#dev 2024-12-03
2024-12-03 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
Loqi Squarespace is a content hosting service (paid) that provides services such as blogging and domain hosting https://indieweb.org/Squarespace

eitilt joined the channel
aaronpk i'm gonna start working this phrase into more of my daily conversations: "Code that runs on the client is running on the Devil's Computer" https://infrequently.org/2024/11/if-not-react-then-what/#the-rule-of-least-client-side-complexity

connorgurney joined the channel
connorgurney hey! just joined the wiki as I've become really interested in the idea of the IndieWeb in recent months. any pointers on who might be in a position to rename my account for me, please? seems to have to be a member of the Bureaucrats group in MediaWiki but I can't see its membership. thanks!
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "indieweb wiki" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieweb wiki is ____", a sentence describing the term)

eitilt joined the channel
connorgurney hi! joined via IndieAuth but it's set my username to a slugified version of the URL I used to log in, meaning that my username is currently *Connorgurney.me.uk me contact.html*. not the most glamorous thing I've ever been called, admittedly!
connorgurney ah, no worries! thanks all the same - appreciate it :)
carrvo Yes! Got IndieAuth to work with https://github.com/OpenIDC/mod_oauth2 today!!
carrvo [edit] Yes! Got IndieAuth to work with https://github.com/OpenIDC/mod_oauth2 today!!
carrvo I will publicly post something about how to get this working in the next few weeks.
gRegor On indielogin.com, you can try entering https://connorgurney.me.uk/ The setup instructions there for github or email should work

Loqi Using rel=me on a hyperlink indicates that its destination represents the same person or entity as the current page, which is a key building-block of web-sign-in, IndieAuth, and ✅ distributed identity verification https://indieweb.org/rel-me

carrvo Before I do, is there a way for a server to say "hey browser! would you use this bearer token for future requests to me?" It seems indieauth-client-php gets the token on the server side but mod_oauth2 requires the browser to send bearer tokens (upon no token it does not redirect and facilitate letting the browser know). So if I can get my indieauth-client-php redirect endpoint to convince the browser to use a token, then it will b
carrvo Oh, that was a big message...sorry.
connorgurney this is super helpful, @gRegor - thanks!
[kongaloosh] and CRISPR joined the channel
eitilt and btrem joined the channel
carrvo gRegor, I think I am probably the one who doesn't understand. This is really my first time trying to configure the server-side OAuth.
carrvo As a user I understood that I could visit pages, be redirected to a login, and then access the page, all powered by OAuth. Now I have to wonder if the "page" made a separate request, passing along the token, and used the response to either build the page or determine that I am not authorized.
carrvo I am also familiar enough with security to know that I should try to deny requests as early in the process as possible. So it would be appealing to block access to a page at the Apache level, not the page/app level.
carrvo But it seems like this constitutes both a client and a resource? A client because users directly query it and a resource because it contains the data displayed (even if that data is just text or a photo).
carrvo Like, if I am hosting a static webpage, is that a "client" or a "resource" or both? And if it is not a resource, then why would it have OAuth protecting it?
carrvo Maybe this is the wrong place to ask though 😞
carrvo So...maybe: user enters /path/to/page.html -> browser sends /path/to/page.html -> PHP passes along /_real/path/to/page.html with header -> html document is returned -> PHP passes back html document -> browser renders html document
gRegor joined the channel
carrvo [snarfed]++ Looks like mod_oauth2 can be configured with OAuth2AcceptTokenIn to search for the token in other places from the request (like a cookie). Will try another day.
gRegor So some real world examples, if someone on WordPress site with the IndieAuth plugin installed, they visit https://indiebookclub.biz and enter their domain, they'll be taken back to their WordPress UI to authorize it, then redirected back to indiebookclub

[pfefferle], gRegor, barnaby, [lazcorp] and Kolev joined the channel
Kolev I'm just looking to get started. Currently, I have no domain of my own. Currently, I use a static site generator. From what info I've gathered, I need to get my own domain and use WordPress, to have the best experience.
capjamesg[d] It depends what you want to do!

capjamesg[d] There are no pre-requisites to use any specific technology to participate. All you need is a personal website, which it sounds like you have!

capjamesg[d] Everyone here uses different technology for their websites.

capjamesg[d] Some people have static sites; others use WordPress; others use https://micro.blog (some have custom themes; others use defaults); others use omg.lol.

capjamesg[d] [edit] Some people have static sites; others use WordPress; others use https://micro.blog (some have custom themes; others use defaults); others use omg.lol.

capjamesg[d] We have a more complete list of options on https://indieweb.org/web_hosting

capjamesg[d] [edit] We have a more complete list of options on https://indieweb.org/web_hosting

capjamesg[d] But before choosing an option, definitely ask what you want to accomplish. If you'd prefer to write HTML, a static site generator is ideal. If you'd prefer to make pages without coding, a solution like WordPress or micro.blog may be preferable.

Kolev capjamesg[d], having a microblog independent of microblogging services really appeals to me.
Kolev POSSE, as it's called.
FaRiD, MyNetAz, claudinec, Pixi`, [jeremycherfas], eitilt, Guest6, [schmarty], GuestZero, sebbu2 and gRegor joined the channel; FaRiD left the channel
[Joe_Crawford] Added PHP Codesniffing and a first unit testfor my Lab site. I also added to the navigation a color hint as to how old pages are. https://lab.artlung.com/
[tantek] Kolev, re: what aaronpk has built on his site, yes it's quite admirable. I strongly recommend reading https://aaronparecki.com/tag/100daysofindieweb starting from his day 1 post and reading it forward to day 100.

Kolev [tantek], thanks.
doesnm, Pixi` and Pixi__ joined the channel
carrvo That seems useful! I'll give it a read too.
[alanm] joined the channel
[alanm] Hello. I've been running my own website for a couple of years now and will be looking into integrating it into the indie web by adopting the microformat standard and implementing web mentions.
[alanm] I've been enjoying looking through the wiki and perusing other peoples' personal sites!
[alanm] For those who are curious, my website is https://alanmckay.blog/
Kolev I still feel attracted to WordPress.
Kolev [alanm], very nice!
[alanm] Cheers!
Pixi`, Pixi__, jeremycherfas and eitilt joined the channel
carrvo I decided it was time to write a little blurb to give background on why I am here: why I discovered IndieAuth and why I have been asking the questions I have been. https://turner.enemyterritory.org/HomeCloud
doesnm joined the channel
carrvo Nothing fancy and no commenting, but I am happy to hear thoughts here and through email.
Salt joined the channel
Kolev Ugh, can't decide between Known and WordPress.
[marksuth] joined the channel
Kolev I might bite the bullet and use Known...
capjamesg[d] I have enjoyed using Known in the past!

Kolev capjamesg[d], what do you use now?
capjamesg[d] A custom static site generator.

capjamesg[d] I wanted to learn how they worked.

Kolev capjamesg[d], and you can do IndieAuth with that?
capjamesg[d] You can, but my site isn't an IndieAuth server.

capjamesg[d] That means that I need to depend on another server.

capjamesg[d] I was happy with Known.

capjamesg[d] It isn't actively maintained now IIRC, but it worked and was reliable and stable.

capjamesg[d] I used it a lot to keep track of bookmarks and web pages I liked.

Kolev capjamesg[d], I'm looking for a solution that will stand the test of time and allow me to implement a lot of the IndieWeb features, especially POSSE and IndieAuth.
Loqi Known is an open publishing / community platform project https://indieweb.org/known

Kolev gRegor, I'm OK with code. I've used static site generators, written HTML/CSS from scratch, etc. I want something robust that will just work and I won't have to worry about replacing it any time soon. Known looks really cool but WordPress has so much maturity on its side.
gRegor Looks like last release was January this year. Ben mentioned some ideas for the future of Known in https://werd.io/2024/helping-to-build-the-open-social-web

capjamesg[d] WordPress is a good call for something with a large, actively-maintained ecosystem.

capjamesg[d] (And actively supported IndieWeb plugins!)

Kolev And learning WordPress would be good for me. Lots of sites use it. It's a good skill to have.
Salt and [qubyte] joined the channel