#dev 2024-08-20

2024-08-20 UTC
Hmmm that'd also require a{display:inline-block}
Renfield, beanbrain, test-mk, jonnybarnes, ttybitnik, win0err, aaaa, [KevinMarks], JadedBlueEyes, Tiffany and Kaguneh joined the channel
capjamesg has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (201 in all channels)
capjamesg[d], typing in a query string into the search box and pressing return doesn't seem to work
Good find. I still have work to do.
I could click the search button but I'd rather keep my fingers on the keyboard 🙂
also iframes show up as HTML markup, eg https://jamesg.blog/search-pages/?q=tea
Yeah. The contents are indexed as strings right now and rendered as such.
UX suggestions in particular are appreciated!
I should add pagination.
And the mobile experience isn't right.
I agree
[pfefferle], beanbrain and [develumpen] joined the channel
Copying this from <#C03QR2B4R|>
Is there a way to query entries by type?
I'm learning Swift and I created a simple app to post photos with text and tags to a micropub endpoint.
I see there is a stable extension for post lists (https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Query_for_Post_List). Is there a recommended way to get posts with photos?
Now I want to implement a "list of photo entries".
ben joined the channel
aaronpk, or maybe [manton] has an idea as maybe Sunlit app does this? ("get posts with photos")
I tried to use Sunlit in the past but I can't configure my external blog 🤷‍♂️ that's another reason I started a new app
beanbrain and gRegor joined the channel
[preview] [grantcodes] I've updated my implementation so I support a bunch of new features expanding on what @EdwardHinkle already mentioned When using `q=source` there is now a lot of other parameters available: - `post-type=type` - Filters the returned posts to on...
Depends on the Micropub server you're using on your site
I'm also building my own Micropub server, learning along the way
welcome develumpen++
develumpen has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
and good luck with the new Micropub server! definitely let us know how it goes
Thank you! So far it is pretty basic. I'm building it with Ruby on rails. I'll share more once I have something working
[davidmead] joined the channel
Does anyone remember if Known used to store it’s images in Base64? I have an old Known backup . There’s no photo files in it, but there are big chunks of “code” that look like Base64.