#dev 2024-09-01

2024-09-01 UTC
next time i am tempted to make a microsite for some series of posts (like my 100 days of music posts, or my #biketheeclipse posts), I am going to think about making a little site that fetches a tag feed from my actual website, parses the microformats, and reformats the posts for the new site
so no data would be stored in the new site at all, it's more like a different view of my main site
you could just make a new category or tag in an existing blog
that's what i mean
but sometimes i want it to look different than my blog
[dougbeal] joined the channel
Essentially the new site would be a custom feed reader of a specific feed of your site
That's a better way to say it yeah
I have a spatial geometry project that uses Greek letters in unicode for variables so they match the published equations
thegreekgeek joined the channel
"Spatial Geometry" makes just as much sense for the name of a social internet as "The Atmosphere"
shimpbizkit[d], parnikkapore, thegreekgeek_ and ttybitnik joined the channel
aaronpk: my browser reporting "The certificate for micropub.rocks expired on 8/28/2024." 😅
thegreekgeek joined the channel
great, nginx isn't reloading when it renews certs again
the cert _renewal_ worked, but nginx hadn't picked it up
ahh, yeah. I've had issues with certbot not being able to kick nginx that produced similar problems.
hugops++ thanks for taking care of all these things aaronpk++
hugops has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
aaronpk has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (139 in all channels)