#dev 2024-08-02
2024-08-02 UTC
hawbringer, geoffo, chenghiz_, [jeremycherfas], [snarfed], bret, sivoais, omz13, sknebel, Renfield, parnikkapore_x, rhiaro, sebsel, kushal and AramZS joined the channel
# catgirlin.space any ideas why quill would be sending an http get request to my token endpoint and not a post?
# catgirlin.space feel like it might be the indieauth php client but i dont know how? unless if the runtime im using for my website is just, somehow making a post request into a get request but ive never seen that happen.....
win0err joined the channel
# sdcaulley to2ds[d]: No. I was trying to set up a CA using Le'ts Encrypt. Going through the docs and process again to see what I did wrong.
Guest6_ joined the channel
# sdcaulley to2ds[d]: I want to get this working so I can start submitting documentation edits......it is one of my super powers.
[Jo] and gRegor joined the channel
StarrWulfe joined the channel
lurker joined the channel
sp1ff` joined the channel
# [tantek] [snarfed] (who was there) [manton] j12t [aaronpk] good news from this morning's SocialCG meeting, proposal to the CG to recommend adopting that proposal from a GH comment to use link rel=author and type=application/activity+json for linking to author profiles that support ActivityPub discovery and following was adopted (RESOLVED) by the SocialCG!
# [tantek] And I'll add to /rel-author#How_to accordingly as well
[manton] joined the channel
# catgirlin.space aaronpk: aaronpk i’ve seen the same thing happen with aperture too, but monocle seems ok? other than it doesn’t find a microsub endpoint. but the auth flow is fine
[marksuth] joined the channel
# catgirlin.space i think the user agent had a pretty recent version for all of them? and like, i didn’t see anything in the source that would be sending a get request to the token endpoint…
to2ds and dustinm` joined the channel
# catgirlin.space just checked and quill is 1.1.4...
# catgirlin.space hm seeing more weird behavior when signing into monocle (aperture started working now?) everything looks fine here other than a weird go-http-client request that always happens at the same time when i try signing into monocle [woozycat](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183246214595092561.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=woozycat)
# catgirlin.space ```
# catgirlin.space 2024-08-02T22:47:03.842 [POST 302 "<browser>"] /kitty-meow-meow/indieauth/authorize/finish/ 2.9149920000008933ms // me clicking authorize
# catgirlin.space 2024-08-02T22:47:03.953 [POST 200 "<browser> indieauth-client/1.1.4"] /kitty-meow-meow/indieauth/token/ 8.701858000002005ms
# catgirlin.space 2024-08-02T22:47:04.096 [HEAD 404 "<browser> indieauth-client/1.1.4"] / 1.8285319999975513ms
# catgirlin.space 2024-08-02T22:47:04.259 [GET 200 "<browser> indieauth-client/1.1.4"] / 8.151247000000694ms
# catgirlin.space 2024-08-02T22:47:04.531 [GET 302 "Go-http-client/1.1"] /kitty-meow-meow/indieauth/token/ 1.5537620000003471ms
# catgirlin.space ```
# catgirlin.space and then monocle shows an error page too
# catgirlin.space [edit] hm seeing more weird behavior when signing into monocle (aperture started working now?) everything looks fine here other than a weird go-http-client request that always happens at the same time when i try signing into monocle [woozycat](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183246214595092561.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=woozycat)
# catgirlin.space ```
gRegorLove_ joined the channel