#dev 2024-09-23
2024-09-23 UTC
AramZS and Dryusdan joined the channel
# [tantek] capjamesg[d], Technorati was known for *real time search* which literally no one else did, except Google prototyped/shipped an "80%" solution, enough to seem like "competition" to Technorati, then a few years after Technorati folded (for many reasons, can share more informally), Google shut off their real time Blog Search.
[tw2113] joined the channel
# catgirlin.space i find kagi to be pretty good i think,,,,,
# catgirlin.space am confused what you mean by real time search exactly [tantek]
# catgirlin.space like, doing a search on funny search engine would go and do a site search on every website it knows about? orrrr
# catgirlin.space ooo
# catgirlin.space is that uh, kinda similar-ish to what indexnow does? telling search engines that something changed and then they can crawl it again if they want to,,,,
# catgirlin.space wait was technorati just, constantly polling feeds,,,, for like, every single blog then? [woozycat](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183246214595092561.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=woozycat)
# catgirlin.space [edit] wait was technorati just, constantly polling feeds,,,, for like, every single blog then? [woozycat](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1183246214595092561.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=woozycat)
# [tantek] catgirlinspace you can read the http://enwp.org/Technorati article for some more background if you're curious
# catgirlin.space huh
# Loqi Technorati was a real-time blog search engine that provided date-ordered results for text phrases or links, typically within seconds of when people published on their blogs https://indieweb.org/Technorati
# catgirlin.space so confused how it knew about new posts then. skimming the wikipedia article it doesnt seem to detail that?
# catgirlin.space > Tantek Çelik was the site's Chief Technologist.
# catgirlin.space omg that's you, that's so cool,,,,,
# [tantek] !tell [snarfed] ah I see my posts are gone from lots of tag searches now. that's really too bad / sad as that's one place people do (re-)discover posts, when they themselves blog about a topic, and then go see what others have said on that topic previously. re: "still looking at exactly what/how I can repair" - here is a suggestion: if I resend a webmention to BF for an old post of mine, BF should go deliver it to everyone. if BF thinks it
# [tantek] I realize that still requires manual work on my part to re-webmention BF for a bunch of my posts (all of them since Oct 2022 lol?) however, at least that will shake out a bunch of bugs in BF/Masto interactions and then we can file bugs and advocate for Mastodon folks to fix the Mastodon problems with properly handling UPDATEs
# [snarfed] alternatively since the posts already exist, we can find and construct the POSTs for Mastodon's search for each post URL, ie https://fed.brid.gy/r/https://tantek.com/... , since searching for those makes the instance re-fetch the post
[morganm] joined the channel
# [tantek] [snarfed] looks like reply-threading was broken as well when posts got deleted 😞 e.g. this post was a reply to my three phase pomodoro post, used to display it as a reply-context but now looks oddly isolated, and the @-@ for my name also doesn't link. Not great 😕 https://aus.social/@subtl/113105670128002197
# [tantek] !tell [snarfed] how about broken reply contexts due to posts being deleted? e.g. https://aus.social/@subtl/113105670128002197 used to show my three phase pomodoro post above it as a reply context but no longer does and the @-@ for my name was also unlinked which maybe is a different BF bug?
jjuran, Jean, [Jo], ttybitnik and Jon2 joined the channel
[schmarty] and AramZS joined the channel
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "people using for sending email to users these days" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "people using for sending email to users these days is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# capjamesg[d] [mattl] I haven't used it but https://postmarkapp.com/ looks pretty cool.
# capjamesg[d] [edit] [mattl] I haven't used it but https://postmarkapp.com/ looks pretty cool.
# jimw I either just use the free trial level of Postmark (https://postmarkapp.com), or through the SMTP server for my Fastmail account, but I send very few emails.
# capjamesg[d] The developer experience looks much better than anything else I have used.
# pcarrier[d] [mattl] if you run your own server, and you only want to send, and your ISP doesn't block SMTP unconditionally, it's fairly easy to set up a service those days
# pcarrier[d] [mattl] did you set up SPF? the mail-over-https companies don't have any magic tricks (well DKIM too but doesn't help delivery all that much in my experience)
# pcarrier[d] (I really don't want to deal with mailservers either, except for outbound-only opensmtpd which has made my life easier than the vendors I tried. granted, I'm very comfortable around DNS, including SPF and PTR records, and Unix-like systems)
AramZS joined the channel
# catgirlin.space postmark has been great for me
gRegor joined the channel
# Zegnat Just to throw another name on the pile, I was looking at Scaleway, who are the only European provider I know for transactional email. https://www.scaleway.com/en/transactional-email-tem/
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
# [Joe_Crawford] There was that kickstarter for a book that purported to teach you to do the ugly work of really running your own mailserver. It looks like it's in the gray area after the Kickstarter and before publication so it seems not obviously available. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mwlucas/run-your-own-mail-server
# [Joe_Crawford] The book's cover strikes the balance of cartoon fun in the context of World War I-style carnage and devastation and pain.
# pcarrier_com[d] thankfully for me, local outbound is a tiny part of the problem space, and we have opensmtpd since 2013. never am I ever touching exim, postfix, or imap services ever again
# [snarfed] ok [tantek] I have a bit of good news. I forgot that BF's webmention handler supports a force=true param. I sent it a wm for https://tantek.com/2024/264/t1/cc-nt-for-no-training-llm-genai with force=true, and it recreated that post in all downstream instances. I also confirmed that those instances "reconnect" reposts and likes
AramZS joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] [snarfed] How do you manage larger projects like Brid.gy?
# capjamesg[d] I am hesitant to make bigger things in case I take something on and can't keep it up.
# [mattl] http://Libre.fm has 372,704 registered users 😕
# capjamesg[d] [snarfed] I guess what happens if there is an anomaly or a brings something down?
# capjamesg[d] The prospect of hosting projects for others stresses me out a bit.
# [mattl] I just closed registration on http://Libre.fm for two years because one user was such a needy jerk to me.
# Loqi [preview] [XKCD] A-Minus-Minus https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/a-minus-minus.png
# [Joe_Crawford] "also nothing is big at the beginning, things get big gradually over time" snarfed++
barnaby, AramZS and ttybitnik joined the channel
[aciccarello] joined the channel
# [snarfed] oh they show up on your homepage! even the blank-looking likes? like https://tantek.com/2024/050/f10 ?
__DuBPiRaTe__, AramZS and strugee joined the channel