#dev 2024-07-17

2024-07-17 UTC
barnaby, [tantek], [Murray], [Otto_Rask], [aciccarello], [jacky], kushal, alephalpha0, johnbrtt, bterry1, gRegor, zicklepop, Soni, ms_boba[d], e-snail, candidcorvidae, rjomara585, IWDiscord, GuestZero and bennyp joined the channel
hello! I'd like some help debugging my h-card at https://bennypowers.dev. There's a .u-photo in my .h-card, but it is not detected at https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbennypowers.dev%2F
[preview] bp
GuestZero joined the channel
bennp It looks like you may have to h-cards on the page?
*two h-cards
Wait, no.
I ran it through the pin13 microformats tool https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbennypowers.dev%2F. It shows two h-cards but you only have one on the page.
[preview] Benny Powers
good times!
is there an inverse of `hidden=from-humans`?
the header nav markup is duplicated for mobile responsive purposes
maybe i should just prefer to put the whole h-card in a hidden=from-humans and have two separate content elements, one for web, one for indieweb
i have a .vcard on the page
that's probably the issue
mretka and Kaja joined the channel
thank you @capjamesg
gRegor, Testing, srushe, capjamesg, gambero, hs0ucy, lockywolf, DJ_[dj_je][d], sdavidprince, oxtyped, rrix and GuestZero joined the channel
if anyone is interested in giving me pointers, here's my site. It's shaping up to be a mix of editorials about my experience in tech and a place to document messing around with stuff in my collection. The goal is to stick with only HTML/CSS, and focus on the writing as I improve my voice. I don't have very many readers that I know of, yet, but I am happy to link your site on my links page if you want.
sdavidprince joined the channel
sdavidprince your site can only have one webmention endpoint (at least per page). Bridgy's isn't for backfeed, it's for converting incoming webmentions to comments on hosted blog sites like Blogger. if you're using http://webmention.io, you don't need it
What about syndicate copies shared like from social platforms
...what about them?
Would webmention.io also get them
responses on those syndicated copies, via Bridgy, ie backfeed, yes
but your site's webmention endpoint is different, you don't need (or want) to point it to Bridgy for that
Meaning I can still use bridgy service without the endpoints?
yes. if you want to store your webmentions in http://webmention.io, use its endpoint, not Bridgy's
Ah okay thanks. I've made the adjustments. Hoping for a positive change
GuestZero, candidcorvidae, Zic and dragon50001 joined the channel
Zic: you're right, IndieWeb and ActivityPub do overlap, as do other decentralized social networking protocols: OStatus (ActivityPub's predecessor), ATProto, Nostr, Farcaster, etc
barnaby joined the channel
@snarfed If I like the idea of ​​IndieWeb (same as ActivityPub) plus it offers more possibilities in decentralized networks can I freely disable the ActivityPub plugin?
barnabywalters joined the channel
um, yes? you can do whatever you want on your own web site 😁
IndieWeb (ie microformats + webmentions) is different from ActivityPub. if you want to interact with people on the fediverse from your web site, you still need that plugin
barnabywalters, GuestZero and gRegor joined the channel
A few weeks ago we were talking about LaTeX formatting and MathML in FrESH and the UK IWCs. I just came across a novel usage of fractions in a recent science fiction book. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embassytown
Well, not recent. 2011. Oops.
A while back I switched my static site generator over from rendering LaTeX to SVG to rendering it in MathML. It’s not _quite_ as nice visually, but I still like it.
barnaby and Zic joined the channel
@snarfed Thanks for the info. I thought IndieWeb uses the ActivityPub protocol in their stack. They do indeed use microformats
IndieBlocks has its own Webmention? How to understand the following sentence from the plugin description in WordPress:
"IndieBlocks comes with its own Webmention implementation, but a separate plugin can be used, too."
[Joe_Crawford] I use temml, which I found to have slightly better results than KaTeX. https://www.npmjs.com/package/temml
I’m not wedded to it though. If a better solution emerges, or out-of-the-box behaviour of MathML improves sufficiently (I don’t mind authoring it manually) then I’ll swap.
I found authoring MathML not particularly intuitive (the elements were clear enough, but the conditions under which some elements become invisible were not so clear). I think it's a real interesting space if on the esoteric side (given I don't typically work with mathematics deeply).
barnaby and W1THRD joined the channel
It comes _sort_ of naturally to me, but I was writing LaTeX for years so I still think in those terms. I think the urge to write it directly is more of an NIH thing.
rhiaro joined the channel