#dev 2024-12-27
2024-12-27 UTC
osteophage As mentioned in #indieweb, I have a question about using Webmention.io. I've got the basic setup done, have a submission form page, and have run a test to make sure that much is working correctly. What I'd like to do next is embed the form directly on a page of my own, on my own site, and that's where I'm stuck.
osteophage To avoid pasting a bunch of code in here, here's a forum thread where I've described the issue, code included: <https://discourse.32bit.cafe/t/embedding-a-webmentions-form/1828>
IWDiscord <osteophage>
osteophage Anyone have any ideas for how to get that form working?
CRISPR and gRegor joined the channel
osteophage Thanks! Previously I was testing it with a different set of links, but more recently I tried using that forum thread right there.
gRegor I see this in Chrome dev console when I try to submit: `Refused to send form data to 'https://webmention.io/osteophage.neocities.org/webmention' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "form-action 'self'".`

osteophage Oh! Is that because of my robots.txt file? Or would that be something else?
Loqi Content-Security-Policy (abbreviated CSP) is an HTTP directive that a site can use to restrict what external resources are retrieved by a browser, to mitigate some XSS and injection attacks https://indieweb.org/Content-Security-Policy

osteophage Oh, okay. Is that something I should ask the head of Neocities about?
gRegor Looks like it's restricted on free plans: https://neocities.org/contact#ccsp

osteophage Ah. Just found discussion of it here, too: <https://dabric.xyz/post/neocities-csp/>
osteophage Well, mystery solved at least. Thanks for the insight!
gRegor Welcome! It won't be as customizable, but you might be able to embed https://webmention.io/osteophage.neocities.org/webmention in an iframe

osteophage Yeah, linking was what I was gonna do as the alternative. Just wanted to see if I could style it in my own css and save people a click.
osteophage What got me started down this path is that I'm working on something I'm hoping to circulate a little farther than my usual blogging circle, so I wanted to make it as seamless as possible for anyone to let me know about linking back from a site I'm not on -- a perfect use case for this kind of thing.
osteophage lol, a classic mistake
grufwub joined the channel
carrvo[d] @gRegor Did I understand correctly that content security policy is a header to list the domains/content that the server trusts, so that the browser knows other requests are suspicious?
rossabaker joined the channel
carrvo[d] I have a quick question about the webmentions: how would I gather content with the same tag together like in https://aaronparecki.com/tag/100daysofindieweb ? Is it as simple as sending a webmention to a "tag" URI, who then handles it by adding a back reference (instead of some hashtag aggregator magic)?
carrvo[d] *adding/appending
Guest6, nemonical, ttybitnik, Pixi`, barnaby and [schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] carrvo: that's a pretty accurate description of content security policy. It also has rules for whether the browser is to block disallowed requests or to allow them but report them to an given URL

[schmarty] carrvo: I suspect most tag pages are handled internally by a given site's generator or CMS. There have definitely been third-party tag aggregators that work like you described, though.

[schmarty] What was http://indieweb.xyz?

[schmarty] Loqi may be sleeping.

ttybitnik joined the channel
Loqi Indieweb.xyz (archived) was a syndication service organized into subs until ~2023-02-26 at least, similar to Reddit, created by Kicks Condor https://indieweb.org/Indieweb.xyz

[schmarty] doesnm: yep, indienews aggregates via webmentions

khurtwilliams [schmarty]: I've sent Webmentions to IndieWebNews but they never show up.
[schmarty] khurtwilliams: maybe the manual submission page can shed some light on why? https://news.indieweb.org/en/submit

[schmarty] if not, maybe aaronpk can help debug. he runs it. 😄

[jeremycherfas] and parnikkapore_x joined the channel
khurtwilliams When I enter that link at https://news.indieweb.org/en/submit I get
IWDiscord <khurtwilliams>
khurtwilliams @[schmarty] you can see my example here: https://islandinthenet.com/the-indieweb-is-whatever-you-want-it-to-be/
IWDiscord <khurtwilliams>
khurtwilliams > Error: no_link_found
khurtwilliams [edit] @[schmarty] you can see my example here: https://islandinthenet.com/the-indieweb-is-whatever-you-want-it-to-be/
IWDiscord <khurtwilliams>
IWDiscord <khurtwilliams>
khurtwilliams > Error: no_link_found
khurtwilliams When I enter that link at https://news.indieweb.org/en/submit I get
[schmarty] khurtwilliams: it looks like this page has both u-category and u-syndication links to https://news.indieweb.org/en (good) but according to the microformats2 parser, the u-syndication isn't inside any h-entry.

[schmarty] khurtwilliams: i don't quite understand what's going on with the parsed category listing. someone with better knowledge of the microformats parser might be able to help. i'm suspicious of having both "u-category u-tag" on the links, and also suspicious of using both "u-category" and rel="tag" 🤔

[schmarty] that's the limit of how i can help at the moment. deferring to aaronpk or gRegor. 😄

khurtwilliams @[schmarty] I ran the website and the page through [IndieWebifyMe](https://indiewebify.me/) and I am using all the IndieWeb plugins. I'll take another look at the theme's files.
[schmarty] khurtwilliams: ah, if you're on wordpress, folks in #indieweb-wordpress might be better equipped to help!

khurtwilliams @[schmarty] oops. Just realised I was in #indieweb-dev channel. @[tantek] I think I need a closer look at this. Besides the IndieWeb plugins I added some microformats2 markup myself and I think I made a messs of it.
ttybitnik joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "better software for microsub: aperture or ekster" yet. Would you like to create it?_U (Or just say "better software for microsub: aperture or ekster is ____", a sentence describing the term)

sebbu2 and gRegor joined the channel
gRegor Hi khurtwilliams, it looks like your theme is using microformats1 hEntry instaed of microformats2 h-entry. That's generally fine, but it means the mf2 properties like u-syndication won't be parsed, if I'm remembering the parsing algorithm correctly. It does appear the `u-syndication` is inside the hEntry, though, so the placement is correct.

gRegor This does make me think that indiewebify.me should show a warning if it's parsed hEntry via backcompat, because https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-entry/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fislandinthenet.com%2Fthe-indieweb-is-whatever-you-want-it-to-be%2F is saying to add u-syndication, but that's already there. It needs to explain what's happening in a more publisher friendly way.

carrvo[d] [schmarty]++ I am all manual so no CMS. Good to know my headspace in in the right direction!
[fluffy], ttybitnik and bterry1 joined the channel