#dev 2024-07-25

2024-07-25 UTC
[KevinMarks], bterry, geoffo_, [tw2113], sebbu2, [snarfed], [tantek], bret and [schmarty] joined the channel
[manton] joined the channel
That seems bad. I’ve been thinking about this as I prepare to open source the http://Micro.blog backend… Sadly I think I’m going to start over and lose the 8+ year commit history. I’m just not confident it is clean enough, and even less confident now after reading that blog post.
geoffo_ joined the channel
It seems reading that blog post that private repos that are always kept private arent leaking data?
Its only if you make something public?
barnabywalters joined the channel
jonnybarnes: it seems like, as long as all forks of a given repo are private, it exists in a "private repo space" - but owners of each private fork might still see each others' commits in the same way.
GitHub could probably tighten all this up a bit, including messaging as much as access control for individual commits, but that post definitely seems overblown
barnabywalters, barnaby, [schmarty], [tantek], bret, zicklepop, chenghiz_, shoesNsocks, sebbu2, okCiel, jimw, capjamesg, thegreekgeek, alephalpha0, jonnybarnes, eb, suki, ancarda, sivoais, geoffo, Tiffany, nnrx, roxwize, Renfyeld, jan6, capjamesg[d], jeremy, lagomorph_, sp1ff, rrix, _fluffy, parnikkapore_x, pcarrier, oodani, Salt, streety, omz13, nsh, Xe, voxpelli, sknebel, rolle, schmudde, DJ_[dj_je][d], oxtyped, rhiaro, Virtual, Kaja, lockywolf, mretka, IWDiscord, superkuh, GWG, kushal, rjomara585, Soni, sebsel, wagle, benji, joshproehl, Zegnat, solislupus[d], srijan, hidjy[d], trwnh, oenone, sandra, aaronpk, saptaks, dissolve22[d], thegr8whoopdini[, ludovicchabant, Guest1350, ramsey, bacardi55[m], Saphire, sisoma_new[d], ptramo[d], moose333, IWSlackGateway1, [manton]1, [snarfed]1, [KevinMarks]1, [tw2113]1 and lanodan joined the channel