#dev 2025-01-02

2025-01-02 UTC
Anyone posting books or /read posts, what would be the appropriate Micropub property for the URL of a cover image? Marty is using u-featured on those posts^. Are there any other examples?
claudinec joined the channel
In https://indiebookclub.biz/documentation#micropub, I could send the URL as a `featured` property of the h-entry, or maybe as `photo` in the `h-cite`? I don't see any prior art for a photo in an h-cite though.
Oh, it's a `featured` in the `h-cite` actually. Interesting.
Looks like Jamie is doing the same: https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2024/03/53bb3/
ooh are you thinking of adding this to IBC?
Oh I should check what Sparkles does, I think it supports this
what is sparkles
sparkles is a Micropub client that supports posting articles, notes, replies, likes, rsvps, photos, bookmarks, movie watch, book read posts, music listens, and game plays to your site https://indieweb.org/Sparkles
gRegor has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (127 in all channels)
gRegor, very cool! please add what you find to /read#Brainstorming
Sparkles is using `photo` inside the `h-cite`
Curious if anyone has experience with /IndiePass and what its requests look like
hey HTML people, does anyone understand how/why an HTML parser would transform an <article-time> element in body into a <meta property="article:published_time"> element in head?
specifically, when I parse https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/12/30/get-in-line-en with BeautifulSoup, it tells me that head has <meta property="article:published_time">, which afaict it's inferring from <article-time> in body
(feel free to redirect me elsewhere)
I'm sure it's user error, just haven't found where yet
uh, <article-time> is not a standard HTML element, it's a custom element
aha yes found the user error
so if there's a "standards-compliant" HTML parser that's turning that into ADDITIONAL elements, that's a bug
pro tip: all elements with a "-" in their name are custom elements
it's in the original HTML, but I was looking at the DOM after JS modified it and removed it
(I think? not sure)
unrelated, that site is using UNIX timestamps in ms for OGP datetime values instead of ISO-8601 😆
so many to choose from 😄
[schmarty] joined the channel
gRegor whoops, haha, thanks! I'll have to fix that up
welcome! Interested in your thoughts on the micropub stuff above too, whenever you have time
capjamesg[d]: browser support for webp is probably large enough that you don't have to bother, but you /could/ use `srcset` to offer both webp and png, to cover any browser that doesn't. That's one of the ways I use `srcset`, but I offer avif, webp, and jpeg for my images.
I also have different widths, so smaller devices can download smaller images, which saves even more bytes.
The downside is it creates lots of files. Like the default is I think 12 image files for each image.
capjamesg[d], I'd ask you to first define what user problem you are hoping to solve by using srcset, to see if it really is a problem worth solving (in opportunity cost of all other potential user problem solutions / human experience improvements for your personal site)
For me, I use srcset to reduce page weight. It has worked wonders. On balance, it's a net positive, though I may be going overboard a bit. Not sure if I need to offer jpeg or avif, though for different reasons.
I seem to recall that at one time, there was a way for websites/pages to tell users who opted in when the page changed. Was that deprecated? If not, what should I be searching for? The only think I've found so far is the notifications api, but I can't tell if that is what I remember.
Or have I imagined this feature? :-D
maybe you're thinking of Microsoft's h-slice proposal?
I don't think so. I don't recall it being Microsoft-specific, or having been created by Micrsoft.
It was, IIRC, a way to sort of subscribe to a single page. When the page changed, the browser would notify the user with an alert in the browser itself, if that makes sense.
BTW h-slice looks like a microformat. A microformat to mark up a piece of pizza! Or cake! :-D
btrem, you asked "way for websites/pages to tell users who opted in when the page changed", note from the Wikipedia description: "allows users to subscribe to portions of a web page". That sounds like what you asked.
I have to say web slice does *not* ring a bell, but that does sound like what I remember. Thanks, I'll have a look.
btrem, it's also possible that there were/are other proposals because it does seem like quite a useful thing!
Yeah, I'm looking at the wikipedia article you posted; it doesn't look like what I recall. On first glance, it seems to be a way to get only part of a page. I vaguely recall that idea -- I think there was a way to turn a slice into an app on earlier versions of ios/iphone, bicbw.
In any case, I don't /think/ it's what I was thinking of. But as this discussion goes on, it seems like whatever I remember is now obsolete. Maybe deprecated, more likely never a standard in the first place.
In that wikipedia article, under the "see also" heading, there's a link to something called "live bookmarks", but that page does not exist. I think that'll be my next web search. BTW, why oh why does wikipedia have a "see also" link to a page that "does not exist yet." Strange feature if you ask me.
Oh, right, that's for feeds. NM. :-D
That is, "live bookmarks" is for feeds. And also it's been removed from Firefox. So not what I had in mind, /and/ deprecated. ;-)
I’ve been searching my email but can’t find the service I used to use to get updates on pages. I used to use it to find potential house rentals. I may have used it to monitor jobs pages for potential employers. I’d feed it real estate listing pages and it would email when there were changes. 20 years ago. Search engine searches find MANY MANY services doing similar type things today. Very frustrating I can’t find one of them.
grufwub joined the channel
Well, I was hoping for something native. IIRC, the thing that existed for a while relied on HTTP. I'd imagine it was doing a HEAD request and checking last-modified or etag headers OSLT. Which could be dodgy unless you as admin are not changing them except when the content changes.
I've come across the notifications api, but I don't think it can monitor when it's own source has changed. It seems to be used for things like web email, to tell a user when they got a new email.
btrem, just to make sure: not RSS?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
It was built into IE Mac circa 2000, and Safari got something similar when it added feed support in 2004 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x51L6hbIxr4&t=64m
Those both used client side polling for etag/if modified since iirc.
There was the idea of ping servers that you would notify when your page changes so that they could keep a crawl of them up to date (that was how Technorati got fresh results)
Then PubSubHubbub/WebSub codified a more general subscription to changes mechanism
Great example of why to focus on user benefits instead of plumbing details: https://www.threads.net/@dailycopywriting/post/DETNfvcylDG
bterry1, ttybitnik, [schmarty]1, [KevinMarks]1, Tiffnya and dehuszar joined the channel
time for my annual "make a plan to shut down indieauth.com" planning
Guest6 joined the channel
wait what
i've had this deprecation banner on the site for several years at this point
what is about myindieauth.com?
It looks like we don't have a page for "about myindieauth.com" yet. Would you like to create it?_j (Or just say "about myindieauth.com is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpk: What is the plan?
i'm working on that now
aaronpk: I'll look forward to reading the post.
current thinking is to consolidate the features of indieauth.com, webmention.io, telegraph, and maybe even Quill all into a single app
aaronpk that would be amazing!
so basically all the indieweb tools except for actually hosting your website and also no external feed reader
sounds great_!!!_ also like a huge project, haha. i'd love to know if/when you're open to collaborators on it. maybe some bayside.pub bits / features would be a good fit!
yeah huge project, but hopefully smaller than the work of updating all the individual projects which are in desperate need of updates!
aaronpk: cms?
small things are good because you can use it as constructor
*small services
small services are only good if they are actually small, and don't require yearly updates of libraries and framework dependencies
that's why i have tried building bayside.pub and the indieweb webring using (my best guess at) more stable building blocks. in this case, cobbling a framework together from phpleague bits. unfortunately i think i've reinvented a bunch of wheels and now i'm off in the wilderness, haha.
yeah that's the next big question... do I go with Laravel or phpleague?
i've been relatively happy with Laravel for events.indieweb.org so I might just go with that
my $0.02 is that i have enjoyed the focus on simplicity of the phpleague bits like Route, Container, and Plates. but i often feel like i wire things up badly (functional but difficult to extend). Laravel takes on higher levels of abstraction, which is attractive, but Laravel chuurrrnnns
at least, "Laravel churns" is the impression that i have. maybe it's fine!
php is choisen because ability to host on shared or you just has knowlenge?
i've used phpleague bits in the past too, like for indielogin.com
php because I have a ton of code and libraries for various parts of this already written in PHP, and it's easier to host (not necessarily on shared hosting) and more stable than other languages I've used in the past
One approach is to to start by creating a site which is the tip of the spear for all the services, then reverse proxy each one. A sort of microservices approach. Each one can then be written in whatever way you like. And if expectations can be set for what each one *does* then they can be replaced by swapping out what each points to.
heh no thanks, that sounds like just adding complexity to this
I think a rewrite already implies plenty of complexity and work to come. I admire your determination to get it to a state that works better for you! [aaronpk]++
[aaronpk] has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (126 in all channels)
"laravel churns" is not untrue
but thephpleague libraries have also done a fair amount of churning
ttybitnik joined the channel
like telegraph.p3k.io uses Route v1, and Route is now at v5 which is entirely not compatible with v1
indielogin.com uses Route v3, which I haven't checked how compatible it is with 5 yet but I suspect there are some significant breaking changes
micropub.rocks uses Route v2
each of these version bumps came with me having to relearn how the library wants me to do things
The other day I pulled in SimplePie to parse a youTube feed. My IDE put <s>strikethrough</s> lines through the constructor. It worked fine, and is not something I'm deploying anywhere. The time dimension is a painful one in any software.
[mattl] joined the channel
I'm finally using something that's not PHP for my new stuff.. new Rails had me very interested as its being promoted as a single-developer friendly stack
isn't that how Rails has always been promoted?
not to my knowledge... but the new demo is interesting... you build something, add authentication and deploy it in the tutorial.
previously you made a blog locally on your laptop.
anyway my point was that both laravel and thephpleague have been making changes to their frameworks over time, which is unavoidable, so my strategy is to reduce the number of projects I have so that I have fewer things to keep up to date
GuestZero joined the channel
Do you need all of laravel or are you able to cherry pick the pieces into your composer file?
Honeypot radio button cuts down on spam. So obvious in retrospect I never thought of it in 20 years. https://social.avali.zone/@avali/113752197580397306
[preview] [AnnoyingRains] I am here to announce that I have decreased #spam on my web contact form from 1 message every 15 minutes (for months straight) to 0 messages in the last week by adding a "I am a spam bot" radio button. I am not joking. No I am not using something l... https://social.avali.zone/system/media_attachments/files/113/752/191/126/276/785/original/6aa00c6ae798543f.png
btrem joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] I always like the one where there's a hidden (in some way) form field... if there's anything in that field, it's usually a bogus submission
Maxpm not RSS. The tech I was thinking of wasn't for a feed of pages. It was a way to get notified about updates to a /single/ page. Given that no one remembers it, I'm seriously starting to think that I've imagined the whole thing. :-D
after getting absolutely mugged by Google Cloud in November, I need to review my way of hosting random tools too. Without being able to set a 'turn this off it costs me more than $x/day' config any more, I don't know that I can trust any cloud services any more
[KevinMarks]: "getting absolutely mugged by Google Cloud" :-D (Laughing at the phrase, not at your predicament.)
[KevinMarks] http://nearlyfreespeech.net has a nice thing for that
[KevinMarks] I totally get that.
The lack of visibility I have into pricing as something grows or gets spammed and ability to set limits is really offputting.
NFS lets you know up front what you'll pay daily, you preload your account... you can even set the priority for it
troojg joined the channel
aaronpk: Why Quill? I could see the others as integrated.
a webmention receiver app that shows comments leads naturally to want to reply to the comments in the same interface, which makes it a micropub client already. and at that point, why not post original notes from there too? also one less thing to maintain
Is it really common for the "own your own data" to be hosted on someone else's physical machine? Like are most of you using paid hosting services?
carrvo[d]: I'm not running a server out of my apartment!
what is own your data?
✊ own your data is an IndieWeb principle with two key parts: 1) your data lives primarily under your own domain, and 2) you are able to retain your access over time https://indieweb.org/own-your-data
I do have a backup script that runs every night that copies everything from my web host to a server in my closet
now my site not on my own domain. Should fix this. Please recommend software for shared hosting
who is doesnm
what is web hosting
Web hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/web_hosting
I'm definitely interested in self-hosting because much of the web is becoming mainstay enough to think about it like your utilities (hot water tank, furnace, etc) which are "self-hosted" non-computer tech.
[mattl]: i'm already had. Question is for cms/other software
home internet has definitely gotten a lot faster and more stable in the last 10 years and makes it much more feasible to host a website from home, as long as you don't have the expectation of 5 9s availability
doesnm: same for a CMS too
My site is static, so I already have a copy on my own computer. But it's /served/ from a shared host. My goal is to move to netlify and connect to the site's github repo.
Stability and speed for sure, but it also depends on the traffic needs. If I have about 20 people who are likely to look at my content (family and a few friends) then I hardly even need 2 9s...
go for it if you want! that's the nice thing about the web, nobody needs to know where your site is hosted in order to visit it
That and internal usage is no longer dependent on an ISP.
I think some ISPs try to prevent customers from hosting servers.
...running servers, hosting websites.
btrem++ that is something I should have thought about...fortunately mine allows a port forward and that is all I need.
btrem has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
I'll admit I don't really understand port forwarding. I'm pretty sure my router can do it -- I recall seeing something in the docs -- but I didn't look too closely because I don't know what I'd do with it.
My biggest issue is the differences between the internal and external networks. For example, I can't try out capjamesg's Artimes with my current setup because if I am redirected to my external domain when inside the network my router seems to eat the request.
What is port forward?
It looks like we don't have a page for "port forward" yet. Would you like to create it?_m (Or just say "port forward is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Port forward is a configuration option on most routers that allow requests to enter a private network. More specifically, when it receives a request directed to its public IP and the configured port, it will forward the request to a predetermined server and port within the private network.
What is port forward?
Port forward is a configuration option on most routers that allow requests to enter a private network https://indieweb.org/Port_forward
There are other (typically more secure) ways of bringing requests into a private network but this is "free" (to the extent of your ISP upload limits).
carrvo[d] has 5 karma over the last year
carrvo[d]++ I think I get it. But still not going to try it at home. ;-)
Fair enough. My headspace is there but I don't expect others to be.
"homelab" is a common term, not exclusive to web hosting tho
apparently we have a page which no one looked for til now
what is a home server
A home server is a machine you keep at home to host some of your services https://indieweb.org/home_server
tantek has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (139 in all channels)
capjamesg, rel=author is not strictly required for authorship
For example, on my article permalinks, I use the empty link `<a href="/" class="u-author"></a>`, so the authorship algorithm then looks for the representative h-card on my homepage.
what is authorship algorithm
The Authorship specification is an algorithm for discovering and determining the author of a post https://indieweb.org/authorship_algorithm
gRegor has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (128 in all channels)
What should I use as a commit message title for a change to the local editing environment? I am adding json schemas for yaml validation. It makes creating posts easier (e.g., via text completion). It's not really build. It's more than a chore. What title am I least likely to forget should I want to find this commit later?
Oh who am I kidding. I'll forget it no matter what I write! :-D
"misc updates" jk XD
"changed something"
I worked with a fellow whose commit messages would be a single period. That's--uh--not descriptive.
I believe that was before pre-commit hooks were added to require Jira ticket identifiers to be added.
In regexp, it's extremely flexible.
Even better would be a period followed by an asterisk. ;-)
wiki edit descriptions also similar
on the other side of things, the "Save" button never had a need for a "Save message" so maybe it doesn't matter that much?
It never had a "save message" because it wasn't saving diffs.
Plenty of systems and services and software save diffs and lack save messages. Etherpad, G docs etc
I really love how the IndieAuth and Micropub specs come with a test suite! (And now I see Authorship too) IndieWeb++
IndieWeb has 2 karma over the last year
testsuites has 1 karma over the last year
It is the first that I have seen from ISO, IEEE, IETF, and NIST specs. 😢 And I found this community not long after writing https://github.com/carrvo/PowerSpec
[edit] It is the first that I have seen from ISO, IEEE, IETF, and NIST specs. 😢 And I found this community not long after writing https://github.com/carrvo/PowerSpec
testsuites++ indeed
testsuites has 2 karma over the last year
troojg and gRegor joined the channel
aaronpk++ good post on "too many projects" I'm thinking about that a bit with SlimPHP. As much as I like it, running some v3 apps that are showing some deprecated warnings in PHP8 :/
aaronpk has 42 karma in this channel over the last year (127 in all channels)
Haven't dug into it, but hoping I can update some of the low level things like the container to fix most of it