#dev 2024-07-26

2024-07-26 UTC
geoffo_, thegreekgeek, Guest9429, [KevinMarks], [tantek] and zicklepop joined the channel
I wonder how this works for employer repos. I.e. if my employer has a private repo and I fork it (still private). When I am let go from work, as long as I have my private fork, can I continue to see new commits that are being checked in?!
Zegnat generally no, GH has controls for that, when you remove someone from an org, you can remove their forks
Ah, that’s good to know!
I know you can disable the ability to fork, and that is what we have done at work, so I was unable to quickly try it out for myself.
But turning off the ability to fork does not affect existing forks, per GH docs, so that would not actually stop this access problem. But if an org can remove the forks of their members that should be fine
geoffo_ joined the channel
For ActivityPub fans, I did make some improvements to my NodeInfo types proposal and submitted it as a FEP. Pull request here: https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/pulls/378
geoffo_, [tantek], jonnybarnes, gRegor, [schmarty]1 and chenghiz_ joined the channel
Has anyone made there site a progressive web app? Is there any benefit to going that route?
[edit] Has anyone made their site a progressive web app? Is there any benefit to going that route?
sdcaulley: I think most folks shy away from having their entire site reliant on JavaScript, for many reasons. Some folks have set up service workers to add offline support, though! https://indieweb.org/service_worker