#dev 2024-09-20

2024-09-20 UTC
gRegorLove_, [Joe_Crawford], geoffo, barnaby, ttybitnik, cuibonobo1, magni, AramZS and [qubyte] joined the channel
Does anyone have a high level document covering the tools/architecture of their website?
what is a colophon?
A colophon is a page or section (typically in a footer) of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies, and often published on personal sites at a top level /colophon page https://indieweb.org/colophon
^ examples there [mattl]
I don't have one, but i either have scripts I did on my own from scratch with no dependencies, or existing stuff i didn't modify (but might have use specific themes/plugins, and configured)
(and none of that is indexed or linked together)
Plone has/had an explicit colophon URL. I'd forgotten the term.
gRegor joined the channel
[edit] [mattl]: https://nothing.pcarrier.com/posts/meta/ complete with code
Main site is simpler but I got into details of the platform confjg. https://xmit.dev/posts/pcarrier-com/
[edit] Main site is simpler but I got into details of the platform confjg. https://xmit.dev/posts/pcarrier-com/
[snarfed] joined the channel
yeah lots of indieweb examples. mine is https://snarfed.org/about
mmm, maybe i should write one for my website…
I probably should have just linked https://indieweb.org/colophon
I love reading them.
barnaby joined the channel
Ah, it was already linked. My bad.
These are great but does anyone have anything more like... "Here's how I get my posts from http://micro.blog to my personal website?" etc?
I feel like I'm missing something.
Mine does that. See the bottom (micropub clients / server)
It’s a little dry I guess.
As a one-time export, [mattl], or like PESOS?
I do the syndicate-to mb via Atom feed route, not sure about PESOS
My personal site https://mat.tl has all my self hosted stuff from the last 30 years or so. I want to use WordPress and http://micro.blog and other new and exciting things, so I put those on subdomains: https://blog.mat.tl https://micro.mat.tl etc. I get the feeling that's not quite how I'm "supposed" to do things?
[preview] Dr. Matt Lee
I control my own WordPress install but it's on WPEngine.
What I don't want is a homepage full of blog posts
But I'd be fine with /blog being full of blog posts.
So, do you mean you syndicate from there and other places all to one singular place? Or do you mean these are all just separate things?
Yeah, they're all basically separate right now. Ideally I'd use one tool, probably http://micro.blog to publish everything that's not the homepage.
This is the method I use: https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog#How_to_syndicate_to regardless of what posts appear where, if you want to set up a feed of just the posts you want to syndicate, you can put that feed in micro.blog
For example, my feed excludes unlisted posts and replies
I would also take the atom route (I use atom to power various bits and pieces).
(of JSON feed also looks good for this)
When I'm replying to a m.b post, that gets into m.b. by me sending a webmention
I don't think you strictly need a subdomain, but maybe if that helps keep the posts types and their feed separate for you, could work!
from WordPress or something else?
I'm happy to do whatever I need. Right now I'm basically looking for a solution to all of this so I can actually get on on and write stuff. Right now I don't write stuff because there's nowhere for anyone who doesn't know how to find my various subdomains to find stuff.
I think a WP blog, whatever domain/subdomain it's hosted at, should work pretty well for that out of the box, since it has RSS/Atom feeds
[preview] [gRegor Morrill] My friend Catherine is publishing her first book of poetry on Monday, September 16! Barely a Whisper: Poems from the Heart of a Woman Re-becoming. Please check it out!
Yeah, I use ProcessWire CMS and most of my feeds are generated by converting mf2, using /granary
Let me find the feed I have put into mb
what is processwire
ProcessWire is an open source PHP content management system/content management framework https://indieweb.org/ProcessWire
If discovery is an issue, could a quick and easy solution be a top page on your domain which links out to each thing? Then they can all stay their own things and you can get on with writing in whichever suits the content.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding.
This is the feed I have put into m.b. As you can see when you open, it's a redirect to the hosted granary service that converts my mf2 to Atom https://gregorlove.com/stream/feed.atom
That's just my choice for implementation though, doesn't matter how the feed is created. A WordPress RSS/Atom feed should be fine
Aha... and what is superfeedr?
Nerd sniping me into blogging about this, heh. I've been needing to write more
Sorry not sorry 😉
Also optional, websub hub
what is superfeedr
Superfeedr provides a variety of ways to access real-time feed updates, including a popular PubSubHubbub-0.4 compliant hub https://indieweb.org/Superfeedr
[snarfed] has 49 karma in this channel over the last year (98 in all channels)
Granary *is* super nice for this, though, I love being able to write mf2 and convert it to Atom. [snarfed]++
So you write stuff in Processwire and categorized it somehow as either a note or a blog post... and then superfeedr takes your feed/feeds and makes one feed that granary uses?
[snarfed] has 50 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
nope, superfeedr isn't involved in the process. You can forget about it for now :)
If you visit https://granary.io/, select microformats, select input=html, output=Atom, then enter URL https://gregorlove.com/stream/, that's the resulting Atom feed
lol hang on, i just signed up for superfeedr 😕
no sign up on granary at least, haha
careful, superfeeder is on maintenance mode, at best
I'm just explaining it as a demo of what I do, though. If you have a WP blog, you have an RSS and Atom feed already I think
yeah, the site took *a while* to load an image.
yeah, i have an RSS and an Atom feed from both http://blog.mat.tl and from http://micro.mat.tl
[preview] [snarfed] Superfeedr is unreliable these days, and I'm not confident in its future. Looking into alternatives and their pricing. Many charge per feed, which I don't think is sustainable for BF. Some charge per notification, which is better. IFTTT and Botize ar...
In lieu of websub, you might be able to dispatch webhooks to trigger stuff to get your feeds.
I'm not even sure my site is pinging superfeedr these days, haven't tested on https://websub.rocks/ in a while. Either way, my posts show up pretty quickly in m.b
(if polling isn’t good enough)
gRegor: how do you write a new note? that's just in processwire?
Yep, I have a few different templates for different posts. Then https://gregorlove.com/stream/ is a custom page of everything public, excluding unlisted posts and reply posts
brb installing processwire.
lol, not sure I recommend that. I mean I like it, but it's more of a framework to build various types of sites out of.
I do prefer it for that customizability and less maintenance than WP, but it's a bit more work up front, maybe
I think your mvp is plug in your micro.mat.tl feed into micro.blog
cuibonobo1 left the channel
I like how few files it is, and maybe this will actually get me to write stuff.
I really like PW because it's entirely custom fields and templates. So I can set up fields for title, body, dt-published, etc. then group them as needed in templates like "note", "article", "photo", etc. Each template has its own file and it is mostly straightforward PHP, with some PW API calls.
OH, so you have a paid m.b account and you're posting directly to it? I misunderstood.
I'm using a free m.b account, so I just have micro.blog/gregorlove and my posts go into it via the feed. Different process.
Need to step away for a bit
sounds good. I got processwire installed.
i got my homepage template to look just like my old website 🙂
got my omg.lol to processwire template pipeline working for my homepage.
i wrote a colophon now :3 https://catgirlin.space/colophon/