#dev 2024-12-19

2024-12-19 UTC
funny, the wordpress webmention plugin with facepiles turned off looks very much like that "timeline" display of responses
stylistically it's just missing the vertical line, which does add a lot, granted
I mean "line" is right there in the name "timeLINE" 🙂
design is hard
ben joined the channel
speaking of design, this is some mad scroll-parallax stuff going on (JS required) https://about.surf.social/
(and site itself is on topic for dev)
[snarfed] I feel like a lot of this kind of design / copy could be repurposed / "borrowed" for Bridgy
e.g. "Surfing All Socials" could be "Bridging All Socials"
hah, I talk with Mike and Greg and the Flipboard people often, I've been poking at Surf for a bit now. it's great!
[Joe_Crawford] the bottom of that page is targeting you: "Join Our Dawn Patrol Beta"
in general my goal for Bridgy (both classic and BF) is more for it to disappear than for people to use it directly, but I definitely get what you mean
even for BF web users, I kinda hope they subscribe to their feed and notifs in a reader instead of reading them in BF's web UI!
sure! there's still the opportunity there for Bridgy to be a Microsub server, and have folks use Microsub readers to access it.
keeping the UI for editing your feeds etc. online in Bridgy makes a lot of sense IMO
Oh wow, that’s some crazy scrolling effects on that site. I’ve been wanting to add some scrolling stuff, to certain pages, I wonder what stack they’re using on that. I’m gonna have to look under the hood
Really wish sites wouldn't break scrolling.
Salt joined the channel
Cognitive overload on the terms "surfing" and "dawn patrol" there.
Salt joined the channel
I mean, the Dawn Patrol app people chose a good name. But it's not trademarkable.
bterry joined the channel
oh wait no BF doesn't need to be a reader (ie Microsub) server either, it just needs to serve feeds, right? and maybe for bonus points send websub pings
it doesn't serve a feed for every account you follow, just one feed for your overall following and one for your notifs
you "manage" your feed by following and unfollowing accounts
ie in the feed reader sense, the way FB is designed right now, it's just a publisher
(er BF)
angelo and grufwub joined the channel
Re: scrolling, I'm just gonna drop this link here https://dontfuckwithscroll.com/
I mean...yes...but "natural" or "predictable" are not great arguments once you realize that they are entirely subjective to what was done first. And that often isn't the best. For example, I have heard that argument about why typing on a keyboard is natural and faster if you only use your two pointer fingers instead of all 10.
I would prefer if the scrolling was an option for which way. Mostly for backwards compatibility with an older generation that has different expectations. That and sometimes it is difficult to actually click and hold without either going past or clicking on something inside. I can appreciate the new way, especially since it better for mobile.
You can apply that argument to everything that's not explicitly stated by the laws of physics.
But the fact that you think these kinds of "scrolling effects" are better for mobile is... interesting! I literally become ill by scrolling that page ^_^
Not to mention the stutter that page introduces on my ancient iPhone 11!
I merely meant that the effects of psychology make things more complicated. Even physics experiments are susceptible...but I am sure that is off topic of the channel. I apologize for being bothered by it.
For the scrolling, that website was actually the least smooth I have experienced. I might guess that I don't fully understand the scrolling effects mentioned...but I don't particularly think I would appreciate a scrollbar taking up the limited space on my phone when it is easy to swipe instead. Touch screens are a different beast than mice.
cdravcte2, doesnm, Guest3374, nemonical and barnaby joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] It looks like my image sizing code doesn't work on videos 😦
I can't figure out how to resize the video.
[preview] Making images bigger on my website
[preview] Making images bigger on my website
Wait, never mind.
I had a :not selector that was applying to it.
Kupietz I like your holiday lights!
Pixi`, Pixi__, GuestZero_ and Guest6 joined the channel
They’re so good
AcesAndEights joined the channel
capjamesg[d] nicely done!
jjuran_ and ttybitnik joined the channel
Oh no my markup is a bit off.
I missed the h-entry.
It works now!
I love Granary 😄
yay! glad it's working for you!
and your users are even sending PRs in 😁 https://github.com/snarfed/granary/pull/847
[preview] [isnbh0] #847 rss.from_as1: remove possible addition of invalid author element
Oh wow haha!
I mention Granary quite a bit on my blog 😊 https://jamesg.blog/search-pages/?q=granary&page=1
[edit] I mention Granary quite a bit on my blog 😊 https://jamesg.blog/search-pages/?q=granary&page=1
Kupietz joined the channel
Lol, the scrolling on that page makes you guys seasick or feels unnatural, you should see my old site. https://mikeycosm.org Doesn’t work on mobile, I never bothered to update it for that. But if you’re on a desktop… Look out
Lol capjamesg[d] thanks. Glad everybody seems to be enjoying those lights so much, but to be honest, I’m not 100% comfortable with everybody calling them “my” lights… I just iterated on somebody else’s work (proud though I am of the interactive dangly feature, that was tricky.)
gRegor, sebbu2 and nemonical joined the channel
Apache cannot pass an SVN stored file to PHP to parse. It is a shame but probably for the better.
vikanezrimaya joined the channel
What if you used git-svn
Pixi, bloot and ttybitnik joined the channel
Moult, the point of h-feed (and h-entry) is that it simplifies both development and user experience for more people, especially independents
what is DRY
DRY is an acroynm for Don't Repeat Yourself https://indieweb.org/DRY
what is a feed file
A feed file is a feed represented as a side file (a separate file, as opposed to part of an existing HTML page, like a homepage), typically in a custom feed-specific format (often XML like RSS/Atom, or JSON like ActivityStreams 2.0 or JSON Feed) https://indieweb.org/feed_file
Moult, whether you store full content or summaries is orthogonal to the format of RSS or Atom or h-feed
hmm Moult isn't in this channel yet
Kupietz joined the channel
Just a little note for the community. I had some weird CSS optimization problems on my site that necessitateds comparing the CSS for a whole menu structure to see where the consarned problem was. Would up gathering some functions that you could run in FireFox's console that would return CSS rules for the whole page, or for an element selected in the Inspector and all its descendants, with options in the latter case to get full CSS including
inherited rules/browser styles/etc, or just the rules explicitly defined for those elements in CSS files and inline. Might be able to use some improvement but in case anybody has use for something like that it's documented at https://michaelkupietz.com/?p=12305
troojg joined the channel
Also hosted on Github at https://github.com/kupietools/ff-js-console-CSS-tools for anyone liable to be injured by the high resource consumption of my wordpress site.
[preview] [kupietools] ff-js-console-CSS-tools: Some useful javascript functions for analyzing CSS in the Firefox (and maybe other browsers) javascript console.
Thanks Loqi++
Loqi has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
you're welcome
Haha, I'm glad we can give the bot karma. Bots need love too.