#dev 2024-09-14

2024-09-14 UTC
[qubyte] joined the channel
Silly question… Have you considered concatenating your files? Is there something stopping you from doing that? It might help with too many open file descriptors etc.
I’ve been considering doing that (perhaps batching into months) for notes, likes, etc.
jalcine and jacky joined the channel
sounded like the goal was more to use an off the shelf SSG, not write a new one, and afaik existing ones usually expect file per post/page
Breaking stuff into folders seems like it's working, actually. And yeah, the ssg is 1 page per file.
I was wondering, if I wanted to make a new post type for my released games, how should I go about it? Should I come up with a term more abstract than game? How would I mark down an embeddable iframe or a download for said game?
Generally there is no point in creating new markup for new post types unless you also have a plan for what is going to consume the markup
...I mean 👍
thought it was a IRC crowd wave! lol
[snarfed] since you've worked on and I think published a bunch of HTML to AP discovery mechanisms, wondering what you think of helping write some of them up in https://github.com/swicg/activitypub-html-discovery ?
[Jo], dustinm`, zicklepop5, ttybitnik and rozenglass joined the channel
If I were to use indiekit to make a post based on a url (e.g. like or bookmark), would it parse the contents at that link for an h-card (or og properties) and pass that along to the template?
for SSG speed, Hugo is usually recommended. [capjamesg] recently spent some time optimising his custom one too
I think at this point I'd want to switch to nuxt, because I get to keep using vue and it'd allow me to go with ISR later if I need to
for the non-static approach for a simple site with lots of data, Simon's baked data pattern is worth a look https://simonwillison.net/2021/Jul/28/baked-data/
but simultaneously I want to setup indieauth as the CMS, because of it handling syndications for me. But I can't test stuff myself quite yet because I'm trying to add the s3 plugin but its not showing up nor showing me any errors
GWG and troojg joined the channel
i'm try to use get to display form and verify xD. Very bad idea. Seems i should split verify script and auth endpoint
For IndieAuth?
the fediforum session I'm in right now is currently debating whether FTP was specified in 1971 or 1972 and which version of Multics it was in and whether it was originally named that or something else and...
god I love the internet
[tantek]: yes
dustinm`_ and grufwub joined the channel
i want indieauth with ssh keys
sebbu2, kushal and [sebbu] joined the channel
we already have gpg, ssh might require some additional work
[sebbu]: im tried to do this
im call shell from python to verify signature (i hope it works). Tried bash+cgi but got burned
ttybitnik joined the channel
I heard about rnp (librepgp) instead of gnupg
key distribution is easy with gpg too, just put your key on a keyserver (or host it yourself if you already host your own domain for email)
CGI has lots of issues
hum, just tested your link, it works for my ssh keys (i got a rsa and a ed25519 one)
i could see it working in git, since it already include ssh (for git clone) and gpg (for signing), and already provides the email adress (so i wouldn't have to fill anything)
but make that allowed_signers file (known_host isn't the right format)
to2ds joined the channel
im created another allowed_signers file
hm, seems verifying in py script not work
ssh-keygen -Y sign -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -n file test.txt
ssh-keygen -Y verify -f ~/.ssh/allowed_signers -I sebbu@yahoo.fr -n file -s test.txt.sig < test.txt
i just cat'd ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub to ~/.ssh/allowed_signers, added my email in front of both lines, and removed the user@host on the end
im also testing this in cmdline
https://paste.ee/p/nhLWG#ojiveOxqV562Cm7b8vx_Q2GNZQdJcWbe (i think shell script should replaced with another python or python+html script?)
rather that email im use me property. In my cmdline tests it work
jacky joined the channel
yeah, i have that user@host by default, except it's the host of the computer i created the key on, but changed computer and copied the key since
(so yes, when i git clone on github i use the same key no matter which device i'm using)
i mean in indieauth i can only get email in rel property. But if domain work i do not need email
rel=me supports a few sites (github/gitlab usually), email and gpg iirc
troojg joined the channel
yes it does especially in the IndieLogin service where you can test it
rrix, [aciccarello] and jacky joined the channel
[manton] re: https://www.manton.org/2024/09/14/i-got-a.html, I'd love to chat with you about your usecases for social client APIs and what's missing from Micropub+Microsub
[preview] [Manton Reece] I got a lot out of FediForum this week. Mostly lurking this morning, can’t really participate. Some fantastic sessions yesterday. I helped lead a discussion on adapting client APIs for different platforms, with great points from folks on ActivityPu...
gRegor, oblivxi0us, doesnm, JadedBlueEyes, mainakchhari, to2ds and __DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel