#dev 2024-07-30
2024-07-30 UTC
chenghiz_, StarrWulfe, [qubyte], thegreekgeek and [Doc_Pop] joined the channel
# catgirlin.space hm feel kinda like, stuck in a way rn? i've been working on my website a lot recently and like, i just don't know what to do next. i think next i would like to figure out a feed reader thing (probably not building my own) but im kinda just lost on how, and id like to be able to like posts and reply to them and stuff....
jimw, thegreekgeek and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] Have you looked at the aperture and monocle combination?
chenghiz_ and sandra joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] ^^
# capjamesg[d] What is Aperture?
# Loqi Aperture is an open source Microsub server developed by Aaron Parecki https://indieweb.org/Aperture
# capjamesg[d] What is Monocle?
# Loqi π§ Monocle is an open source IndieWeb-enabled reader developed by Aaron Parecki https://indieweb.org/Monocle
# capjamesg[d] I used both of those tools in combination for a year and found them really useful.
barnaby, claudinec, [Scout], _capjamesg[d], thegreekgeek_, jjuran, [aaronpk], GuestZero, AramZS and sp1ff joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] @nsmsn You can use https://mention.tech/ to send one and see if it shows up with a green tick a bit later
jjuran joined the channel
# Zegnat sebbu: there is not realy any documented best practice right now for having your identity be one page but wanting people to parse the h-card from another place. Some old discussion about that was captured on https://indieweb.org/h-card#Issues but does not seem to have any conclusions
gRegor and [snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] interesting Bridgy Publish request, they want to POSSE from an XML post instead of HTML, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/1766
# aaronpk the php parser sees something https://php.microformats.io/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdannypsnl.me%2Fwebmention-0001.xml
# Loqi [preview] [mro] #78 false negative testing https://try.gogs.io/issue-5008
# [snarfed] implicitly yes. it starts with "To parse a document for microformats, follow the HTML parsing rules..." https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing
max2 joined the channel
# sdcaulley Does anyone have a good tutorial/resource for SSL certificates?
# sdcaulley [edit] Does anyone have a preferred CA for SSL certs?
# ptramo[d] sdcaulley[d] letsencrypt.org through certbot or caddy
# sdcaulley Thank you.
# Loqi Letβs Encrypt is a Certificate Authority intended to be free, automated, and open https://indieweb.org/letsencrypt
# Loqi Transport Layer Security (TLS) and (previously, since prohibited, Secure Sockets Layer or SSL) is a cryptographic protocol used to encrypt all data across a TCP socket https://indieweb.org/ssl
# sdcaulley <rhetorical question> Can someone explain to me why Cerbot is using Snap. π‘
# sdcaulley What are the best practices/placement for an `h-card`?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "best practices/placement for an `h-card`" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "best practices/placement for an `h-card` is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# [snarfed] best practices/placement for an `h-card` is https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
grubz joined the channel
# ptramo[d] sdcaulley[d]: You don't have to use snap fwiw. I don't.
# sdcaulley ptramo[d]: I didn't use it. Just amazed that they did, since it is a horrible systme.
# [KevinMarks] Gravatar got DID pilled, yet still didn't quite get it Section title: "How Gravatar paves the way for decentralized identity in profile management" [β¦] blah blah [β¦]
# [KevinMarks] Here's How
# [KevinMarks] Centralized Profile Hub
btrem joined the channel
# btrem Strange, the GitHub repo for 11ty/eleventy had a discussions tab as of yesterday. Today, all I get are not found errors. I could not find any notice about it. Any 11ty users here who can shed some light?
grubz joined the channel
# btrem Discussions are back on 11ty/eleventy. Seems Zach accidentally clicked the wrong checkbox and temporarily removed them. Good to know I'm not alone in doing silly things. :)
# catgirlin.space is there a good way to debug indieauth stuff? trying to build an endpoint on my website (very jank rn) but it just, doesnt even get used by anything?
# btrem Any 11ty users here? I'm wondering about the sanity of using .yaml files instead of (or in addition to) .md files for posts.
# [snarfed] http://catgirlin.space try https://quill.p3k.io/ ? it probably has good error messages
# catgirlin.space ooo ty
[benatwork] joined the channel