#dev 2024-08-07

2024-08-07 UTC
refica, geoffo, Kaguneh, [jeremycherfas], capjamesg[d], [tantek], [Joe_Crawford], [schmarty] and kimo joined the channel
[snarfed] any ideas on why following my bridgy fed account from indieweb.social doesnt work (and same in the other direction)?
[snarfed] joined the channel
[preview] rosalina saige
oh, no, what's your "bridgy fed account" ?
oh, catgirlin.space :3
will look
also should mention it seems to be every bridgy fed account? like following @snarfed.org@snarfed.org shows "Cancel follow", like your bridgy fed account does follow requests (but tmk bridgy fed doesnt do those?)
hmm ok! odd
ah you don't have a profile picture
BF currently requires those as a spam filter
oh, never added one because the only thing i rlly plan to use that account for is testing if my bridgy fed and webmentions stuff works...
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
hm, seems like trying to follow my indieweb.social account from fed.brid.gy doesnt work though still :( unless if its just cached or something...
you'll need to add a profile picture first
i did
[Scout] and jimw5 joined the channel
Such a mix of words. It is not an OpenGraph tag. (OGP uses property, not name.) Instead they should have said they followed the Twitter card standard, but then unlike Twitter they did not add it to the extensions list https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions
jimw4 and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Zegnat, see prior discussions here in the channel on fedi:creator and using rel-author instead, including most recently, the discussion and resolutions at the SocialCG meeting last Friday
Start here and read subsequent messages and links: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2024-08-02#t1722627402626800
[preview] [[tantek]] [snarfed] (who was there) [manton] j12t [aaronpk] good news from this morning's SocialCG meeting, proposal to the CG to recommend adopting that proposal from a GH comment to use link rel=author and type=application/activity+json for linking to author...
I thought I scrolled up and caught up on the backlog. But apparently not. Thanks [tantek]!
ttybitnik joined the channel
I see nothing about `fediverse:creator` there, except for the link to the Mastodon PR in the SocialCG notes?
barnaby joined the channel
Which is a follow-up from the previous month's SocialCG notes where I raised the issue
point being, no one was advocating for fedi:creator and there was fairly universal agreement that we should be using and advocating for rel=author instead, with the type attribute, as proposed in a comment on that Mastodon PR
the entire discussion about rel-author is "about `fediverse:creator` there"
I was mainly looking to see if there were any actual examples of implementations. I found at least one IndieWeb Example, Matthias.
Implementations for publishing that is, consumers I don’t know
barnaby joined the channel
Looks like pfefferle also implemented it for WordPress
barnaby joined the channel
a bunch of people started publishing it just because Mastodon implemented it, it's same "big implementer" effect we see with any random Google Search markup proposal and SEO people going nuts over it
ironically it won't do anything unless you get on Mastodon's centrally controlled "approved journalist" allow list, so it's not really worth publishing unless you think you have a chance at being recognized as an "approved journalist"
Moved it to /Mastodon#Link_Previews now, and expanded a little with publishers vs consumers
Zegnat++ thank you! Also good to capture the current state of what Mastodon is supporting, and hopefully we can update that there's clear implementation documentation for how to use rel-author instead.
Zegnat has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (18 in all channels)
Guest6_ and AramZS joined the channel
more a critique of the 'title' attribute but yeah
sebbu2, sadome, sadomei, [snarfed]1 and [Scout]1 joined the channel
I wonder if there is an opportunity for an 'expand' IDREF attribute on <abbr> so you could do something like:
> This article is about <i><abbr expand=e>HTML</abbr></i> (<i id=e>Hypertext Markup Languge</i>). The presentation of <i><abbr expand=e>HTML</abbr></i> pages…
aside, per https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/i one "valid" use of the <i> element is for "Technical terms"
GuestZero, jjuran, [Jo], [tantek], [Joe_Crawford], ttybitnik, AramZS, flambop, _fluffy and Kaguneh joined the channel
What is the best way to detect character encodings in Python
It looks like we don't have a page for "best way to detect character encodings in Python" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "best way to detect character encodings in Python is ____", a sentence describing the term)
(in a file)
I got a report that someone using my static site generator is getting a UnicodeDecodeError in Python.
barnaby joined the channel
Python's open() call assumes your system default encoding.
So I need to figure out what the encoding is?
Also: what is the best way to test a Python file on Windows?
I don't have a Windows computer, but I got a bug report for Windows.
jimw Does chardet mean I need to read the file twice?
to2ds joined the channel
Chardet almost sounds like it could be a wine :D
capjamesg beyond chardet, historically the other effective answer has been https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#unicode-dammit
[snarfed] What would the code look like? The user is getting the error on the .read() call on the file pointer.
I really need to figure out a Windows environment to replicate this.
capjamesg[d]: potentially. what you could do is read it as you are now, catch UnicodeDecodeError and then fall back to using chardet to try again.
jimw has 1 karma over the last year
That sounds like a good approach.
capjamesg got me, I haven't used it directly before
If you have mojibake that isn't giving decode errors (because it has already been concatenated or been through more than one encode decode cycle) ftfy is handy
has anyone done custom emojis like there are on fedi?