#dev 2024-08-21

2024-08-21 UTC
[davidmead], That sounds familiar and yeah looks like it from a search on the github
thanks [gRegorLove] I tried pasting the big blob into a Base64 -> image converter, but nothing 😞
Says it’s an octet-stream
that's the file itself, won't be base64 encoded
Is there a way to extract the images from that, in the exported .sql backup?
aaaa and [morganm] joined the channel
for sure i just don't know off hand the easiest way to do it
beanbrain, bret, [schmarty], dustinm`, claudinec, barnaby, ttybitnik and AramZS joined the channel
I think it was Quill that base64 encoded images before Known had a media endpoint
bret and [manton] joined the channel
[tantek] Sunlit doesn’t currently use Micropub to get photos, just for posting. I have a couple private-ish http://Micro.blog endpoints that could definitely be replaced with something like `post-type=photo`, though.
[manton] thanks for the follow-up! I think this would be great to add to a Micropub brainstorm proposals, perhaps open an issue on the Micropub spec as a feature request with the clear use-case and existing implementation of private-ish http://Micro.blog endpoints ? https://github.com/w3c/Micropub/issues
Sounds good. I’ll review what I have… I think there are essentially two things: one that could be solved with `post-type=photo`, and one that could be solved with a comparable version for Microsub (to aggregate photos for lots of users).
In http://Micro.blog, photo posts are just posts that have an `img` tag, so sometimes I do things like `filter=<img` via Micropub. Feels a little hacky but works.
[Joe_Crawford], thegreekgeek, revi, alvarop and AramZS_ joined the channel
Even if the img tag is in the html content?
I was thinking about filtering just posts with photo property
ttybitnik joined the channel
Yeah, that’s just the http://Micro.blog way. It’s less structured than some Micropub servers. That way it scales easier from simple posts with text + a single photo, to longer posts with text and photos interspersed.
hah i went through my posts by searching '<img' earlier today
bterry1 joined the channel