#dev 2024-06-07

2024-06-07 UTC
barnaby joined the channel
gRegor, barnaby and jacky joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Bret Victor is literally visionary. I’m friends with the guys that tried to bring his ideas to life with light table and eve, anyone remember those wildly experimental IDEs?
[jeremycherfas], [lcs] and GuestZero joined the channel
GuestZero, barnaby, hacdias, IWSlackGateway, [aciccarello], [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], [Al_Abut], [snarfed], [schmarty], [pfefferle], [tantek], [lcs], [manton], [qubyte], [Joe_Crawford], jacky, AramZS, geoffo and [asuh] joined the channel
I'm hanging out in the Social CG telcon, reply-chains and reply-contexts came up in discussion. Pointed people to https://indieweb.org/reply-context
Our reply-chain page could use some gardening, verifying & updating of IndieWeb Examples in particular
[acegiak_net] do you have a permalink to a post of yours that displays a reply-chain? Trying to find a permalink to use a citation in https://indieweb.org/reply-chain#Ashton_McAllan
alright, since I don't have time to dig into individual sites to try to find permalinks I'm going to split this list of IndieWeb Examples into three subsections, effectively: actual examples (implied by being top of list), Maybe Examples (e.g. lacks a permalink demonstrating the technology / features, request for such to move it up), and Past Examples (as in other pages, examples where links or domains have broken)
rrix_, GuestZero, [Ros] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Woah, I just discovered the Bridgy site bridge, @example.com@web.brid.gy. How long has this worked? Very cool!
[manton]: Did you catch that feedback for micro.blog that came out of HWC Pacific? gRegor filed it.
It makes me think that we need to document some unanticipated webmention stuff in a place people can find it.
Maybe the implementation guide page
GuestZero joined the channel
@GWG Yeah, I saw it but haven’t had a chance to dig in yet. I’ll try to review today.
barnaby joined the channel
[manton] thanks! I mean, that's what it originally launched as back in 2017, web <=> AP
I added Atom/RSS support more recently if that's what you mean, https://snarfed.org/2024-01-09_51810
I added Atom/RSS support more recently if that's what you mean, https://snarfed.org/2024-01-09_51810
[preview] [Ryan Barrett] Bridgy Fed now supports all web sites! You can now use it from the fediverse to see and follow any site, regardless of whether it has microformats2, webmentions, or WebFinger. Bridgy Fed extracts as much profile info as it can, generates fediverse po...
[preview] [Ryan Barrett] Bridgy Fed now supports all web sites! You can now use it from the fediverse to see and follow any site, regardless of whether it has microformats2, webmentions, or WebFinger. Bridgy Fed extracts as much profile info as it can, generates fediverse po...
[manton]: I'm curious because I want to consider the same scenario in my code.
[tantek]: Wish you'd been there for that chat, it was your sort of conversation
barnaby and chimo joined the channel
[snarfed] if someone enables fediverse sharing in threads, can I follow them in bluesky via http://fed.brid.gy?
oh, they have to follow @bsky.brid.gy@bsky.brid.gy? So I can't follow @potus.threads.net.ap.brid,gy then
[KevinMarks] right now, yes. and Threads users can't yet follow fediverse users, so they can't yet self sereve enable the bridge
could you make a threads account for them to follow to enable it?
not one I can access programmatically, since their API isn't available yet
ah, right. I suppose you could enable it by default if they have fedi sharing on, but that is maybe a little presumptuous
[schmarty] joined the channel
This labeller already has a badge for the situation https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:i65enriuag7n5fgkopbqtkyk
ttybitnik joined the channel