#dev 2024-06-06

2024-06-06 UTC
jacky, geoffo, sebbu and strugee_ joined the channel
Good morning, IndieWeb!
capjamesg[d] gm
good morning!
*yawn* ... /stretch/
strugee, GuestZero, barnabywalters, barnaby, [capjamesg] and chee joined the channel
I finally wrote up my recommendation to write h-feed instead of RSS/Atom, etc., and convert as needed: https://jamesg.blog/2024/06/06/publish-h-feed/
[preview] Publish a h-feed, then convert to other formats
you could put an e-content in your example and explain the summary/content dichotomy (It's also one of the things that RSS makes really confusing)
What does the e-content do there?
I didn't explain it because I don't know all the details.
h-feed has name/summary/content in ascending order of detail. If your feed is showing the entire post, use content. If it's an abbreviated version, use summary. This maps to title/summary/content in Atom (and ActivityPub) RSS has title/description and description is ambiguous between summary and full content. Some feeds include the Atom namespace to distinguish content
RSS is ambiguous in several important aspects (this summary/content thing, whether elements contain html or escapd html or plaintext etc) which means parsers have to use heuristics to make sense of it
nertzy, barnaby, GuestZero, jacky, jjuran_, sebsel and [pfefferle] joined the channel
capjamesg has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (198 in all channels)
[KevinMarks]++ that could be a summary post on your site, to be cited 🙂
[KevinMarks] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (33 in all channels)
parnikkapore_x and [manton] joined the channel
Congrats [snarfed] on the Bridgy Fed coverage!
GuestZero joined the channel
Also @apjamesg, just catching up on the JSON Feed support. Very cool. Glad it’s simple to work with, that was the goal.
I’ve been traveling and a little out of touch… Has there been any discussion about Bridgy Fed scaling and whether it needs more support from the community? Feels like maybe the server costs will bump up with the Bluesky bridge, but no idea.
Alternatively, it might be interesting to imagine a way to federate self-hosted iterations
thanks [manton]! and yeah [KevinMarks] the Swedish community jumped on it early, https://mastodonsweden.se/@doktorzjivago is a big advocate
re sustainability and costs, yup, they jumped a lot last month. I expected it, I deliberately hadn't tried to optimize, wanted to figure out architecture and functionality first. I didn't worry, I knew roughly how I'd optimize
this has come up before with Bridgy, granary, etc. in general I'm fine, don't really want or need donations, it's one of the ways I donate to the community
if I made it self-host-able, 1) only a small fraction of people ever would, so costs wouldn't change much, 2) shipping and (particularly) supporting installable software is arguablly harder than running a service, all else equal, and 3) we'd have much more pressure to figure out https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/800 , which is still a problem
[manton] on an unrelated note, have you looked at Farcaster in http://micro.blog yet? I've been heads down building out Bluesky and fediverse and fixing bugs, but I'm itching to get back to new protocols like that
Hmmm interesting. Yeah, I think the alsoKnownAs model is a common one used in a few other places in a similar style. I wonder how Nostr solves this? They have a conceit of multiple nodes that transmit the same data to others in the network where a user can have a subscription to multiple nodes that transmit the same data.
those are nodes, though, not user identities
alsoKnownAs is useful, but not enough on its own. we'd need a way for people to say this one (or these ones) are my _canonical_ accounts on this network. don't create any new bridged accounts for me here, use one of these existing ones instead
[snarfed] how far did we get in our discussion of building on existing rel=me usage and semantics for this
good question, not sure
AramZS, which places have working implementations of "the alsoKnownAs model" and do they have docs of their support?
GuestZero joined the channel
revised https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/800 to add emphasis to existing approaches like rel=me
[schmarty] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
Sounds like rel="canonical me" or the u-uid in h-card
gRegor, [qubyte], GuestZero, barnaby and lagomorph_ joined the channel
[tantek] I think you will appreciate the design of computer programs undertones in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKR2UZdRpV0
jjuran, GuestZero and barnaby joined the channel
[tantek] not that exact prop but `sameAs` in Schema.org and `canonical` in meta tag practice both have the same concept
but I may have misunderstood the problem
AramZS I don't know of any implementations using Schema SameAs (nor what impact it would have in those implementations), and rel=canonical is for linking back from syndicated, archived, or other variants of content back to the original. Quite different from identity consolidation.
[snarfed] any challenges with Bridgy Publish to GitHub with this? https://infosec.exchange/@0xabad1dea/112570479544951985
thanks capjamesg[d] I'll take a look!
I know you like text summaries [tantek]. Here is mine: "FB Infer was built by listening to engineers’ problems and coming up with solutions to those; undecidability problems are more tractable if you approximate results, or work on a limited subset instead of the general case. — start from a single case, then grow from there. Work by hand first.
- instead of rewriting the world, work with what you have."
The principles were most interesting to me.
ooooooh that sounds quite resonant yes!
There was a terrific tutorial for handwriting SVG in the last year or two. Anyone remember this?
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks]++ for sharing the Honeycomb blog post.
[KevinMarks] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
Absolutely fascinating
barnaby joined the channel
AHA! This was it. [Al_Abut] this was the SVG tutorial which was so terrific. https://www.nan.fyi/svg-paths
so many things to be added to /SVG so we can more easily rediscover them!
[Al_Abut] joined the channel
Ooo, that SVG tutorial looks fun. Thanks for the link [Joe_Crawford]!
I like the new-ish trend of devs creating their own interactive tutorials, like an indie collective of free http://Brilliant.org courses. I find the format splits the difference between video and text really well, like sharing a codepen.
Josh Comeau’s tutorials helped me wrap my head around CSS Grid and I’m working my way through his Flex tutorial too (which is way longer and inherently more complicated)
The little widgets you drag around to change the output are super fun
A good interactive tutorial is absolutely incredible. I'm reminded of a few of Bret Victor's talks. https://worrydream.com/
[tantek] thanks for the nudge! fortunately no, granary's github code handles github ids as strings internally
bterry1 joined the channel
oops, for some reason session garbage collection was turned off and my disk ran out of inodes
lol wow some of these session files are from 2017
jacky, barnaby, saptaks and oxtyped joined the channel
[snarfed] I’ve only given Farcaster a cursory look so far. Mostly I was looking at their “frames” meta tag stuff, not really in-depth on the protocol level.