#dev 2024-08-09

2024-08-09 UTC
maezumi, lagomorph_, [qubyte], [jeremycherfas], [aciccarello] and ditzy joined the channel
[tantek] Did rel=sweetheart get any adoption?
AramZS and GuestZero joined the channel
Early on all the XFN values did
Especially among the SXSW crowd
Guest6, [Jo] and GuestZero joined the channel; ditzy left the channel
anyone else (besides me and jimwins) trying out the rel=author with explicit type for AP/fedi followable profile discovery? e.g. <link rel="author" type="application/activity+json" href="" />
i asked a similar question recently about hcard, whether i could separate it from the main page or not (for discovery)
and i was answered that they was already some (partial) work on that
GuestZero joined the channel
right, because that's a different question
I'm explicitly asking for folks here who have a personal website AND an @-@ that they use for Mastodon etc. followers
I know we have at least a few, like [snarfed] [manton] [KevinMarks] [Joe_Crawford]
I'd like to get a few more examples in https://indieweb.org/rel-author#IndieWeb_Examples if we could!
I do the rel-me to verify links i have put on my Mastodon profile, but I’ve not added rel-author. I was vaguely under the impression (probably a misimpression!) that was more for journalism on a site that was neither mastodon nor a personal website and there would then be a way to verify authorship of a link when shared.
it's a bit different, rel-me is for homepage->mastodon profile (since they both represent "you"), whereas rel-author is for postpermalink->homepage or in this case postpermalink directly to mastodon profile
the "for journalism" use-case is an instance of "for multi-author sites with reputation" I think
and thus they can't depend on any rel-me
or rather it's a lot more work to do so
I already have rel=alternate type=application/activity+json , so I hadn't considered rel-author also
seems a bit redundant, but I get the desire for examples in the wild to support the counterproposal to fediverse:creator
I think "rel=alternate type=application/activity+json" is a bit different in that it is saying literally this is the exact same object/content as the current page, except in a different format. Whereas "rel=author type=application/activity+json", especially on a post permalink page, is not saying it's the same object/content.
oh I know they're not the same, but they overlap, rel=alternate => AS2 author (attributedTo) vs rel=author
also it's one fewer link to follow from a consuming code perspective, as I noted in my reply above to [Joe_Crawford]
they don't overlap on your post permalinks for example
sure they do, via the path I mentioned ^
(one less link, sure)
right, I think the one fewer link part makes a difference for consuming code looking for an AP followable profile to display
maybe an overlap on your homepage, if you consider the AP/AS2 data about you / your profile to be a reasonably accurate/complete equivalent of the info on your home page
for me I wouldn't, since my home page represents all sorts of things no AP/AS2 profile data structure does
so I wouldn't use "rel=alternate type=application/activity+json" on my home page
I suppose I could use it on my post permalinks
yeah that would be rel=me
right, rel=me conveys a higher level notion of "this is also me over here" but does not commit or even imply that the destination is an alternative version of the content/info of the current page
when you put rel=alternate on your posts, the useful functionality you get is that you can then search for the post permalink in a fediverse instance and it pulls up your federated post. https://fed.brid.gy/docs#web-searchable
[benatwork], barnaby, beanbrain and Northri joined the channel
Hello, I was wondering if somebody could help point an absolute nooby in the right direction?
Northri: Don’t ask to ask, just ask 👋
Oh thank you! One second while I write this out...
I have a terribly ugly .md file with a ton of random HTML that I would like to throw in the dumpster. I am a total noob, and I'm not super interested in learning HTML on a deep level. I just want to put together a simple website, not just a blog. Is there a way to do that without learning TOO much HTML?
Not to be lazy, but I have little interest in web building other than this project, and I don't have a ton of time to learn a whole new language.
how simple are we talking? Tons of cms out there that do more /other than blog
Advanced enough to wrap text around some images, and it would be nice to add audio and some video as well. I'm happy to self-host if it's not overly difficult.
You might find a Hugo template that does what you want, then it’s a matter of throwing some markdown and yaml together
Good deal, I will look into that. I am fine with markdown and I have a vague sense of how to use YAML. Thank you!
Hugo is one of many solutions. CMS typically take more infrastructure to deploy, Hugo is a static site generator.
Hold on, I know markdown doesn't do text wrapping without HTML bits added. Does Hugo have a cure for this?
Because all that random HTML is why my current "blog" is so cumbersome and ugly.
Text wrapping as in have text follow the curve of an image?
Like I might post an image on the right side of the page and I want the text to go over the top, back up to the sides, ,then back under the bottom.
Hard to explain, but basically MD only lets you post an image and you have to have your text above and/or below the image.
Yeah so expressing this in html is one line, idk that you can beat that?
It's more than that, really. That was just one example.
Does Hugo basically just do the self-hosting part? I would love something that lets you visually do things..
Well, it’s gonna end up being html one way or another, either you write html directly, or you write something that’s converted to html, or you use a graphical tool that will in all likelihood produce html directly.
Well shoot.. I guess I'll have to keep working on this. Not trying to be sassy with you! I appreciate the help.
No worries, just trying to help didn’t take anything poorly
Do you think Wordpress is a better idea for somebody like me? I don't mind learning HTML over time, but this project is a bit more time sensitive.
Self hosting requires a web server you run yourself; the advantage of static site generators like Hugo is that you only have to point a server that handles static files at a directory.
I’m not super familiar with the Wordpress ecosystem, last I checked content authoring was rather limited out of the box, but it won’t take long to try it and look for extensions
If you want to make a few pages quickly you can also try an editor like adobe dreamweaver.
That's true. I guess the first step is to learn some HTML basics. Who knows, I might be able to convert my current dumpster fire to something usable.
It TECHNICALLY works as a raw html file in a browser.
Well dreamweaver typically lets you do things graphically without learning html and css upfront, then you can start modifying in and out of it
I like that! It's definitely an option. I'm going to do some research on both of these options. Thank you again, and have a nice day : )
To get text wrap, you need to have at least some CSS associated with the HTML. Then it is relatively easy to use Markdown and add CSS
OK dokie, I'll check CSS out as well : )
Things like `float:right;` and `float:left;` do what you want, and you can add those to the `![]()` syntax in some Markdown dialects.
You can try something a simple as <img src="demo.jpeg" style="float:right"/>
^ and learning that will help with learning how to "add audio and some video as well"
since AFAIK md does not have syntaxes for audio and video
so you'll have to use HTML for those
ptramo[d]++ for simplicity
ptramo[d] has 1 karma over the last year
hey so i'm back from the other day
i had the idea while at work that i could create a user with write access to my site directory
and also give this user ssh access, then just rsync to that user.
would that work? is it a sensibly secure way to push to the site dir?
beanbrain: that should work fine!
ok! i'll try it!
GuestZero, beanbrain and thegreekgeek joined the channel
[snarfed] do you have a homepage or repo for "homegrown"? can you add it to /homegrown (or feel free to otherwise expand/edit that page)
what is homegrown
homegrown is a thin shell wrapper around wp-cli https://indieweb.org/homegrown
bacardi55[m], thegreekgeek_ and ttybitnik joined the channel