#dev 2024-12-26

2024-12-26 UTC
Hoinkas, MyNetAz and [mattl] joined the channel
Be sure to edit your fake wp-login.php to ask if the CEO of Automattic likes pizza
Anyone know an API to query a city name (plus state or zip etc) and get back a list of neighborhoods?
grufwub joined the channel
Maybe the phone company?
Was thinking maybe wikidata
Also doubt any phone company would handle neighborhoods for worldwide cities
[tantek]: Geonames?
It might do that
what is Geonames?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Geonames" yet. Would you like to create it?_T (Or just say "Geonames is ____", a sentence describing the term)
MyNetAz, claudinec, Guest6, [KevinMarks], ttybitnik, bterry1 and nemonical joined the channel
Geonames is geonames.org
too short?
Time limit I believe
I wasn't trying to define it
I would want to think more on a good description
[Joe_Crawford] and ttybitnik joined the channel
GWG I tried a trivial neighborhood search for SF ("Cole Valley") and it failed so no Geonames is not an answer to finding neighborhoods in cities
I decided to try the "obvious" thing and ask Google Search: how to find lists of neighborhoods in cities
And what did you find?
And in the fricking AI generated answer, long before anything useful in any "organic" results, it said: «... use online sources like Wikipedia's "Lists of neighborhoods by city" category»
When I tapped it, it gave me a link to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_neighborhoods_by_city which is more thorough than I would have expected!
It blows my mind that people use html elements barely covered by late 2023 browser and pretend this is being accessible. re: popover.
[snarfed] joined the channel
hmm. accessibility is different from compatibility, right?
Accessibility without compatibility is neither.
Supporting only modern browsers is like only having steps and no ramp.
Sorry, gotta have a modern wheelchair that can climb stairs.
superkuh, is this related to someone's indieweb use of popover? I checked the past few days of this channel and didn't see any mention
Just grumbling to myself over https://htmhell.dev/adventcalendar/2024/22/
title is perfectly accessible for old browsers. It's only new ones that broke it.
Maybe write a short blog post about it? Backward compatibility sounds like a good technique to emphasize and it sounds like you've put some thought into this particular feature / set of interactions
Would make a good indieweb gift for today: how to you use the title attribute properly in 2024 and progressively enhance with popover
how to use*
If I were to write such a thing it'd be a rant against rapid change. Because change is what causes the problem.
alt -> title -> popover is just one instance.
superkuh are you stuck on a machine you can't install a new browser on? is that why this has come up? I certainly have run into tricky browser issues for friends with very old (>20 year) hardware. Tricky things with SSL and such in particular. But in most cases more modern browsers based on newer runtimes are available.
I do often use older machines and older OSes and older browsers. But I am not the only person. There are significantly more people using old computers and old browsers than JS dependent statistics would suggest.
Ok. Beyond the rant, is there something dev can assist you with? I'm not sure "I'm angry and I disagree with a thing on the internet" is a great use of this helpful space.
You're right. I probably don't fit in here.
superkuh left the channel
Sorry, but I am *certain* that's not what I said or indicated. We share this space, to try to help each other accomplish things and learn. When we lose sight of that, or a particular problem, it is easy to get mired in anger at all wrong with the world or all the things we disagree with. That would be some other space.
Has the AI generated search results been useful for people? I keep finding that either there is no link for me to save so I can refer to the answer later or that it shows me part of the content with a "click for more" that has none of the content in the preview.
Hmm. Maybe that would be better asked in a different channel.
If that's a q about Google's ai-generated summations, I have not found them more useful and I use DuckDuckGo slightly more. And add `-ai` when I remember in Google.
And [tantek] your question about neighborhoods in cities and an api there are a number of apis for location. Mostly what I've dealt with is Google and Bing's Maps autocomplete address apis which is about specific address. But there's interesting neighborhood geocoding in the location data they provide. I'd want to see example queries of what you hope to put in and what you expect out before commenting on what's possible.
I've also done work identifying proper postal address and zip and zip+4 but I can't remember what endpoint we dealt with for that. But again, that wasn't exploratory as much as it was laser targeted on a correct final address format.
Thanks for the follow up [Joe_Crawford]
Here's a more precise query use case. In: name of a city, optional state, country. Out: return largest city that matches in params (canonical city name, state, country) and a flat list of the neighborhoods in that city
I think that would work for 95% of the cities I visit / have visited / will visit
There are some interesting 1 out of ~20 exceptions like "New York city" would return a VERY long list of mini/microhoods per the Wikipedia page
But I’m willing to punt on that til I plan my next trip there
San Diego is also more interesting from a hierarchy of neighborhoods perspective than I would have guessed from my personal experiences
E.g. the alphabetical list is both long and has bits of hierarchy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_communities_and_neighborhoods_of_San_Diego
aaronpk I'm having a bit of trouble understanding webauthn.
I don't understand how my app should know what to use as an ID to look up the credentials that authorize a user at the /generate-authentication-options stage.
Wait, it looks like the ID is optional.
Most metros over a million people are going to have vagaries around naming and boundaries. In part because cities are living things. Looking at Google’s apis their places api does imply you can narrow to places but it’s really about finding businesses and entities that are that size. Library. Post office, park. You showcase a Wikipedia page and they do have an api which could be narrowed to location to find parallel “list of
communities and neighborhoods”
Very neat problem, and I understand why it doesn’t exist as such. Search is tuned to a purpose, “find me dog groomers in SoHo” not “what are the neighborhoods in london?” … it’s a search that’s in the middle, before you get specific.
sebbu2 joined the channel
Right! It's a search that's in the middle but also how one could present a plain text hierarchy to explore and learn "chunks" of a city, which matches up well IMO how (most?) humans learn and store and retrieve information (chunking)
And tying it back to my personal indieweb usecase, for now I'll use Wikipedia manually to look up neighborhoods for the subheadings (for neighborhood clusterings) for my city recommendations page(s)
gRegor and CRISPR joined the channel
aaronpk Passkeys are really amazing!
[morganm] joined the channel
Im really trying to wrap my head around this https://utopia.fyi/
Fluid typography and spacing seems like such a better solution but my brain is not immediately getting it
CRISPR joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: yeah! did you get it to work?
huge fan of web passkeys
aaronpk Yes!
It took a few hours to get my head around it.
But now I can use Touch ID to auth!
Is this the right UX?
The username/password are not necessary for passkeys.
Or should I have a landing login page that has the two buttons, then have a separate page for username/password?
I would consider login "tabs" to indicate there are 2 paths early on?
that's a good question... i think it would be confusing to see a password box along with the passkey button, but i'm not sure if there is a standard for that yet
CRISPR joined the channel
Worth some experimenting and user testing