#dev 2024-12-18

2024-12-18 UTC
OptimumKnightXL left the channel
[snarfed] any idea why my last several posts to https://sockpuppet.band/ haven’t appeared at https://bsky.app/profile/sockpuppet.band ? They’ve been pinging http://fed.brid.gy and bridgy sees them at https://fed.brid.gy/web/sockpuppet.band but they’re not appearing on the bsky profile.
oh no [fluffy] looks like you fell victim to https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1595 😢
we're still waiting on a fix from the Bluesky team for that one
[preview] [Benniepie] #1595 Bluesky bridged accounts sometimes get "stuck" and stop bridging
Oof, okay. Well I guess I’ll add to that issue. thanks.
Kupietz and CRISPR joined the channel
hmm, looks like something isn't cleaning up temp files again
omg the spike is because there is some 8gb image from a feed it's trying to process
Is it a real image?
or some image that explodes into 8gb of temp data anyway
i'm just looking at the tmp file, i don't know where it's actually from
could be a video too
At a BarCampLA I asked Dan Kaminsky (who I didn't know really) what's the least-thought-about but most dangerous security vulnerability sites have and he replied that accepting uploads--usually profile photos--is worst because it seems so simple.
That would be-- 20 or so years ago. Glad to know Dan (RIP) is still right. 😐
this is feed crawling but similar idea
aaronpk: It inspired me to consider my own solution again
aaronpk: Do not take that personally... I have been trying to wean myself off the SPOA.
please do
aaronpk: I built an an indieauth endpoint... I host my own compass... I don't use aperture... I'm getting there
I wish it was easier to self host aperture though as a stopgap
me too
@[slack_sp] (not sure how well mentions come across from IRC to Slack! But thanks, good to know it's not just me. Seems to be all good now, though, so guess I got it right.
You always learn new things when you're trying to control more of your tech stack! (using bare bones httpd instead of full blown apache to serve websites)
acme httpd?
acme yes
(I guess, I think, that's what the module I'm using for SSL certs is called ^_^)
aaronpk: Worth an effort to simplify hosting? I remember someone wrote a article about how hard they found it
haven't seen that in the wild for a while (other than Jef's site)
[lcs] Yeah, I just started using Slack instead of the website like yesterday, I haven’t quite worked out the similarities and differences in function either.
Lol, wow, i’m a fan of going bare-bones if possible myself, but why didn’t you want to go with apache?
Conversely, I made the huge mistake when I moved to self hosting, to go with virtualmin, because I was moving from cPanel and they (basically falsely) advertised being able to import cPanel back ups. So I’ve got this giant bloatware admin panel running things behind the scenes.
the main challenge is the feed polling is a totally separate service. moving that in to aperture core will make it much simpler, just following the normal laravel install process
Just trying to learn more about sysadmin stuff, and randomly stumbled across OpenBSD. Wanted to keep it as simple as possible, so went with the super simple webserver that comes bundled with it. Then build from there! Maybe I'll go apache one day, if I find I need it.
ok, I moved the /tmp folder into its own dedicated volume, so now if it fills up it won't break everything
Yeah that's always a risk when moving solutions... Still running on that?
@[mattl] who's Jef? I want to check out his site!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell GWG Have you written up how you host your own Compass? Something I am tentatively thinking of doing.
Only peripherally
GWG: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 minute ago: Have you written up how you host your own Compass? Something I am tentatively thinking of doing.
The older PHP version is a pain for now
I'd sooner embrace that pain than the pain of forking over $5 a month to Dreamhost for keeping the older PHP going. Mind you, I have also offered aaronpk at least some of the money if he'll update.
oh yeah
PHP 5.something?
well i have some time off coming up, maybe i can set aside some time for this
$5 bounty awaits you.
[jgarber] joined the channel
I wasn't expecting this since the accounts are public, but this _may_ be the default behavior? From the docs [1]:
> When a web user follows a fediverse user, Bridgy Fed only adds them and starts delivering posts once the fediverse user approves the follow.
I recently moved Mastodon instances (now on indieweb-dot-social!) and, when (re)following a couple of folks using Bridgy Fed, I see the follow requests as pending ("cancel request" in various Mastodon UIs).
In this case, is my indieweb-dot-social Mastodon account a "web user"…?
Thanks, your mentioning him makes sense ;) @[mattl]
aaronpk++ hugops
aaronpk has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (124 in all channels)
[Joe_Crawford]++ for https://lab.artlung.com/webmentions/ the contenteditable fields are a nice touch!
[Joe_Crawford] has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
Kupietz joined the channel
Oh, that's annoying, logging in from slack is calling me by my email username instead of the username I set. all that [slack-sp] was me.
I had a hunch! You've got me wanting to sing in to Slack myself, to see what my IRC user looks like on the Slack side ^_^
Thanks [gRegorLove]!
I've only played with contenteditable a few times. I suspect there's more to do to bulletproof the effects of it. Handling multiline input, sanitization, etc.
[lcs] joined the channel
aaronpk: I'll kick in a second $5. You can buy some donuts
aaronpk: Pictures required of course
fair trade
sebbu joined the channel
kupietz, I chuckled at your earlier message XD
[jgarber] hi! let's see. BF doesn't automatically handle fediverse account migrations like that yet, so you'll probably hit some bumps - lots of gory details in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1442 - but using it from your new account should hopefully still work
[preview] [Tamschi] #1442 Track migrations of bridged (ActivityPub) accounts
what's your new account?
[snarfed] Thanks! I’ve been doing the refollowing of accounts manually from my new account since the old instance I was on basically fell over. Automated migration wasn’t working (among many other problems).
For instance, your account, `@snarfed.org@snarfed.org`, shows as “cancel follow.”
[jgarber] oh this is probably because your account is less than two weeks old. that's one of our spam filters
sorry 😕
HWC? Is that through the SocialCG?
What is HWC?
Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging! https://indieweb.org/hwc
[schmarty] joined the channel
[snarfed] Ah! Good to know and apologies for having missed that in the docs. I’ll wait a couple weeks and try re-following the affected accounts. Thanks for your help!
oops, hit the foursquare api rate limits when ownyourswarm restarted
should shake out soon enough
Kupietz joined the channel
gRegor, glad to hear it. Mostly I just try to keep myself entertained, but it’s always nice when someone else gets some enjoyment out of it
thanks for the donuts [Joe_Crawford]! 🍩
How you spend those duckets is up to you. Glad to have the service up and about!
aaronpk: Everything is back
Kupietz: your Christmas lights did come up at yesterday's FrESH event. https://indieweb.org/events/2024-12-17-front-end-study-hall
they're so good
[joe_crawford] Ah, I’m glad people are getting some enjoyment out of that. Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like I missed a good meeting, I regret it, I didn’t realize it was on Tuesday this week I didn’t see it on my calendar until it was over
This is a perennial problem I’ve had, iCal doesn’t let me set custom alerts for subscribed calendars, so I only get alerts a couple of minutes before meetings
Oh, look at that, you even talked about Todd Rundgren. Right up my alley.
I’ve had the song “Hodja” stuck in my head since roughly 1987.
I tend to copy events to my primary calendar. I missed James' writing event because I neglected to do that.
[Moved further non-Dash dev, Todd Rundgren – related conversation over to #in the web.]
Ok, Using the web interface on the small phone screen is less than ideal also
Re: Copying events – yeah, that’s probably the only solution. I’m gonna have to find a way to automate that
[Joe_Crawford] [capjamesg] checkout the timeline display of replies, likes, reposts with colors and icons at the bottom of this post! Never seen anything like this and it reminded me of the FrESH session where the timeline of styled list items in a timeline was discussed! https://dominikhofer.me/joy-of-writing-online
Ooh, that’s cool
[tantek] yes, terrific!
[Joe_Crawford] maybe invite him to the next FrESH!
At the very least going to start reading him. One thing I've not done much is use likes and reposts to amplify in the way that I liked so much on Tumblr. As I work on my sites it feels like an itch to scratch.
all this talk of venues and how to share my recommendation lists just makes me want a Venues hypercard stack I can edit and then press "publish" and have it automatically generate a single flat HTML file with all the information and sftp it to my website