#dev 2024-06-11

2024-06-11 UTC
[fluffy] joined the channel
when you migrate a site to another domain, does anyone here use rel=canonical on the old site to link to new permalinks etc. so that Google and other search engines as they recrawl both new and old domains prefer the new domain and re-assign any credibility etc. to it?
[tantek] yeah the old URLs redirect to the new-old domain now
and secondarily, do we have a "backlink" rel value for canonical? like rel=alternate or something?
on my thing
so that services like IndieNews can use the new URLs to discover the old URLs in their database and replace/update them?
(replying to your post in #indieweb not the thing you just posted here)
(only on confirmed alternate/canonical bidirectional links obviously)
redirect is good
that works as an alternative (so to speak) to rel=canonical
I hadn’t even been thinking about the syndication links when I flipped stuff over and I don’t really have any way to automatically push the update mentions to the old domain
er, from the old domain to indienews
like pageA -> rel=alternate -> pageB -> redirectsTo -> pageA should work for this
right, this is for the case(s) when update mentions are not practical (for any reason)
in essence a way for only the new link to send a webmention and have the receiver interpret the update purely from follow your nose discovery
oh that also reminds me I need to update my pushl config, like it would have been pulling from the old domain but it sent the updates from the new one
{{lifeofpablo}}, barnaby, geoffo and [snarfed] joined the channel
hey standards people, vendor prefixing is now generally discouraged, right? does anyone have a good link that describes that arc, ie its rise and fall and why it's now considered a bad idea?
https://indieweb.org/Vendor-prefix links to https://alistapart.com/article/the-vendor-prefix-predicament-alas-eric-meyer-interviews-tantek-celik/ , which is good early foreshadowing, but more "here are some problems that make us suspicious," I'm hoping for something maybe a bit broader and more authoritative
[snarfed] add it to the things I need to blog about 😂 😭
lol sorry and thanks
(I get why it's maybe considered net harmful now, I'm on board, I'd just love something good to cite)
[snarfed] the mf2 scoped usage of prefixing is an interesting exception IMO
as in it prevents more harm than it has potential to cause
looking forward to the post 😆
i thought it was the X- prefixing that was bad, not necessarily vendor prefixing
geoffo joined the channel
I guess I was conflating the two, thought both were now considered bad
eitilt, to2ds, SoniEx2 and bterry1 joined the channel
They are different
of course
but overlap, especially (I expect?) the downsides
a little yes, some similar downsides, usually via different paths though
blog post! blog post!
barnabywalters and barnaby joined the channel
barnaby, Loqi, Maxpm and bacardi55[m] joined the channel
just seeing this: https://conspirator0.substack.com/p/federation-and-political-spam (spam from Nostr via one Bridge to Mastodon, then via Bridgy Fed to Bluesky)
barnabywalters, GuestZero_, [KevinMarks], mretka, Renfield, Guest6, AramZS, robalex, GuestZero, barnaby, [mattl], [jacky], jjuran, timmarinin, gRegor, [Al_Abut], Salt, ttybitnik, geoffo and amyiscoolz_ joined the channel
current vendor prefixing debate for Bridgy Fed and Bluesky, in case anyone's interested: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1092#issuecomment-2159598995 and down
[preview] [snarfed] Another useful point here: there's a ton of prior art in the standards community on this kind of vendor prefixing. Notably, my understanding is that they generally now discourage it and believe it did more harm than good in ecosystems like CSS, HTTP ...