#dev 2024-07-18

2024-07-18 UTC
[KevinMarks], GuestZero, Virtual, schmudde, sivoais, sknebel, Renfield, thegreekgeek, Loqi, gRegorLove_, voxpelli, rolle, geoffo, omz13, geoffo_, roxwize and Maxpm joined the channel
My website now has server-rendered code styles:
My SSG renders these with the pygments Python package.
Now I don't need a JS library to do this on the client side.
And these styles look _a lot_ better!
GuestZero, Salt, gRegor and Zic joined the channel
IndieBlocks has its own Webmention? How to understand the following sentence from the plugin description in WordPress: "IndieBlocks comes with its own Webmention implementation, but a separate plugin can be used, too."
Tiffany, nsh, Xe, dustinm`, lanodan, sp1ff`, streety and chenghiz_ joined the channel
I am running both the IndieBlocks plugin and Webmention plugin on my site, Zic. I could post my configuration settings later if anyone is interested
GuestZero, vikanezrimaya and Zic joined the channel
@nsmsn I'm interested :)
I wrote here because description showed that IndieBlocks duplicates features from "Webmention".
btw. It was quite a surprise to me that IndieWeb doesn't have integration with Fediverse. @snarfed wrote that they complement each other.
I'll be back in 6-7 hours
sebbu, AramZS, GuestZero, pcarrier, ancarda, [tantek], [pfefferle], [snarfed], IWSlackGateway, [qubyte], [Joe_Crawford], parnikkapore_x and jimwins joined the channel
Fediverse is super heavy, an entirely different and incompatible set of requirements.
activitypub's required cryptographic response especially.
It always seemed weird to me people tried to mush activitypub and webmention systems together.
wait, cryptographic response?
do you mean verifying sigs?
gRegor joined the channel
or signing outbound requests?
Signing outbound.
Requires some extra bit of active code running somewhere.
Whereas anything can POST.
_fluffy joined the channel
yeah the IndieWeb corollary is serving over SSL, which is still cryptographic, but much more widespread and built in
(well, thin pings + SSL)
It can be over SSL, yes.
I don't. No need.
@Zic, I took screenshots and posted about my configuration for the Webmention and IndieBlocks plugins: https://nicks.im/b/73y
[edit] @Zic, I took screenshots and posted about my configuration for the Webmention and IndieBlocks plugins: https://nicks.im/b/73y
[preview] [Nick Simson] My current Webmention setup I thought it may be helpful to share my configuration settings and demonstrate how I’m using both the Webmention plugin and IndieBlocks on the same site. https://nicks.im/b/73y #IndieWeb #WordPress https://nicksimson.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Webmention-‹-Nick-Simson-—-WordPress-989x1024.png
[preview] [Nick Simson] My current Webmention setup I thought it may be helpful to share my configuration settings and demonstrate how I’m using both the Webmention plugin and IndieBlocks on the same site. https://nicks.im/b/73y #IndieWeb #WordPress https://nicksimson.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Webmention-‹-Nick-Simson-—-WordPress-989x1024.png
Sorry about all the repetitive stuff. I'm using the Discord bridge, and didn't mean to edit.
Happy to continue the chat in #indieweb-wordpress or on my blog post. Jan Boddez has good documentation on https://indieblocks.xyz/documentation/webmention/
nsmsn and GuestZero joined the channel
superkuh my point was just that thin pings + SSL is IndieWeb's corollary to AP's signed requests
[tantek] joined the channel
Ah, got it. I meant that activitypub requires heavy active applications so it's apple pie to apples comparison.
GuestZero joined the channel
I set up a page that I (hopefully) enabled webmentions on. Would anyone care to test it out? Target https://nicksimson.com or https://nicksimson.com/mentions/
[edit] I set up a page that I (hopefully) enabled webmentions on. Would anyone care to test it out? Target https://nicksimson.com or https://nicksimson.com/mentions/
[edit] I set up a page that I (hopefully) enabled webmentions on. Would anyone care to test it out? Target https://nicksimson.com or https://nicksimson.com/mentions/
you can also always send one to yourself
wait I don't see that that page advertises a wm endpoint
Dang! Maybe this is a WordPress channel question, but do I need to enable comments on all pages, too?
yeah that's for #indieweb-wordpress
geoffo, AramZS, eitilt, geoffo_, JadedBlueEyes and Zic joined the channel
@nsmsn thank You
[KevinMarks] ?
nsmsn joined the channel
presumably congrats [snarfed]! The Sun "newspaper" is using BridgyFed to bridge from web to BlueSky!
oh no, anyone can request a web page
like in the fediverse since we launched web bridging there
(cue the opt in vs opt out debate 😁)
geoffo_ joined the channel