#dev 2025-01-22
2025-01-22 UTC
thegreekgeek_ joined the channel
carrvo[d] Like, overengineering is bad for business but can sometime be useful...in those super rare never-in-your-lifetime scenarios. And very tempting.
bterry joined the channel
bterry joined the channel
grufwub joined the channel
[morganm] joined the channel
nemonical, Guest6, bterry1, ttybitnik, lockywolf, vuilhund, [Murray], [Alexandra_Samu], [Jo] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
vinceaggrippino I've been reading about Webmention. It looks like only the `source` and `target` are provided in the request parameters, but you get a lot more information in the response from webmention .io. Is .io parsing the entire _source_ page using the Microformats classes and storing it all in its database?
capjamesg[d] I believe so, yes!

vinceaggrippino capjamesg++ aaronpk++ Thank you. I thought it'd be impractical to store the all the data of every page that receives a webmention using .io as its endpoint, but I guess it's not a problem. I still have a lot to learn π
vinceaggrippino It doesn't work to give two people karma in one post?
vinceaggrippino aaronpk++ Thank you π
ttybitnik joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] I think the karma works as the first "word" or last "word" (and maybe both?)
[Joe_Crawford] Also, for an example of webmention data, here's a chunk of http://webmention.io data for a particular url: https://github.com/artlung/lab.artlung.com/blob/master/webmention_data/webmentions.json
vinceaggrippino π€ Static site built with 11ty... I could probably write it into the build process. It's a very low traffic site, though. If I hit .io every time the page was rebuilt it'd probably hit it more often than if I ran it client side when the page loads. I gotta think on this some more. I haven't committed anything yet.
VinceAggrippino joined the channel
vinceaggrippino [Joe_Crawford]++ Thank you for the webmention data.
GuestZero_ and bugliker7 joined the channel
carrvo[d] If you are storing the source in addition to the build output, you should be able to store the webmention.io data alongside your source, and integrate it during the build. Then you could hit webmention.io less frequently to update your cache of it.
jak2k joined the channel
jak2k What is karma?
Loqi Karma is a community recognition tool used in the IndieWeb community and powered by the friendly bot Loqi https://indieweb.org/Karma

[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] hehehe. seen in cory doctorow's post from today https://www.flickr.com/photos/philgyford/54275634645

funkylarma With 11ty I found process that fetchβs webmentions and then caches it. You can then read it into a data collection that can be used at build

jak2k I fetch them using JS because I don't want to rebuild my website constantly. That would defeat the point of a SSG.
[tantek] admintax << https://www.flickr.com/photos/philgyford/54275634645 "STOP DOING DEVOPS ON PERSONAL SITES" https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/54275634645_d7803d3c4a_n.jpg

Loqi ok, I added "https://www.flickr.com/photos/philgyford/54275634645 "STOP DOING DEVOPS ON PERSONAL SITES" https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/54275634645_d7803d3c4a_n.jpg" to the "See Also" section of /admin_tax https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=99687&oldid=98554

ttybitnik and btrem joined the channel
btrem vinceaggrippino: some links to help implement webmentions in 11ty: https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-talk/
[aciccarello] joined the channel
aaronpk followup on yesterday's email thread, it has now turned into a draft https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-hallambaker-any-00.html

[tantek] Huh. Disappointing to see no mention of IndieAuth nor citation of http://IndieAuth.spec.indieweb.org

sebbu joined the channel
[tantek] I prefer W3C's policy about how they treat citations of any standards / drafts: https://www.w3.org/guide/process/tilt/normative-references.html

aaronpk it's not impossible to do, i had to go dig up permalinks for a bunch of non-ietf documents for this https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-browser-based-apps#section-11.1

btrem question for anyone using markdown with front matter for their website. I'm looking for a way to separate bits of content. For short items like title, it goes in front matter. But I want to have longer items, like an appendix or an acknowledgements section. I don't want it to be in the main content for the post. The only solution I can think of is to put in front matter. But it's awkward to include a paragraph with lists insid
capjamesg[d] I wonder if my ideal YAML would just be Python syntax in the front matter π

carrvo[d] I think it would be quite cool if browsers could render Markdown similar to how they now render PDFs. I know services like GitHub have to translate it into HTML π¦
gregsarjeant joined the channel