#dev 2024-08-27

2024-08-27 UTC
[KevinMarks] I wonder why Avi's profile address is not linked in your post: https://indieweb.social/@kevinmarks/113025352302936089
did I misspell his name and domain?
I get a 404 when I try to go to @avibagler on xoxo.zone
editable has 1 karma over the last year
hm, cached preview
yeah, Slack bug. nm it looks good in your post! editable++
editable has 2 karma over the last year
thegreekgeek and [schmarty] joined the channel
That website preview is incredible
jjuran joined the channel
gradients has 1 karma over the last year
gRegor joined the channel
[snarfed], just out of curiosity, find anything on that follow-post-actor-ID thing?
gRegor oh I know the bug, just need to fix it
[preview] [snarfed] #1172 web => AP: webmention follows aren't resolving URLs to actor ids
Ah, so it was working for my follows up to a point then stopped?
ohhh why it worked before! hah no haven't found that yet
*my follow posts
Haha, ok. mystery!
what is unfurl
unfurl is a jargon verb usually applied to URLs, meaning to retrieve (or create or both) some minimum amount of information from or about the contents of a URL, for the purpose of displaying a preview (like a link-preview) or context (like a reply-context) https://indieweb.org/unfurl
GuestZero and superkuh joined the channel
hum, blocking and unblocking @bsky.brid.gy@bsky.brid.gy made things worse, i can't see my bluesky profile from mastodon now
ttybitnik, [Murray], ansuz and GuestZero joined the channel
sebbu oh no don't block it, that deletes your bridged account, and can't be undone in that direction yet đŸ˜ĸ https://fed.brid.gy/docs#opt-out
ansuz feeds are great! we tend to prefer more modern formats like h-feed over RSS - https://indieweb.org/feed#Criticism , https://indieweb.org/h-feed - but agreed, lots of feed reader fans here
reading about h-feed for the first time, sounds promising. but probably not widely adopted yet?
Lars-Christian joined the channel
maybe not, but it's getting there!
lots of our own tools in this community support it
I vaguely remember hearing about h-feed years ago and thinking I'd come back and try it out when it had matured a bit. I suppose that might be now
to2ds joined the channel
Is it a coincidence that unfurl has a URL in it?
it's at least funny
Maybe they were thinking, "Hey, let's come up with a word now that'll accomodate web browsers some 400 years in the future."?
ben joined the channel
damn, any way to manually fix/undo that ?
[snarfed] and it wasn't on bluesky, it was on mastodon (pleroma/soapbox)
on my mailto:sebbu@dansu.org account
[snarfed] feature idea : commands you could do by talking (direct message) to the bot, including editing your profile on the other side
[Jo], GuestZero and Kaguneh joined the channel
which bot?
gRegor and test1 joined the channel
The @bsky.brid.gy bridge I think
next time i'm gonna test https://mostr.pub/
sebbu hah yes! good idea. DM commands are already in the works, eg https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/966
and sadly no there isn't a manual way to undelete a bridged account on Bluesky yet, I'm still waiting on support from their side
btw you can update your profile from its source account by clicking the 🔁 button on your user page, eg https://fed.brid.gy/ap/@sebbu@dansu.org
I don't plan to support manual edits though
GuestZero joined the channel
I updated, but it still doesn't work
(i can see my mastodon.social account on both bsky.app and dansu.org though)
wonder if i could manually request the bot to redo the "accept a follow request" thing
(in the DM commands)
to2ds, GuestZero and thegreekgeek joined the channel; lagomorph_ and ansuz left the channel
master Loqi sent me here...
a question about building a music box for my blog... like how?
oooh, like what we used to have in MySpace profiles? or something else
purplesquare joined the channel
yep, let me find a good example... 1 sec
like this site for example: https://midzer.de/
[edit] like this site for example: https://midzer.de/
ok I kinda love this
although this site's music box is more like a audio mixer... which i might not need such advanced impl
and yes, like what we used to have in MySpace profiles 😆
by the way, someone tried reviving myspace, does anybody remember that project's name?
[dougbeal] joined the channel
GuestZero: are you referring to spacehey?
omg, memory unlocked from that music player: gerry the germ
If you want to play midi files there's a pretty good library by Feross https://github.com/feross/timidity
[preview] [feross] timidity: Play MIDI files in the browser w/ Web Audio, WebAssembly, and libtimidity
schmarty ah, i've seen that one as well. there's also a more, um, avantgarde interpretation around as well
↩ī¸ there used to be https://myspace.windows93.net/
the other two i know are, yeah, http://spacehey.com and also http://friendproject.net
Follow-up from today's FrESH - I was able to create a minimum web component blink tag. https://codepen.io/artlung/pen/RwzJmLz - adding it to the notes for today.
[reply] i probably wont go as deep as adding mcuh dependencies from node. my website is a zola static website. so im kinda experimenting it with small JS snippets atm
[Joe_Crawford] has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (77 in all channels)
capjamesg has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (203 in all channels)
[edit] The engine is open source at https://github.com/capjamesg/jamesql
[preview] [capjamesg] jamesql: A NoSQL database implemented in Python.
[preview] [capjamesg] jamesql: A NoSQL database implemented in Python.
I didn't come up with the name.
thegreekgeek_ joined the channel
capjamesg fun!
what does it use for storage? I didn't see anything on that in the blog post or readme
you mean like for the index?
[snarfed] It is all in memory right now. The index is loaded from markdown files. There is a service that subscribes to my feed and auto-adds new posts to the index.
I have the code to save the index to disk, but I haven't figured out how I want to do it yet.
The web worker that responds to requests is single threaded, so it may not be worth it to write logic around saving the index beyond crash recovery since it can be fully reconciled in a second or two from the source data.
oh interesting ok, so it's an in memory index, not a durable datastore. ok!
alephalpha0 joined the channel