Loqi[preview] [Tantek Γelik] π Eight years ago today, the #IndieWeb Webmention protocol was published as a W3C REC https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/
As a social web building block, #Webmention was designed to work with various other building blocks. Small pieces, loosely joi...
lanodan, scattershot and cdravcte joined the channel
capjamesg[d]I was looking at my feed reader logs yesterday and noticed that Substack in particular returns lots of 429s, which isn't ideal as a polling service. I wondered if you had any recommendations about what to do in this scenario where you need to poll dozens of feeds on the same domain but run into rate limits.
jeremycherfas, cdravcte123, [qubyte], jeremych-, cdravcte, nemonical, ttybitnik, yewscion_, Guest6, scattershot and scattershot1 joined the channel; scattershot1 left the channel
corlaezAny nginx wizards? I managed to make let's encrypt work, but I can't for the life of me stop seing the nginx default index page, and my redirect rule won't work
corlaezooh ok, interesting. The nginx banner was being served by a webworker. Apparently, I bricked my ssl config and I had to run the certbot again and just reinstall the same certificate
scattershot1, tyranicd, GuestZero_, [aciccarello], cdravcte and nemonical joined the channel
gRegorThey might be aggressively limiting, but seems weird they wouldn't offer something as a header, or maybe an `expires` in the feed itself (I don't know offhand if that's actually a thing in Atom...)
vriska, barnaby, [tw2113], GuestZero and troojg joined the channel