corlaezCould someone fact check me? How does indie auth work? You say this is my website, and it has links pointing to an external page with oauth and then that page can use that oauth to validate it is you, the domain owner. Amr?
aaronpkbut otherwise yes, you enter your URL, the website you're logging in to finds your OAuth provider and redirects you there where you log in, then when it sends you back to the app the app is able to verify that you just logged in
chenghiz_, carrvo[d], geoffo, capjamesg[d], Saphire and immibis joined the channel
[tantek]corlaez close. using rel="me" to link to a profile that itself has OAuth support is RelMeAuth. IndieAuth is supporting the IndieAuth protocol directly on your site or delegating to an IndieAuth provider of your choice.
[develumpen]i know i can send a json checkin to my micropub endpoint and add a "watch" property with a url pointing to a watch post. for example in case i watched a movie on a movie theatre, or i ate something at a restaurant
aaronpknow if i want to associate posts together, like a food post linked to the checkin, i make them separate posts and add a link from one to the other, then send a webmention so the food shows up under the checkin
btremI catalog my ferments as h-recipe posts, then rate my own ferments in a separate h-review post. But I've configured my site generator to not post the h-review separately; instead, it posts it as an addendum to the recipe. Not sure that's best practice, but it more or less works for me.
btremThe idea is so I can look up what fermenting equipment/ingredients/etc. worked, what didn't. But in reality, I don't really look things up. I just go by memory.
aaronpksome examples I've done: food linked to a venue, an event linked to a trip, a flight linked to a trip, a photo and notes of making a recipe linked to the recipe...
Loqi[preview] [Aaron Parecki] Made 108oz hot sauce.
The store was low on habanero peppers so about half of this is red Fresno peppers, and it's noticeably more red than normal.
I forgot to use an apple this time, and also used just 2tsp corn starch. It seemed to work fine tho...,q60/2022/11/22/29/photo.jpg
btremaaronpk: I've thought of making h-entry posts each time I try an h-recipe as you have laid out. But I can't really make it work for what I'm trying to do.
btremYeahbut with a ferment, there's no real base recipe. Like if I make giardiniera with carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower, then a week late do the recipe but add onion. Then next time I add garlic but remove onions. Not sure if you follow.
btremIt's not like lasagna, where there's a base recipe, noodles layered with meat and cheese, where you might modify the spices or some other tangential thing.
[develumpen]i'm trying to keep my endpoint as simple as i can, mostly focused on what can do, because i don't want to start my own client as well,
btremFollowing up on the earlier (yesterday for me, maybe earlier today where you are) discussion of an acknowledgements/thank you for posts. ATM, I put my thank you's in an <aside> element inside <main>.
btremBut now that I'm going to create a separate acknowledgements section outside of <main>. Is there any value to keeping the <aside> markup? Probably doesn't matter either way, but I thought I'd ask.
btremI feel like I'm abusing <aside> because of the limitations of my static site generator. A post has only two parts: front matter and content. The front matter is the meta stuff (title, date, etc.). The content part goes inside the <main> element. But what do you do if there's something that isn't really front matter, but isn't really the *main* content? IYSWIM.
btrem[snarfed]: hmm, yeah, no h-recipe. But I already discovered that problem because I tried to link my reviews to my recipes using and it didn't work. Now I know why. :)
btremgRegor: I don't think I do anymore. The ferment recipe posts were so numerous, that they were taking over my site. So I removed them. They are now in a separate 11ty project. At some point, I'll create a subdomain of for the recipes. Until then, they exist only on my localhost. ;-) shouldn't use PTD as part of the verification to receive a wm. It might use that to show some of the metadata like "type: entry", though I think that's from XRay
btremI /think/ it was because my link was not a plain link, it was an h-review. And that prevented from seeing it. As I said, this was a long time ago, so it's a bit foggy now.
btremI'm looking through the nick search link you sent. Some previous discussions of the same general topic, but nothing specific about not working for me. I dunno. Maybe it was /not/ in irc. Maybe a GH issue?
carrvo[d]btrem, for your ferment you shouldn't really need a base recipe. If I understand webmentions correctly (without trying them) then you just need a page to identify the particular "ferment" and you can display your additions/experiments in one place. Kind of like an empty base recipe.
[tantek]btrem, re: things not in "frontmatter" but also not part of the "content", you could use both <header> and <footer> elements inside <main> for that
btrem[tantek]: Not sure I follow. I don't normally put a <header> or <footer> inside my <main> element. It's generally <header/> followed by <main> content... </main> then <footer/>.
btremI suppose <main> allows flow content, so I /could/ put a <header> inside, but that would be weird and counterintuitive to the future me who's trying to decipher past me's markup decisions. ;-)