#dev 2024-12-14

2024-12-14 UTC
title is the new alt
In most browser they will no longer a:hover img display alt text.
Only title.
Or, well, any hover, not just a:
Different use cases. Alt text shouldn't display on hover.
grufwub joined the channel
[schmarty]++ "The token introspection endpoint is intended to be used only internally" really hits your point.
[schmarty] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (27 in all channels)
Sigh, now that Dopplr has been reinvented, perhaps it is time to figure out not only IndieWeb venues, but cities as well
Alt text displayed on hover an that was it's use case for 15 years.
I was shocked when I learned they'd changed it.
I would like to have the server (hosting the app, not the app itself) approve user-facing (not API) endpoints, that are currently just webpages. In order words it acts as both a client and resource server. Introspection or JWTs seems to be the two ways to do this...but your comment will have to make me rethink.
If simple webpages are not considered resources then I don't understand how they are intended to be protected. Almost as if it must be wrapped in an app (say, a tiny amount of PHP to check that logged in); or that it is public and must separately retrieve content (say, with JavaScript).
carrvo, Do you want to restrict URLs to certain domains signing in? If so I think you only need the `profile` scope and no access token needs to be involved. Once they authorize, you have their domain as the `me` and can restrict pages based on that
lockywolf joined the channel
I never recall alt text showing on hover. Quick search looks like IE might have mistakenly done that, but yeah, it wasn't intended as a tooltip
gRegor Essentially, but Apache authorized. I really like what I have even though it does not sound like best practices so I will have to shelve thinking about this for a few months until I have more time. I think I will have to build an Apache Authn module to do it the "proper" way (instead of the existing mod_oauth2 module). Then I can support more existing implementations.
Pixi, barnaby, GuestZero, GuestZero_, nemonical, sebbu, [morganm], GWG, rrix, gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel