#dev 2024-11-28
2024-11-28 UTC
[Joe_Crawford] I feel like I missed the addition of the "symbols" panel in GitHub, which shows all the functions in the class I wrote today: https://github.com/artlung/artlung-tilde-club/blob/main/public_html/WebmentionIoClient.class.php (I created a repo for my http://Tilde.Club page)
Loqi tilde.club is "one cheap, unmodified Unix computer on the Internet." [1] It was set up by Paul Ford and is named after the tilde character that appears in the URL before the account name, e.g. http://tilde.club/~ford https://indieweb.org/tilde.club

grufwub and curiousindie joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Yeah, I tried it out in 2014 and it worked. It throws some odd warnings but it seems to work. I don't have it set up to update those webmentions in realtime but I can run a script to clear the cache or clobber the file and it'll work.
[Joe_Crawford] It did occur to me to do them as a proper cgi-bin perl script but I didn't go that far.
Kongaloosh joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] and the discipline of html 2.0 is a lot of fun for me
gRegor DNS may need to propagate, https://bsky-debug.app/handle?handle=kongaloosh.com looks like it's returning a DID starting with `zqo`, but the one on https://fed.brid.gy/web/kongaloosh.com starts with `7ph`

gRegor Ohh, I see you have https://bsky.app/profile/kongaloosh.com. I'm not sure BridgyFed can work federating into an existing account like that. Bridgy Publish can, though. I have a similar setup and have used Publish for that.

gRegor My understanding of these steps is that you're copying the DID from BF, adding it to your DNS, then you can DM the bridgy bsky bot to set your domain. https://fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky-enhanced

GuestZero_ and bterry joined the channel
GuestZero, [Akshay_Khobrag], bterry, geoffo, [Jo], Guest6, curiousindie and [kongaloosh] joined the channel
[kongaloosh] [gRegorLove], yah, that's right.

[kongaloosh] That really helps, thanks for sharing. I'll relinquish my domain on BSKY, re-DM the bot, after updating with the BF did and see what happens.

barnaby, JadedBlueEyes9, srijan and gRegor joined the channel
[kongaloosh] Okay, I think things are a bit funky on my end:

[kongaloosh] I have bridgy fed setup https://fed.brid.gy/web/kongaloosh.com

[kongaloosh] I can see my site in the fediverse and posts are showing up https://mastodon.social/@kongaloosh.com@kongaloosh.com

[kongaloosh] But...

[kongaloosh] I can't see myself in blue sky https://bsky.app/profile/kongaloosh.com.web.brid.gy

[kongaloosh] I see that my DID is the http://fed.brid.gy string and It's showing up properly in this debug tool https://bsky-debug.app/handle?handle=kongaloosh.com

[kongaloosh] No no no! Thank you for the tools ❤️ I love http://brid.gy 🙏

[kongaloosh] I exist!

[kongaloosh] I have one more question:

[kongaloosh] I'm looking at https://fed.brid.gy/docs#bluesky-enhanced

[kongaloosh] > Finally, if your account is on the fediverse, DM _username [domain]_ to `@bsky.brid.gy@bsky.brid.gy`. For example, to set your handle to http://my.site.com, DM the exact text _username http://my.site.com_. If you're bridging a website, click the 🔁 button on your https://fed.brid.gy/docs#user-page.

[kongaloosh] If I'm understanding correctly, if things are properly configured with my DID in my DNS panel, I should be able to just refresh in BF and see an update of domain to @kongaloosh.com.kongaloosh.com ?

[snarfed] looks like https://bsky.app/profile/kongaloosh.com.web.brid.gy works now, just took a bit of time
[kongaloosh] Thanks so much [snarfed] 🙏

sebbu2 joined the channel
carrvo Yesterday I managed to complete MinToken+SelfAuth and see the token on a webpage! However I had to modify IndieAuth Client lib because MinToken expects the me query param...
carrvo I also managed to make a discovery endpoint that works with IndieAuth Client!
carrvo Today I am finding that I shot myself in the foot because when I tried it with mod_auth_openidc, it, too, does not send the query param. ...And I haven't figured out if I can make the metadata URL dynamic.
carrvo Can't share a link to it because I am doing all this localhost for now. 😦
[kongaloosh] A question on following, is there a way to follow bluesky users (like I do for mastodon users) who don't use bridgy or similar to federate?

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[kongaloosh] so in that case it would be more like subscribing to an RSS (which is a bit anonymous) rather than following people, like you would with the follower tab in bridgy fed

jimw4 joined the channel
capjamesg[d] carrvo[d]++ on your project progress!

gRegor, barnaby and dustinm` joined the channel
capjamesg[d] DNSimple 😄

capjamesg[d] (The GIF is party mode)