[Joe_Crawford], jonnybarnes, aaronpk, sebbu, hidjy[d], rossabaker, grufwub, cdravcte, jeremy and strugee_ joined the channel; scattershot1 left the channel
corlaezJava 2.0 haha. Nginx looks cool but it's language is a bit arcane to me. I can't even make it load files from a folder and redirect when that is not avail.
capjamesg[d]I am thinking of adding IndieAuth server support to my web reader. This would mean all users could use the reader as an IndieAuth auth and token server.
Loqicapjamesg has 44 karma in this channel over the last year (221 in all channels)
gRegor, Guest6, [pfefferle]1, [Murray]1, [tantek]3, [Joe_Crawford]1, [mike579]1, IWSlackGateway1, [aciccarello]1, cdravcte, GuestZero_, [aciccarello], GuestZero, paotsaq, sebbu2, gRegorLove_ and ttybitnik joined the channel; cdravcte left the channel
carrvo[d]I believe Kotlin was born out of a legal dispute where Google provided some kind of Java implementation that Oracle complained had infringement. Google's resolution was to split their Java implementation into the "new language" Kotlin (with enough differences to avoid legal issues).
[aciccarello]There are calls to cancel Oracle's JavaScript trademark. I saw that Oracle is (expectedly) pushing back but I'd love to see their control over major languages loosened.
carrvo[d]Second: I don't know nearly enough about the case or any legality involved. Recently I cane across Apache legally having their own implementation called Jakarta EE.