#dev 2024-07-27

2024-07-27 UTC
[schmarty] I don’t know if progressive web app necessarily relates to JS.
Some people have sites as a PWA with a manifest.json file, so you can bookmark it on your home page.
capjamesg: I think that's a very inclusive view of the term, but I take your point. And I run away from the topic. I have the point, now, and you will never find it! Muhahaha!
gives Loqi a point
eats the point
jeremycherfas and alephalpha0 joined the channel
capjamesg[d] at least on iOS you don't need anything special (manifest or whatever) to bookmark a page to the home screen
sdcaulley I think folks on their personal sites tend towards more progressive enhancement than progressive web apps though some may do both!
I have a service worker myself for some simple / minimal offline support of my home page, a few other named pages and any blog posts you've loaded
thegreekgeek, jonnybarnes, AramZS, [qubyte], geoffo_, bterry and rrix joined the channel
[tantek]: My vision for my website goes beyond the basic blog and content, but I see your point.
geoffo_ and chenghiz_ joined the channel