2024-05-30 UTC
gerben, barnaby, alephalpha0, jjuran, AramZS, erscheinung[d], mauromotion[d], pcarrier[d], [Joe_Crawford], [schmarty], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [snarfed], [aciccarello], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [Jo], [Ros], Maxpm and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
barnaby and [gerwitz] joined the channel
# 11:35 [gerwitz] ↩️ That 👴 hurts those of us who hosted web pages before Netscape
nertzy and barnaby joined the channel; mcepl left the channel
# 13:25 [Paul_Robert_Ll] ↩️ :male_zombie:
geoffo, barnaby, [qubyte], DJ_[dj_je][d], [schmarty], gRegor, [benatwork] and schmudde joined the channel
# 19:36 Loqi [preview] [Tantek Çelik] Yesterday I proposed the idea of a “minimum interesting service worker” that could provide a link (or links) to archives or mirrors when your site was unavailable as one possible solution to the desire to make personal #indieweb sites more reliab...
# 19:38 Loqi [tantek] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (107 in all channels)
[snarfed] and sp1ff joined the channel
# 20:54 [KevinMarks] I did like that when I read it. My take has always been that it's not big data that's the problem, it's messy data.
barnaby joined the channel
# 21:03 capjamesg[d] [Joe_Crawford] Yes. I don't build end-user apps, but if I did I'd want as little data as possible. It makes my life easier.
# 21:08 gRegor [tantek], cool service worker idea. I remember reading a kinda related idea where their site checked if external links were not responding and would redirect to the IA version of them when you clicked through.
# 21:10 gRegor seems like it. didn't work in monocle preview either
# 21:19 [snarfed] capjamesg looks like that URL requires some header(s), it works in browsers but not with plain curl
# 21:35 Loqi [preview] [flethj] #3672 Bug: There was an error adding new feed: Item not found
# 21:36 [snarfed] capjamesg first step is to figure out which header(s) or similar it's expecting
# 21:36 [snarfed] then you can fetch it with those and then use granary to convert
nertzy joined the channel