot and map it
oh i remember that site, i didn't remember the wifi geolocation feature tho!
they had their own native app which scanned for wifi networks and would tell you if any of them were "new" to Plazes and encourage you to register them, and the approximate address etc.
[tw2113] joined the channel
[preview] [samuelgoto] #134 Should `indieauth-metadata` be discoverable by DNS?
DNS TXT record parsing. Hrm.
it's an interesting idea
didn't something else similar do this? was it Persona?
i guess actually it's similar to how BlueSky has you set up a custom domain for your handle
hmm no Persona relied on .well-known
maybe libravatar?
what was libravatar
Libravatar is a protocol specification for fetching avatar images for E-Mail addresses and OpenIDs in a decentralized way https://indieweb.org/libravatar
geoffo, to2ds, PuercoPop, [jeremycherfas], [Joschi_Kuphal], gRegorLove_, [capjamesg] and hacdias joined the channel
jsonfeed favicon and icon can't be SVG with readers like lire, or am I doing something wrong @ https://xmit.dev/feed.json ?
ah, doesn't work in lire but works in miniflux. moving on πŸ™‚
barnaby, khjkjh and jjuran joined the channel
aaronpk I created the Aperture issue: https://github.com/aaronpk/Aperture/issues/129
[preview] [capjamesg] #129 Some feeds are not parsed by Aperture
chrisburnell[d]++ didn't know you were on the Discord but wanted to say thanks for your 11ty webmentions blogpost
chrisburnell[d] has 1 karma over the last year
[snarfed]: I get the message right after I try to follow someone!
I think it still works though
wing_wingpang_com_[d]: My pleasure πŸ™‚
cophee: _how_ are you following them? where? is this in the http://fed.brid.gy web UI, via indieauth?
[Murray] joined the channel
[snarfed]: yup!
from here
In the activity, it shows. that I've followed them
ok! will look
your h-card has u-url links to your profiles elsewhere, eg linkedin, but those should be rel-me instead
^ mf2 people, I'm seeing a growing trickle of this problem when people set up their mf2 h-cards. seems like a common mistake. not sure what we can do about it...?
will take it to #microformats
[KevinMarks], to2ds, [aciccarello] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[snarfed]: Thank you!!!
[snarfed]: I think can maybe add it as an error to indiewebify.me h-card parser
cophee actually hold off on that for now, sounds like I'm wrong about u-url
more in #microformats
ooo I see it!
jonnybarnes joined the channel
one of my goals when I write code is to write code that an AI / LLM is VERY unlikely to have been able to write, or even rewrite, without outright plagiarism
thus continuing to provide examples of outsmarting LLMs, no matter how big their models are. LFG
context: what [KevinMarks] shared in #indieweb-chat and I asked him to share here
[preview] [Kevin Marks] @janeadams @vonxylofon @baldur well, there is the one @tantek.com uses to match valid URLs to auto-link them; That's quite impressive and I wouldn't trust an LLM to make it. https://github.com/tantek/cassis/blob/main/cassis.js#L1313 https://xoxo-media.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media_attachments/files/112/491/438/769/228/070/original/4ab8e50e02f14dd1.png
the emoji regex above that is fairly hairy - I think [aaronpk] has one a bit like that, or did you write it as procedural code?
i had a big regex but i changed it because i reached the php regex length limit πŸ˜‚
are there no RSS feeds for GitHub activity? 😦
[snarfed] joined the channel
hmm there used to be
it'd be really nice if all my social profiles had feeds, I could run a planet and PESOS
pcarrier add `.atom` to the url for your username to get your own GitHub activity.
^ that should be a "How to" in /GitHub [Joe_Crawford] if you have a minute to add it there "How to get a feed of your Github activity"
ok, I added "https://xoxo.zone/@KevinMarks/112491438991835457" to the "See Also" section of /autolink https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95465&oldid=83771
pcarrier there's also a nonced/tokened ATOM feed autodiscoverable at https://github.com/dashboard/ -- looks like `<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="ATOM" href="/username.private.atom?token=A54RF3F4XPIJ4TGDV2346FQWERLNUYA"/>`
^specifically when you are logged in. Having trouble finding GitHub's official documentation of these features or even an icon or button or section where they live.
^ all the more reason to document it on the wiki
Any idea why this emoji gets truncated? <link rel="icon" href='data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><text x="16" y="16" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle" font-size="32">πŸ§‘β€πŸš€</text></svg>'/>
bret and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
It doesn't seem truncated in Firefox on my Mac
barnaby joined the channel
the favicon in the tab, not the title in the body, sorry
[Ros] joined the channel
I don't think I've seen a favicon / rel=icon dones with an inline svg before. I'm amazed it sort of works! In an SVG there are likely several options for setting bounding box and setting size of text contents?
yeah, I'm wondering why my combination doesn't work / what combination would work (hopefully regardless of the glyph being used and specifics of the OS emoji font)
ie, how do I make an XxX SVG with an emoji filling the space as precisely as possible.
https://emojipedia.org/man-astronaut#designs shows the variations of sizing across platforms. curious if you have options to grow or shrink the emoji to fit.
yeah I was hoping for a portable solution. FWIW went with the gender-neutral https://emojipedia.org/astronaut
[edit] yeah I was hoping for a portable solution. FWIW went with the gender-neutral https://emojipedia.org/astronaut
btrem and barnaby joined the channel
[edit] yeah I was hoping for a portable solution (can't even think of a non-portable one short of serving different assets based on UA). FWIW went with the gender-neutral https://emojipedia.org/astronaut
Lea's answer gave some padding by setting font size to 0.9em https://x.com/LeaVerou/status/1241619866475474946
[Jo] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
yeah, I can estimate the right padding and hope for the best across systems, but that feels suboptimal
aaronpk: How can I pursue the new discovery coding?
i just linked to a commit for the changes that are required on a client: https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/issues/133#issuecomment-2128148627
and just below that in the thread i described the changes on my indieauth server
[preview] [aaronpk] I just implemented this in webmention.io and indielogin.com. Here's the PR that adds support to indielogin.com as a client: https://github.com/aaronpk/indielogin.com/pull/117/files
so you could add the new behavior to the wordpress indieauth server pretty quick i bet
I'm willing to give it a try
[tantek], ttybitnik and gerben joined the channel