#dev 2024-08-26

2024-08-26 UTC
robalex and [dougbeal] joined the channel
[snarfed], I'm having issues with bridgy, it says "waiting for approbation" even though it works
sebbu "waiting for approbation"?! I don't even know what that word means, I'll have to look it up
is that error message from somewhere else?
GuestZero and jonnybarnes joined the channel
[snarfed], it's when the other party needs approbation to accept friend requests (or when there's some linking issue between federated instance)
for example, i also have that issue between by mastodon.social and pawoo.net account, but that's normal, the first refuse to federate the second :D
I don't even know if it's possible to manually do it from the interface (or how), as i also have that issue on places where i am on both ends
GuestZero joined the channel
hum, I can't seem to see reactions when i watch an account on another instance
between chuckya and mastodon (official), soapbox, pleroma, misskey, etc...
none see the reactions
there's nice smileys like i see on discord, i **want** to have the same :D
GuestZero, ttybitnik, [sebbu], AramZS, [aaronpk]1 and to2ds joined the channel
UGH! One little typo can make you crazy...p-rvsp.
Lars-Christian, [jeremycherfas], Kaja, Nick2 and CRISPR joined the channel
weird one aaronpk, tried using Quill and for some reason your server cant seem to connect to my server
if I ssh into mine I can run `curl -I 'https://quill.p3k.io'` fine
sebbu got it! thanks. which accounts or instances are you seeing that on?
and this is on the @bsky.brid.gy@bsky.brid.gy user? when did you follow it from those accounts?
sebbu also check out https://fed.brid.gy/docs#troubleshooting , lots of troubleshooting tips there
as for emoji reactions on posts, those are non-standard and not (yet) widely supported in the fediverse. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/484
[preview] [snarfed] #484 support non-standard EmojiReact activity type?
they may actually be more standardized and widely supported in the indieweb than the fediverse 😎 https://indieweb.org/reacji
Lars-Christian joined the channel
jonnybarnes: weird, what domain? I can debug
i'm guessing it's a tls version/cipher error
CRISPR joined the channel
credit to the python feedparser library, it's legendary, and over 20 yrs old, but when you file a bug in 2024, you can (still) get a response in just 5m! https://github.com/kurtmckee/feedparser/issues/468
[preview] [snarfed] #468 AssertionError: unknown status keyword 'dsgvo_service_control' in marked section
props to [KevinMarks] for supporting and advocating for it
Now that is amazing!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
And ultra props to Mark Pilgrim, who was at xoxofest, for building it in the first place.
markpilgrim has 1 karma over the last year
sebsel joined the channel
it might well be, I deployed changes to only support tls v1.3 recently
Kaguneh, CRISPR and Renfyeld joined the channel
Was looking for a way to make my website's files modular (e.g. my footer can be it's own .html file I update once and it updates across all my pages). I saw solutions that use JS that seem neat but I also saw a lot of articles that said "use JS if you don't want to use a framework". My weekly noob question is: Would y'all recommend I spent time learning a framework like Bootstrap for my little neocities static website? I'm coding everything from
scratch so far and not using a builder but I'm wondering if the time investment is worth it.
I do that kind of stuff server-side with CGI so browsers don't need to know how javascript works, but that won't work on neocities...
if you edit the files locally, then upload then, you could put a build-step between edit and upload
I'd use a makefile cuz, that's what I'm used to
and it'd have like, a target for each page, and the command would just be something like: cat header.html page.html footer.html > build/page.html
and if you're going to use javascript to load a section of a page and then insert it again, a framework seems a bit overkill.
or if you don't want to bother with all of that mess, and don't mind doing it this way, you can use iframes.
are there any obvious downsides to iframes I should be aware of? I would have to upload all the modular components of the site and they'd be accessible via url is the only one I can immediately think of.
links will act funny inside them
and links outside of them need to have the target attrib set right to change inside of the frame
oh interesting. This does also seem like it would need a bit more CSS to make it look like part of the original webpage. So maybe I'll just stick to the JS approach with injectHTML?
I'd say that if you're just making a website then write it in html and don't try to make it modular. Once you have the content up then enhance it.
I also cat webpages together though.
cat blog-2024.html blog-2023.html blog-2022.html blog-2021.html blog-2020.html > blog-blog.html
ls -v 2024-*.html | tac | xargs cat > blog-2024.html
the javascript to inject more requested HTML into a page (without a framework) is like, 7 lines. if done verbosely. I think.
epoch yeah it seems kinda straight forward
superkuh well my issue is I'm already at the point where updating the footer's "Last Post Date:" for my 5 different pages is getting a bit annoying. Was just hoping I could update the date once and it would propagate. Plus would let me do other fun stuff in the future.
I know it's like 1 min of effort each time, not trynna seem like a princess, but yknow automation is cool
ttybitnik joined the channel
for context this is the tut that seems pretty neat. ises injectAll to allow the html to be really easy https://dev.to/andreygermanov/modular-html-19o6
AramZS joined the channel
[snarfed], yeah, on my dansu.org and misskey.de accounts (i'm sebbu on both)
the second account might not be old enough
if need be, i can contact you with the owner of the first instance, he's already on irc (although maybe not on this server)
and for emoji, even on another pleroma instance i don't see them
sebbu ah, for Misskey at least, this is a known interop issue, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1093
[preview] [excelsior091224] #1093 Can't follow @bsky.brid.gy@bsky.brid.gy from my misskey instance
dansu is a mix of soapbox-fe and pleroma-be
right, I saw. looks like you followed there a long time ago. we recently added an interop hack to be more Pleroma compatible, https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/12#issuecomment-2302776658 , try unfollowing and then re-following?
I tried, the "cancel request" feature don't seem to work
that's odd, that should be entirely on http://dansu.org's end
thegreekgeek joined the channel