#dev 2024-07-19

2024-07-19 UTC
[aciccarello] and claudinec joined the channel
geoffo_, geoffo, eitilt and GuestZero joined the channel
↩️ https://bne.social/@james/112811586803672894 ABC Australia ha lost all onscreen graphics.
[preview] [James Cridland] Want to see a television network running under severe stress? https://livenow.news/#abcnews is ABC News from Australia, where none of the computers are working. Seemingly, no captions, no reports, no graphics, and just someone talking to camera...
↩️ Sky news Australia broadcasting with the control room all BSoD'd in the background https://livenow.news/#sky-news-australia
[Otto_Rask], geoffo, GuestZero, mooff, shoesNsocks, AramZS and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
My girlfriend’s workplace totally shut down all morning (Central time/Pacific time) meetings, ALL Windows users were affected. Her machine is a Mac and is among a handful of working computers. Bad day to be in IT.
Email from UPS, I can’t say I remember ever getting an email with the phrase “global technology outage”:
> _While the UPS network is operating and delivering in all areas, there is a potential for delivery delays due to a global technology outage. Contingency plans are in place to help ensure that shipments arrive at their final destinations as quickly as possible._
jonnybarnes and GuestZero joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: i've been using<table> ever since i started webdev because flexbox intimidated me lol
some say it gives it "more of a 90s feel" to it but not sure what they mean
GuestZero and [schmarty] joined the channel
Perfect monoculture example
[KevinMarks] can you add those CrowdStrike links as an example to /monoculture ?
whats a good place to get cheap domains? think about getting one as having "vercel.app" at the end of my url makes it kind of long
besides i've been having writer's block on what to properly name my site
dustinm`, Guest7467 and eitilt joined the channel
Anyone use CrowdStrike on their personal site or run their webserver on Windows?
No, but my boss couldn't work today
[KevinMarks] That was me.
For the table styles.
GuestZero, gRegor, lanodan and chenghiz_ joined the channel