#dev 2024-08-10

2024-08-10 UTC
That’s what I suggested yes
thegreekgeek and alephalpha0 joined the channel
[tantek] when doing this for rel-author do you have to like, setup a redirect on the `/@tantek.com` route? confused how this works... https://indieweb.org/rel-author#How_to_link_to_ActivityPub_followable_profile
[edit] [tantek] when doing this for rel-author do you have to like, setup a redirect on the `/@tantek.com` route? confused how this works... https://indieweb.org/rel-author#How_to_link_to_ActivityPub_followable_profile
[tantek] ahhh sorry, miscommunication, "homegrown" isn't a name of a project, it's just the adjective, as in, something simple I made myself for my own use, not an explicit project
thegreekgeek_ and thegreekgeek__ joined the channel
is there an h-card property for mental disorders? (idk why but listing autism and adhd on my website sounded silly and now i want to do it)
[snarfed] oops 🙊 ok we can delete the page or redirect it to wp-cli
catgirlin space, yes I had to setup a redirect. And re autism and adhd, no explicit property for those. For attributes of any kind, you can use tags/categories on your h-card
Presuming you're already putting that info in human visible text in your bio inside your h-card, you can wrap it with <span class=p-category>...</span>
[Scout] joined the channel
i'm not sure there is, but if there was, it should include DSM-V-TR and ICD-11 codes
(for the cases where you have been officially diagnosed, and not thoses who self-diagnose)
GuestZero, Kaja, GWG-, claudinec, sandra, bret, beanbrain-mobile, [Jo], rrix, jonnybarnes, thegreekgeek and bterry joined the channel