#dev 2025-01-16
2025-01-16 UTC
ttybitnik joined the channel
btrem Can you point me to examples of that pattern? Because I've only ever seen <header> <main> <footer>. E.g. mdn's page on the main element https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main has an example under "Try it" that has a <header> followed by <main>.
gRegor btrem, reading up on that chat log, found your h-review: https://btrem.com/2021/11-yellow-squash-rating It doesn't appear to be linking to another URL, though, so no webmention would be sent. The `item` property has a URL that's the same page.

btrem I just went back to that page, which is orphaned, and looked at the source code. You'll see that there are empty elements and attributes. That's where there *were* links to and titles of a recipe post. But I gave up on it, and then overwrote that page. Which doesn't bother me that much because, as I said, it's orphaned. More or less by design.
gRegor btrem, tested some and added clarification to the bug report: https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/176#issuecomment-2594196253

Loqi [preview] [gRegorLove] Some more details on this with my testing just now:
I first attempted to post an `h-review` with `in-reply-to` = https://btrem.com/2021/10-yellow-squash. When I sent the webmention, wm.io responded:
"status": "no_link_found",

[tantek] yeah I/we need to address https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/32 and see if we can get consensus on a merge and I can make that happen

btrem gRegor: I think that your test is what I was doing. If you see my initial comment, it says " h-review by p-item -> h-* -> u-url." But I can't be sure, since as I said, I gave up. As you may have noticed, the issue is more three years old. FAOD, that's not complaint that it didn't get fixed, but rather me explaining why my test page is now broken.
gRegor Yeah, I read through the chat. That specific case does work though, with my third test today. They were both received: https://webmention.io/api/mentions.jf2?target=https://btrem.com/2021/10-yellow-squash Still an issue that it shows up as `type: entry` instead of `type: review`

btrem FWIW, it doesn't really matter to me. I now link my reviews to my recipes internally, so to speak, using my static site builder. So when I create a ferment, I compose an .md file that generates an h-recipe. And when I open it, I create a second .md file with a review, which is added to the h-recipe page. The review is not posted separately. It probably doesn't make sense to post the review separately anyways.
ming__ and yewscion joined the channel
grufwub, sp1ff, strugee, jimw, AcesAndEights, thegr8whoopdini[, ludovicchabant, eatyourglory, karjala, gRegor, gRegorLove_, [KevinMarks], glacier, [Murray], doesnm, nemonical and Guest6 joined the channel
jeremycherfas Do any of the more hardware-savvy people here have suggestions on how to turn the three 1TB SSDs hanging off a USB hub on my Mac into something more efficient? I had hoped there might be some kind of enclosure, rather than a hub, but there doesn't seem to be.

jeremycherfas Or maybe I should just bite the bullet and spring for two new 2TB SATA drives and a little RAID enclosure?

GuestZero_, gRegor, gRegorLove_, btrem, jeremycherfas, ttybitnik, thegreekgeek, sebbu2, [fluffy], yewscion and grufwub joined the channel
aaronpk [tantek]: is there a way to get a link to a specific version of an MDN doc like this? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies

carrvo[d] Looks like the page has a link to the GitHub source, which could be turned into a specific version. Not really what you are looking for 😦 but could be a workaround.
[Joe_Crawford] which has in the path the commit hash which gets you that. Not pretty, and not *precisely* the rendering of the page.
[Joe_Crawford] But does have the content.
[Joe_Crawford] https://perma.cc is directed at judicial and academic purposes. In a way standards-making is .... both academic and judicial.
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tantek] aaronpk, why not link to https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6265 ?

carrvo[d] Joe_Crawford++ that is a really interesting service!
mondodaemon joined the channel
aaronpk [tantek]: the reference is actually specifically to the cookie prefixes here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#cookie_prefixes

max1 joined the channel
[tantek] hmm, this looks like a more precise technical reference for that: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie#cookie_prefixes

aaronpk yep there's a 6265bis https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-httpbis-rfc6265bis-19.html#section-4.1.3

gRegor mondodaemon, I was able to successfully send a webmention to your post: https://webmention.io/api/mentions.jf2?target=https://www.shreyasprakash.com/publish-originally-syndicate-elsewhere/

btrem Re the perma.cc page, I quote: "Use your Perma Link as you would the original cited URL. Your citation is safe from link rot — it will never change or break." So they promise. But obviously if the perma.cc site goes away, so do all of your citations. Seems like using that service is putting all your eggs in one basket, iow, maybe risky. :-o
Loqi perma.cc is a service developed by the Harvard Law School Library for archiving web citation links https://indieweb.org/perma.cc

bterry joined the channel
carrvo[d] Why not reference with the original link AND the perma.cc link? Then your eggs are in multiple mirror baskets.
btrem There's "front matter" and "back matter", but that's even worse for me. Front matter is the structured data at the top of my .md files. I'd hate myself six months from now for using that term. Especially since I'm currently experimenting with putting text in my front matter like acknowledgements that will appear after the <main>, thus in a "back matter" block!
greg.just.greg Would something like "headnote" and "footnote" work, or does that just create the "head" version of the "post" problem?
carrvo[d] btrem, searching for a better name is good, but I wouldn't discount "postface". "Post-" is actually a prefix for many common words (postgame, postpone, postmortem, postcard). Balanced with the context that "post" is used (web, post office, et cetera).
ttybitnik joined the channel