#dev 2024-09-10

2024-09-10 UTC
lanodan, sp1ff and voxpelli joined the channel
Cohost had a bunch of obnoxious JS app framework stuff on the frontend yeah. It failed miserably a lot of the time.
It tried really hard to be a modern stack with a separation of frontend and backend, but never offered a user-accessible API or any real auth mechanism other than their username/password thing. I don’t think you could even get a permanent access token using that.
There was a long-active bug where if you visited a page while not logged in, then logged in, then went back to the page you logged in from, an uncaught error would happen and the whole page would turn blank. I had to keep reopening the bug because the devs never tried to reproduce it and assumed it just went away on its own because people didn’t keep pestering them about it every time it happened.
Also a bug where you’d get logged out constantly, and the most recent dev update supposedly fixed it, but only made it worse.
There were also a lot of persistent complaints about annoying things in their stylesheet, and their response was always to blame whatever CSS framework they were using, which tells me they didn’t know how to write CSS.
Another thing that always filled me with existential dread is that all of their post IDs were a simple globally-autoincrementing integer.
This is a shame. It could have been avoided probably
But I don’t want to dump on them
Yeah, I feel bad for them, but these are persistent issues I constantly ran into as a user of the site. And the nature of most of their bugs, as well as their response to those bugs being reported, left me with no confidence in their technical abilities.
like their Atom feeds were formatted by an external library, and their <category> tags would get invalid characters in it because they didn’t know how to escape entities, and when that was opened as a bug they just blamed the library.
Like, why are they using a library to format atom feeds?
Or one that wasn’t treating it as XML properly, at least?
I really do feel like JavaScript may be an issue here
Which isn’t to say that a higher level of technical competence would have solved all the issues or anything
The draw to cohost was the community they attempted to foster, although a lot of *that* was in the form of them stating good intentions which they weren’t able to back up with action as the site grew and moderation burden increased.
That’s gonna get old fast and break. A server side rendering would have been better?
I think they were doing the rendering server side, at least.
I have an account. I don’t think I ever used it, sadly.
But it’s like they purpose-built everything to have their small LLC as the bottleneck for all technical and community decisions going forward, and I’m amazed they lasted as long as they did.
That’s sad to hear.
Having a proper API would have been great. Having community-driven moderation would have been great. Having decent feed support, or at least a way for people to generate their own feed from the mythical API, would have been great.
What’s infuriating is all of the discussion on Mastodon and Cohost and so on where people are just like “wellp guess there’s no social media left” as if there aren’t plenty of options for, y’know, running your own website, often for free.
Their budgets seemed quite reasonable tbh.
People are so conditioned to think that their entire social experience needs to be looking at a single dashboard on a silo. Anytime someone mentions RSS it gets dismissed out of hand as being “just for nerds.”
I mean RSS is just for nerds because we have no remix tools
We need a way to take in a number of feeds and use that for something
It's too bad notabug.io died before it was finished. He was working on integrating external RSS/Atom feeds into the lens system for mixing/aggregating the notabug.io equivalent of subreddits.
feedly but for everyone
also feedly but without the cop-supporting surveillance capitalism with a side of AI
gRegor joined the channel
https://browser.pub/https://todon.eu/users/jalcine something like this for mf2 (like to parse that of a page and render it back to help with authoring) would be nice 🤔
[mattl] yes RSS is for nerds, a particular subset, nostalgic nerds from the early 2000s. Technology moved on. RSS2->Atom->Atom+AS1->AS1/JSON->AS2, or another fork, RSS2->Atom->JSONfeed
[fluffy] RSS *should* be dismissed out of hand because it's literally only fora narrow band of nerds who are willing to put up with all the bad UX, and yet somehow completely missed the fact that entire communities iterated and evolved beyond RSS into better more well-specified standards, with test suites, eventually with more modern features.
By “RSS” in this context I mean feeds in general, including Atom and h-feed.
anything that you can subscribe to in a feed reader.
^ yeah anything that speaks "feed" is nerd-world
ActivityPub is also based on feeds though? And people seem to think it’s inherently superior?
throws hands up to that
I'm still waiting to understand lol
ActivityPub is not based on feeds
like I've tried making an AP server a few times now
it's push, not pull
I thought it also has an ‘outbox’ concept
it has collections, but those aren't really feeds in the same sense
yup, a collection
fediverse UXes are definitely feed based! but that's different
(you can't have AP with AS2 and AS2 is _def_ based on feed tooling)
[fluffy] and unfortunately "feeds in general, including Atom and h-feed" is not what all the RSS nostalgia posts mean, or when people bring up the good old days of RSS and are dismissed mean
ActivityPub is the protocol. AS2 is the feed file format.
“RSS reader” is a more recognizable term than “feed reader”
wait AS2 is indeed a format but not a feed format
it describes individual objects and activities
idk why that's somehow so hard for devs to get. it doesn't seem that complex a separation. protocol vs format
AS2 is absolutely a feed format
suddenly I feel so confused
[tantek] are you saying collections and feeds are the same?
if so...ok, I guess
otherwise, I'm very confused
there's the straight through line of evolution, I'll state it again. RSS2->Atom->Atom+AS1/SML-> AS1/JSON -> AS2/JSON(-LD)
well anyway. my point is just that feeds, in general, are a nice way to do things that involve subscribing to infrequent updates, and I am still a heavy consumer of feeds and it’s infuriating that feeds are usually seen as an afterthought by anyone building a new thing.
oh, sure, historical evolution
and that everything is based on having Yet Another Silo dashboard thing
sure people bikeshedded a bunch but the semantics of RSS are essentially still there in AS2, just buried under a bunch of { { } }
that's a different question. which, fine. but AS2 _evolved out of_ feed formats feels like a very different statement to me than AS2 _is a_ feed format
it essentially is, as much as Atom+AS1 is a feed file format
but in practice there's no AS2 feed file format
sure people dumped XML for more fashionable JSON but it's fairly isomorphic
Yeah I don't think it escaped; it might be evolving from the feed realm but it hasn't broken free of it
The AT/Lexicon approach is more schema (since it's more about schemas)
yeah s/item/activity whatever
s/more schema/more "evolved/
but 🤷
at this point both "RSS reader" and "feed reader" are niche terms that mostly just nerds and maybe a few journalists recognized who were actively using web things 20+ years ago, so there's a generational break
so unless you want to only appeal to a elder millenial / gen x and older demographic, you really should stop saying "RSS" or "RSS reader" or "feed reader"
might as well be going on and on about NNTP Clients and News Readers which is about the same sort of limitation except you probably lose all the millenials too
it's all become self-defeating jargon
this is why those terms are in /jargon and why Loqi nudges people in #indieweb to this channel that use them. they are effectively dev terms even if a very small handful of folks here see them in a handful of user interfaces
That does mean that there's no real way to talk about alternatives _without_ first having to come into here (not sure if that's bad or good; might be case by case)
(alternatives to the terms _or_ concepts as a whole)
The mention of cohost's demise got me trying to remember the name of counter.social, which I eventually did.
Don't remember what brought it to my attention originally; just that I thought its logo was striking and decided not to set up an account
[jacky] alternatives to what though? IMO it's like worrying about discussing alternatives to vi or emacs. Typical users have never heard of those and would not understand why anyone was talking about alternatives to vi or emacs.
I mean, there's definitely a pool of folks who've moved from network to network in lieu of administrative changes. Even the scare of the TikTok ban had (some) folks considering where (if anywhere) to go next (though that's tied more to their ability to make money on those platforms and less on community building)
I'd guess I'd like to get to a point where folks aren't scrambling around (or worse, apathetic to things b/c of the in-built switching costs that came with these platforms providing "ease of use")
RSS, Atom, and other jargon are not alternatives to social media silos
that's like saying copper pipes are an alternative to toilets in MacDonalds and Starbucks.
it does users absolutely zero good to "pitch" or otherwise claim various technical jargon are "alternatives" to social networks that they're using
yes, you might be able to use copper pipes to build a network of public bathrooms that actually are alternatives to toilets in MacDonalds and Starbucks, but they are not the same, and telling the public, "just get some copper pipes!" does absolutely zero good to people who want to go to the bathroom
It certainly takes a lot of time an effort. With ~1700 RSS/Atom feeds in my rss reader I now usually see what's going to be on hackernews, lobsters, or other aggregators before it appears there. But I don't think the social network versus feeds tech is about completion or ease of use. I think it is about having the infrastructure required to move money around legally.
Social networks are about money.
Feed technology doesn't offer people a way to make money so it is not an alternative. At least with governments KYC laws squeezing out all possible monetary transaction alternatives.
nah, 99.99% of social network users / usage has nothing to do with money.
But 80% wouldn't be there if someone making money off it wasn't.
again false, the entirety and growth of Mastodon disproves this
I do hope mastodon grows but 1 million users is not a percent.
Yeah, Mastodon is far from representative
Like the billions of people stuck on Facebook, for example, began with private fiscal incentives and now has made it _more expensive_ for people to leave (it's critical for more modern family reunions for example, since we're more accustomed to using a computer to mediate those relationships)
But that's not really going to change anytime soon
That'd require a(nother) cultural revolution in how we use computers to interact
(I guess that's #social-dev, lol)
Banana joined the channel
huh? Facebook began with college students with prurient interests, a little different from private fiscal incentives
nah, Facebook is slowly dying a similar death that MySpace did. there's "flight" of various kinds from FB to other smaller networks
no revolution needed. it'll be a slow whimper, not a bang
see this post from previously in #indieweb for example: https://chat.indieweb.org/2024-09-09/1725911274209200
[preview] [[tantek]] On another topic, this seems adjacently relevant to our interests: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/sep/08/goodbye-tinder-hello-strava-have-hobby-apps-become-the-new-social-networks — as in, whatever is motivating people to migra...
Don't think you can organize a family reunion on Strava (the point I was making that's more applicable to folks using over a distributed region versus individual interests)
I think I need to write this out in long form
Because there's some gaps in perspective here that doesn't translate well in short form
sure, people are using other tools for that now. some back to Evite (old school), others using txt based tools like partiful instead
I saw organizing with FB events hit a peak pre-pandemic and then crash to near zero during the pandemic, and then switch to other tools like partiful.
[pfefferle], geoffo, rozenglass, [Jo] and ttybitnik joined the channel
This tool looks pretty neat for static site generation: https://www.getlektor.com/
I like the paradigm of having a UI to generate a flat file.
I love the idea, but I’d be concerned about python. (to be clear, I like python, but unless you’re a daily programmer in it the dependency management and venv side of things will definitely bite eventually)
rozenglass, AramZS and to2ds joined the channel; cuibonobo left the channel
Always forget to exclude venv directories from my backups.
poetry provisions venvs out-of-tree, very convenient
Keep forgetting about poetry.
I'm personally happy to not know about alternatives because those topics are of very little interest to me and my employer had already chosen, but there might be better setups for your needs
(to be transparent those topics do interest me outside of python)
capjamesg[d] back in the HyperCard days I literally built stacks with UIs to generate flat files as my normal/usual tool development
ttybitnik and barnaby joined the channel
capjamesg[d], this is kind of where a lot of the very old now microformats generators originated
What got me started on the static site path was lab software. We used LabWindows/CVI and later LabVIEW/G where I worked, and much of what I would write was designed to stream lines to CSV files, read files in, etc. Various unix CLI utilities would be piped together to slice and dice and post process the output (I didn’t know about SQL yet). It got me used to the idea of slinging files and lines and thinking in terms of flow and dependencie
(particularly LabVIEW), and I never really stopped thinking that way. I think I would have enjoyed HyperCard.
jimw, ttybitnik, JadedBlueEyes4 and gRegor joined the channel
what is lektor
Lektor is a CMS that generates static files (a SSG), written in Python https://indieweb.org/Lektor