jeremycherfasI've been looking again at the Twig templates for my website and am discovering that I am no longer quite as keen on Tailwind as I once was.
jeremycherfasSure it made responsiveness easier for an amateur like me back when I started, but the intellectual overhead of working out how it is working now, years afterwards, is huge.
jeremycherfasLooking at doing the templates again, and finding myself wondering whether to go for an entirely new look or keep thelook but use what I have learned from Every Layout to simplify the templates.
[tantek]--> "intellectual overhead of working out how it is working now, years afterwards, is huge." <-- that deserves a longevity critique on Tailwind IMO
[morganm]Tailwind seemed cool for me for 20 minutes when I was piecing together a template and copied some stuff I found online. Never had to maintain it at all or revisit those projects