#dev 2024-06-20

2024-06-20 UTC
Has anyone used the video tag to embed videos hosted at the internet archive?
You know, without needing any JS, naturally
I thought we do on the wiki for session videos
[asuh] joined the channel
From the noscript part of the URL https://archive.org/embed/indieweb-summit-2019-state-of-the-indieweb which was the iframe.
Looks like a bog standard html5 video.
And if you want a no JS way to switch between videos use CSS {display: none;} and :target {display: inline-block;} with anchors.
Yes we should embed them on the individual session pages
{{lifeofpablo}}, [lifeofpablo], jeremycherfas, geoffo, barnaby, chadsix, [jeremycherfas], [Scout], morganwebdev, barnabywalters, nertzy, gRegorLove_, AramZS and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[snarfed] btw you may be interested in the current SWICG call on data portability discussing details of https://swicg.github.io/activitypub-data-portability/lola.html (could impact Bridgy Fed?)
(apologies I just joined myself, 30min remaining in call)
for the record, W3C calendar event (with meeting details) https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/d83b5200-20aa-49c3-a1d0-851392df2f53/
So currently looking for work. I realize this may not be the place, but I love the indieweb, webrings, activitypub, scuttlebutt, etc. Does anyone here know of folks that work in the fediverse space that are hiring, or adjacent worlds? I get that most of the https://fediverse.party/. is open source tech and thats wonderful, just would be fun to work on those things full time rather than in the dead of night. So looking for companies or coops
that are working on that sphere of tech.
barnaby, [Jo] and geoffo joined the channel
[tantek] yes! I talk with Lisa pretty regularly, I've reviewed and advised on LOLA
[bneil] for fediverse specifically, try Ghost or Meta (Threads)? Flipboard too, but I don't think they're hiring right now
[snarfed] thanks for that, currently going down the list at http://landscape.cncf.io to find fun projects. but will check out ghost. omg.lol needs to hire
wish I could say Auttomatic too! unclear how much they're actively investing in fediverse right now though, beyond the WP plugin
H4kor joined the channel
[snarfed] excellent! Glad to hear it. Today's SWICG Data Portability TF minutes if you're curious: https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2024-06-20
hacdias, ipv6rs, StarrWulfe and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Is it me or does this sound like a bad way to do this compared to an h-card or rel=me links?
StarrWulfe joined the channel
Very move-fast-and-break-things vibe in the that discussion. Sure, just plop something into a fediverse: namespace with documentation to come.
mlncn joined the channel
It does seem kind of strange that OpenGraph didn't have a top-level 'creator' label aside from site_name.
[KevinMarks] <link rel="author" href="..." /> solved this problem exactly before. There was zero reason to invent this new metacrap
what is rel-author
rel-author is a microformat for linking a post to the URL representing its author https://indieweb.org/rel%3Dauthor
it's really page-level so I'll update that
ttybitnik joined the channel
all these need simple how tos with clear copy/paste examples
need to make these things easier for folks to discover and copy/paste
not as much fun as making up a new meta tag
Yeah, it's just bad. They're creating a specific tag for the Mastodon/ActivityPub username, and haven't done anything to solve the problem of verifying that the username listed is really associated with the content except for trusting it when it comes from specific websites configured per-Mastodon-instance.
that seems...terrible?
Unless I'm really misreading the whole thing, it is shockingly bad and seems driven by the very specific use case that they're going to have to revisit when they realize how dumb and limited what they did is.
I guess the fact that PR is labeled as "ui" is a signal about what was important about it.
[develumpen] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], aaronpk, jimwins, for your review: https://indieweb.org/rel-author#How_to
I'm going to edit my site to provide the link rel=author example
I can understand not wanting to go down the whole semantic web / RDF / whatever rabbit hole, but this is just profoundly lazy. At least make a half-gesture towards OpenGraph and make it be article:author:fediverse or something instead of inventing some new top-level thing.
wow this is already merged and deployed on mastodon.social too?
[tantek] Maybe the page should point to how someone might resolve that the rel="author" assertion is true, or at least that it's an issue?
who would that be for
I mean I should probably link to /authorship which goes into that
If you have a page that asserts that the author is someone, I think you'd want some mechanism so that an author could verify that, or disavow that. Mastodon's solution is just to trust that if a page asserts it's authored by the specified fediverse:creator (which is a Fediverse account name) and they trust the site that page is on, they'll display the authorship.
oof yeah that's not a good solution 😬
because all it takes is rogue servers and you're done
and I'm sure there are none of those (rogue Masto servers) out there πŸ‘€
what is authorship
authorship is how to indicate who the author is for a post, and an algorithm that determines the author of a post https://indieweb.org/authorship
Yeah, and their model of each instance building their own list of trusted publishers is.. not great.
what does "trusted publishers system from trends" mean?
It's a really hard problem that they just sort of said "Leeroy Jenkins!" and did whatever made it so that they can start showing preview cards for articles on Wired or whatever.
aaronpk: Mastodon has a page of "Trending links" but it will only include links if the instance admin has said that links from that site are trustworthy, or at least that's how I understand it. (Not a Masto instance admin.)
I assume, behind the scenes, there's probably a page for admins that says "here's some publishers you could approve so their links start showing up as trending links".
Which for an instance like mastodon.social, sure. But for all those fediverse instances running with part-time, volunteer admins? Now they've tied whether preview cards can link to your Mastodon profile to whether your admin is on top of managing that list of approved publishers for trending links.
yeah wow what
how is that a good idea
StarrWulfe joined the channel
I think they're trying to solve for the "problem" of journalists not being on Mastodon/Fediverse, and just sort of flailing around to do it.
Meanwhile, media just will have icons/links for three different Meta accounts and all the journalists will just still be on Twitter or maybe moved over to Blue Sky.
the whole FB + Instagram + Threads thing is pretty funny but that's probably better for #indieweb-random at this point
true true
at least it now links to the prior discussion of the issue with examples
Yeah, back towards indieweb-dev space, I think what would have been a mf2-friendly way to specify this is maybe h-card u-url acct:user@mastodon.social or something along those lines.
no need for acct:
mastodon et al already have to do URL -> username etc. look up in other places
so we can re-use that
and "just" do author == URL
and hook into their existing code
point being, link rel=author solves the "simple" problem that is just as good/simple/easy as a new meta tag
if they (e.g. Mastodon) want to add more restrictions / semantics like "approved publisher list" or whatever malarkey they can do that independently
goal here is to eliminate the reason/excuse for a new meta tag
But how do I specify that a particular URL associated with me is an account on the Fediverse?
what does "account on the Fediverse" mean?
The difference between rel=author (which would be 'https://trainedmonkey.com' for me) and Mastodon's new fediverse:creator which would be 'jimw@mefi.social'. On trainedmonkey.com, I could create an h-card with a u-url that pointed at https://mefi.social/@jimw but there's nothing to indicate that's a Fediverse identity (actor?). There's no u-email equivalent for Mastodon/Fediverse which is what fediverse:creator is trying to be, I
[preview] Jim Winstead Jr.
I think (could be wrong) that acct:jimw@mefi.social would be similar to mailto:jimw@trainedmonkey.com and then they're both just a u-url.
jimwins, the indieweb use-case is your domain is your "fediverse identity"
e.g. for me @tantek.com
or if you have an older implementation that requires an @-@: @tantek.com@tantek.com
if you're talking about "how do I link to other identities of me" that's handled with rel=me
what happens if i POSSE a blog post to a larger publication and want that to indicate my website as the author?
jimwins you have already solve this problem with rel=me yourself! <li><a rel="me" href="https://mefi.social/@jimw">@jimw@mefi.social</a></li>
re: "there's nothing to indicate that's a Fediverse identity (actor?)." -> ok if that's the use-case, then perhaps we need a specific rel value to add to 'me' for that in particular
Right, but if a Mastodon client, say, is following a rel="author" link, they only way they could know that is a Mastodon account so they can show a "Follow" button is to check every rel="me" link to see if it is a Mastodon server.
on the flip side, why can't a Mastodon client show a "Follow" button for any website? or at least any website with a "feed"?
shouldn't that be the way to fix this problem? rather than elevating a "Fediverse identity (actor?)." ?
ok, per capjamesg[d]'s encouragement to do something with my website, I have updated my homepage head element code just a little
I now have
```<link rel="author self" href="https://tantek.com/"/>```
[preview] Tantek Γ‡elik
to both demonstrate link rel=author and serve as a test for consuming code of link rel=author OR rel=self
making sure they are parsing the rel attribute as a space separated set of values
jimwins, my goal is to improve the https://indieweb.org/rel-author page so someone can reply to that Mastodon PR/issue with, "Please use a standard link rel=author instead of making up a new meta tag"
LMK what else you'd like to see on that page so we can do that and hopefully have it considered seriously
What happens if I have more than one <link rel="author" href="...">. Does that represent multiple authors?
what is rel-self
It looks like we don't have a page for "rel-self" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "rel-self is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jimwins yes, multiple rel=author represents co-authors for the page
I always forget the WebSub use-case for rel=self
let me see if I can read the spec and load that back into my head (so to speak)
So I think a goal would be for Mastodon to see <link rel="author" href="https://trainedmonkey.com/">, load that page to parse out the microformats to find the h-card that says "this is my Mastodon/Fediverse handle" but right now there's no way to specify that in h-card. What they've implemented is <link rel="fediverse:creator" content="..."> which just gets them that handle directly (and they use WebFinger to figure out my name a
[preview] Jim Winstead Jr.
jimwins, what I'm saying is rather than "parse out the microformats to find the h-card", Mastodon can already find your rel=me to your "Mastodon/Fediverse handle"
But the rel="me" is just a URL, how can it tell that is a Mastodon/Fediverse handle?
for the record, e.g. IndieWebify finds your Mastodon profile: https://indiewebify.me/validate-rel-me/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftrainedmonkey.com%2F
jimwins, that's why I said "then perhaps we need a specific rel value to add to 'me' for that in particular"
It finds that the URLs https://mefi.social/@jimw and https://trainedmonkey.com/ serve up web pages that have mutual rel=me links, it doesn't know that one is a Mastodon/Fediverse presence.
ok so we have the "verify" bit solved (mutual rel=me links, if you trust one then you trust the other)
Now if I could had rel="me" href="acct:jimw@mefi.social", it could know what it was dealing with. and whatever the URL scheme for a blue sky identity looks like.
acct: does not mean "Mastodon/Fediverse handle"
it could be any account on any kind of server
that's the problem with "acct:" β€” it doesn't add anything beyond a profile URL
acct has -2 karma over the last year
well, whatever URI scheme should or could exist for such a thing. (I just see that Mastodon uses acct: internally for some of this.)
I think we should consider a solution to this that is also aligned with https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/17030
[preview] [ClearlyClaire] #17030 Ditching the webfinger requirement
(rel="self" is from https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4287.html. Atom, my old friend!)
yes it's originally from there but got re-used for a slightly different use-case in WebSub AFAIK
well, it's what get blame/credit for it on https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml
ah this: "This is the preferred URI for retrieving Atom Feed Documents representing this Atom feed." should have been done with rel=canonical
maybe I'll add that too
the WebSub references for it eventually lead to the Atom spec, too.
looks like in WebSub, self is supposed to point to a feed.
correct, and when you feed is an h-feed on your home page, you can literally point self at your home page
can be any url, doesn't have to be a feed
ok, that makes sense
"rel=self set to the canonical URL of the topic being updated"
ok, from the atom spec: The value "self" signifies that the IRI in the value of the href attribute identifies a resource equivalent to the containing element.
which is so vague as to be indistinguishable from rel=alternate
yeah, the examples from the WebSub spec kind of imply that it's a way to say 'this is the URL for this resource in this format without having to send an Accept: header'
I'm also not beholden to WebSub either, I supported it at the time because it seemed to be what other folks needed for various purposes. Implementer interest in WebSub seems to have not gone very far in the past 5+ years though, and before that I think maybe aaronpk and cweiske developed their own hubs?
i did, i suppose it's still out there doing something
I think what's missing are active implementations that use hubs
the real problem is still needing to fetch content as an authenticated user in order to get limited-audience posts working
e.g. Aperture doesn't consume WebSub does it?
it should
it should as in it's implemented, or it should as in it should eventually implement it?
i'm pretty sure it's implemented
I have granary generate my Atom feed and it includes a rel-self at the feed level itself, with the granary url, then one within each entry, with my permalink.
not 100% sure
It's been a couple years, but I recall playing with websub and seeing it show up quickly in Monocle
The feed-level rel-self and rel-hub in the Atom is for WebSub. https://gregorlove.com/stream/feed.atom
I guess my problem is (problems are) that the WebSub spec does not say what any consuming implementations are supposed to do with rel=self
[preview] [EdwardHinkle] #18 Add support for WebSub
I think that gets at the real issue of "WebSub support" -> how is this making real time posts on people's clients show up?
without having to do polling every second
I think WebSub picked up the Atom rel=self because it was initially (as PuSH) designed with Atom feeds in mind, so it needed the link back to the Web version
Mastodon had a WebSub implementation before adopting AP
No that issue is adding websub as a publisher to aperture
So that Aperture clients can get faster updates
There's a note about rel=self for migrations https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/#subscription-migration
On the replacing webfinger topic, I still like this follow your nose suggestion https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/AccountDiscovery#Brainstorming