#dev 2024-09-04
2024-09-04 UTC
[tantek] I have this problem now where any time I'm writing any kind of semi-structured plain text, I can't help but think about "how will my markdown replacement process this semi-structuring" and how should it or how should I write my semi-structured plain text so the thing I'm building will eventually "do the right thing" with it

[schmarty] Ooh this speaks to me for making reusable bits of browser UI (e.g. for Micropub clients)

[tantek] [snarfed] check the two most recent logs if you can (I get "No log found!" when I click on the links) for the two most recent posts here: https://fed.brid.gy/web/tantek.com

[tantek] The latest one got delivered and is shown in Mastodon servers e.g. https://w3c.social/@tantek.com@tantek.com and mentions "Kevin Marks"

[tantek] [snarfed] I'm going to leave my recent posts as-is and take a break from posting until you've had a chance to take a look at the logs etc. and see what you can discern from how Bridgy Fed converts that markup ^ to AS2 to see if there's a bug to file with Mastodon, and/or a workaround to put into Bridgy Fed so we can use @-domain mentions in our posts without Mastodon dropping them on the floor.

[tantek] Possibly related: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/760

[schmarty] tantek: I agree in general. But I've been thinking about 11ty's webc and other ways to combine markup, styles, and behavior. The thing I like about this enhance-ssr-php thing is that it lets you use components as HTML custom elements and you define them in single files. It injects the markup, dedupes and scopes styles, and any frontend js is handled by defining the custom element.

[0x3b0b] Point of additional reference for [tantek] and [snarfed] : Tantek's profile as viewed on my site also jumps from 2024/246/t1 (Adventures in...Bridging) to 2024/238/t1 (All setup here at IndieWebCamp Portland), too. There have been a few things y'all have debugged that affected Mastodon and some other implementations but _not_ Microblogpub, but this doesn't seem to be one of them.

[snarfed] looks like the issue is indeed the https://kevinmarks.com link. his site doesn't serve SSL, so when BF tries to fetch that URL, it waits for 15s and then times out
[snarfed] [tantek] I'll work on a fix, but in the short term, I expect you can fix this on your end by linking to either http://kevinmarks.com/ (no https) or https://www.kevinmarks.com/ , since both of those serve ok
thegreekgeek joined the channel
aaronpk Possibly related to this? https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/24695

thegreekgeek_ joined the channel
[tantek] hmm, going to recommend https://validator.w3.org/checklink before federating a post with Bridgy Fed

bret, gRegorLove_, [mattl], [mattl]2, thegreekgeek, _fluffy, AramZS, gRegorLove__, cuibonobo, ttybitnik and sp1ff joined the channel
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pcarrier doesnm: by tilde you mean https://tilde.club/ ?

doesnm tidle-like server. I'm using https://psf.lt

jimw joined the channel
[aciccarello] joined the channel
pcarrier https://github.com/pcarrier/identify was the project

sebbu interesting, if that project got updated i could see it being promoted to use with https://github.com/yrutschle/sslh ;)
[schmarty] for PHP folks that use GuzzleHttp (or even curl directly, I guess), do you have a wrapper or pattern that you like for ensuring that you don't make unexpected requests to localhost or other not-generally-routable-but-maybe-on-your-local-network IPs?

gRegor [schmarty], In ProcessWire plugin I have an isClientIdValid method which checks that in part: https://github.com/gRegorLove/ProcessWire-IndieAuth/blob/main/src/IndieAuth/Server.php#L119

[schmarty] thanks, gRegor! does that mean your PW IndieAuth server will fetch a client ID of ``? 😅

[schmarty] pcarrier: sounds reasonable, but requires running an extra service?

[schmarty] gRegor the spec says a server must not fetch a client_id with host (or ::1) https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#client-information-discovery

[schmarty] allow it as client_id, but don't attempt to fetch metadata from it.

[schmarty] cuz you'll be fetchin' from your own server!!

rozenglass, Virtual and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
aaronpk there is an openid connect discovery spec that uses webfinger: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#IssuerDiscovery

aaronpk oh wow i had no idea okta supports this https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/webfinger/

[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
ptramo [marksuth] seeing markup in my feed reader for your feeds
[marksuth] joined the channel
[marksuth] hmm, someone mentioned the same thing at HWC this evening, I’ll do some poking

ptramo RSS
ptramo well
ptramo eg https://marksuth.dev/feed/stream.xml
ptramo miniflux shows 3 feeds when adding your domain, "Posts", "Photos", and "Stream". the purpose of the last one isn't super clear
ptramo looks like this: https://srv.us/ahc75stmctzcgqflmfpqnpcgjsx2kfz6
ptramo Just realized it's not obvious at all… ptramo=pcarrier=π, just depends on which platform I'm using and which platform you're using.
[tantek] you can fix that in /chat-names !

[marksuth] I have either now fixed my feed issue or broken it in a different way, from checking in a couple of clients I think it's sorted

[marksuth] it should everything in there as I don't set a limit on it

ttybitnik joined the channel
[marksuth] out of interest, how much post history do folk have in their site's rss feed, cos I can easily set a limit

[mattl]2 10 posts is standard for WordPress.
[marksuth] 13 it is

[benatwork] joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Baker's Dozen seems properly English Mark.
pcarrier > for enc in identity gzip br; curl -sHAccept-Encoding:$enc https://nothing.pcarrier.com/feed.json|LANG=C wc -c; end|xargs