#dev 2024-06-08

2024-06-08 UTC
barnaby, geoffo, barnabywalters and eitilt joined the channel
Good morning, IndieWeb!
jacky, barnaby and rrix joined the channel
hello capjamesg[d] !
I keep posting my good mornings in the dev channel 😂
Good morning, wing_wingpang_com_[d] !
I hope your travels are going well!
mretka joined the channel
lanodan joined the channel
GuestZero, alecjonathon, nnrx, eb, srushe, suki, roxwize, capjamesg, ancarda, okCiel, vikanezrimaya, barnaby, AramZS, chimo, geoffo and GWG joined the channel
[snarfed] Cool. I think I missed that it worked without configuring your blog to route AP requests to Bridgy. In my head it was just custom domains.
[tantek] I think of `rel=canonical` and `SameAs` or `isBasedOn` as ways to consolidate different versions of one thing to point at a single point of truth for that thing. If you add the markup to make that thing an identity page vs any other type of page they're very useful for--conceptually--something like what it seems we were talking about.
I am thinking more specifically about how it combines with the Person object, I have some notes in the lower half of this blog post here: https://aramzs.github.io/jekyll/schema-dot-org/2018/04/27/how-to-make-your-jekyll-site-structured.html
Prob worth me writing up these ideas a little more formally
( The #are-you-a-person-tell-me-how header specifically, forgot I gave headers proper IDs on that site )
AramZS, there's been lots of ways, markup and otherwise, proposed for things like that over the years. I am much less interested in diving into architectural theoreticals (how it could work) than what if any of them are actually implemented by any implementations today.
I don't think lack of ideas / proposals is the problem
IMO the key question / challenge is which if any have been successfully implemented and adopted and proven to actually work in practice
Makes sense. I do think that the rel=me approach that's been adopted by a bunch of sites indicates that there is an interest in multi-site identities that point to a central identity page though? Using similar markup is how I think about leaning into that approach
This is why I am deeply skeptical about "SameAs" or "isBasedOn" etc. Has that theoretical Sem Web smell which is no path to anything useful, as in anything that works as a user-feature that actually solves a user problem
Right, rel=me has proven adoption and functionality.
As (supposedly) rel=canonical does with search engines (though with zero way to actually verify it is doing anything)
Most of Schema org is handwaving on Google documentation — nearly zero if any noticeable impact on anything anywhere, and it involves unnecessarily complex invisible JSON-LD data-islands hidden in HTML. It's completely ignorable by default IMO.
Schemaorg-- by default I am saying, not even worth discussion. Overly complex design, lack of any evidence of anything useful by/for anyone
Schemaorg has -1 karma over the last year
The collapsing redundant bridges thing is an interesting very specific use-case. And I similarly trust [snarfed] to be both skeptical of proposals and practically minded about what is the simplest thing that works today or could work today.
A lot of crawlers other than google do look at rel=canonical, almost every piece of crawler code I've looked at or used looks at it in some way. If it is the right choice for this particular problem I'm not sure, but it is certainly in broad use.
I am very interested in the problem though, I like the idea of being able to host a backup/redundant bridge
geoffo and barnabywalters joined the channel
Yes a fallback or redundant bridge is an interesting use case
rrix_, barnaby, gRegor, geoffo and [Al_Abut] joined the channel