#dev 2024-05-27
2024-05-27 UTC
geoffo and bterry joined the channel
cophee Is it possible to link my fed.brid.gy to my notes page rather than the home page from Mastodon? @[snarfed]
eitilt, PuercoPop, GuestZero and barnaby joined the channel; PuercoPop left the channel
capjamesg[d] I'm about 80% of the way there with my new static site generator and I am able to load my script and build 1768 pages in 3s on GitHub Actions.

capjamesg[d] The whole process in the Action, including uploading assets and creating the environment, takes 30 seconds. This is a 2m:30s improvement over the last system (although not all features are implemented yet, the network-related features not yet added will probably add ~30s to the build time).

cophee capjamesg[d]: so fast!!!!
GuestZero joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I think I can make it faster 😜

capjamesg[d] Wrong emoji 😂

capjamesg[d] I meant 😉

Soni irregular reminder that universal web search is colonialism
Soni prompted by: so many ppl are trying to make or asking for more of those .-.
[Paul_Robert_Ll] joined the channel
[Paul_Robert_Ll] @cophee Not tried, but might be possible to create theme plugins for Indiekit. However, am thinking I of possibly rebuilding the frontend using Web Awesome components which, once released would means you could use their theming tools (and their documentation etc.)
GuestZero joined the channel
cophee [Paul_Robert_Ll]: That would be exciting!
pcarrier[d] capjamesg[d] did you change how you generate IDs on your blog? just got a bunch of reposts in my reader

pcarrier[d] sorry feed IDs

capjamesg[d] pcarrier[d] I was hoping that wouldn't happen. I think it may have been my missing a slash on the URLs.

capjamesg[d] There shouldn't be any more changes.

capjamesg[d] I'm moving to my new site generator now.

GuestZero_, nertzy and geoffo joined the channel
aaronpk I added gondola in the latest Overland update!! https://media.aaronpk.com/2024/05/27091144-1440.png

geoffo and GuestZero joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Makes sense to me. I’ve taken tuk-tuk rides in the past, and might again in the future.

pcarrier[d] indielogin is down to github and email right?

pcarrier[d] well, and native IndieAuth which I don't quite understand yet?

[jeremycherfas] [Zegnat]’s suggestion of post-trip editing works for me. I do that also when I forget to end a trip.

pcarrier[d] aaronpk[d] pgp is documented as not working AFAICT; how would I make it work? I do have a PGP key linked on my homepage

pcarrier[d] ah, link rel="pgpkey"

pcarrier[d] hmmm would be nice for the popup with the challenge to contain the exact command

pcarrier[d] or supporting SSH signatures 🙂

pcarrier[d] "There was an error verifying the signature. Please try again."

pcarrier[d] I suspect I'm hitting an impossibility. Almost certainly following instructions but it cannot verify. Also

pcarrier[d] > Sorry, I'm having issues with the PGP method so I'm turning this off for now.

GuestZero, eitilt and geoffo joined the channel
sarajaksa, chimo_, [Joe_Crawford] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] cophee hmm, I don't follow "Is it possible to link my http://fed.brid.gy to my notes page rather than the home page from Mastodon?" I assume "notes page" is your web site, but "home page from Mastodon" is Mastodon...?
bterry and geoffo joined the channel