vinceaggrippino[aciccarello]++ Thank you. I'm using a CSS class on the body from a value in my front matter. I'll bet I can use that as a conditional in my template. I'm using WebC, so it'll be `webc:if=`...
[tantek]nice that they're trying to advance state of the art in email APIs. not good that they're diverging vocabularies for contacts and calendars with the JSContact and JSCalendar proposals (RFCs) which break from vCard/hCard/h-card, and vCalendar/iCalendar/hCalendar/h-event
[tantek]the excuses are pretty poor too. Hey not enough people adopted vCard4 so let's make something up that's even more complex (hierarchical) because if it's in JSON presumably devs won't care about complexity and they'll adopt it?
doesnmalso JMAP solute file sending. It's not uploaded in base64 as in IMAP. in JMAP there is separated endpoint for "blob" and ability to reference in message
nemonical, jbrr, GuestZero, jak2k and tranq joined the channel
carrvo[d]If the IETF is sufficiently beaurocratic (and I expect that it is), then the "area director" might need some prompting to bring to light that it is divergent.
carrvo[d]It does look pretty weak in its argumentation. Essentially, "let's use HTTPS+JSON because it is popular!" Yeah, and popularity is always the best call...right? 😦
btremI already had a filter to convert a single item into an array of that item, e.g., `2` becomes `[2]`. So instead of testing if the var is an array of objects, I use that filter to convert my object into an array of objects with 1 member. That makes it easier to code the template: {% for foo in bar | toArray %} ... {%endfor%}.
btrem[KevinMarks]++ re: blob, yes, something like that. I don't know what "express" is, but it looks pretty similar to how I register functions in 11ty.
btremThat template is still comically complicated. But it let's me enter the acknowledgements as (a) markdown text; (b) an object with a name, url, and an optional note; or (c) an array of such objects. Whether it's a good idea to have many forms for the same data, I'll see. I might be cussing myself out a year from now. ;-D
btremI actually forgot about that library. When I had delusions of going to grad school, I took a class in old/medieval French, and now recall seeing bnf as a abbreviation for manuscripts that are housed there, e.g., Le Roman de Fauvel.
sebbuebnf has 2 different implementations too. but abnf is well-specified and non-ambiguous (apart from possible/hypothetic ambiguous part in the single standard, not incompatibility between several)
btremI used `h-review` as a class for an svg of the h-review logo for styling purposes. And of course it then got parsed as a child h-review of the h-entry. Oops. Gotta change that.
btremI'm having trouble sending a webmention to I'm using the curl code provided on the "how to submit a post" page. Here's the curl command I'm using:
[mattl]Does anyone have any tips for debugging keyboard presses in browsers? Trying to understand what piece of JS is silently eating my tab key presses.
sebbu[mattl], remembering that keycode and character are different, remembering that layout and language matters, remembering in which order events are triggered, checking state vs iskeydown for modifiers (ctrl, shift, capslock, numlock, alt, option, cmd, etc...), etc...
gRegorI tried it with the correct webmention endpoint, it's saying your post needs a syndication link or category link in the h-entry. I see you have a page-level rel-syndication, but don't think indienews supports that
btremI was under the impression that `rel=syndication` didn't work because it wasn't inside the `h-entry` element. But it doesn't support `rel syndication` at all. :(
gRegorI think rels are parsed as page-level, regardless where they appear in the HTML. Some indieweb things like Bridgy I think do/did support rels for syndication, but it's less common.
aaronpki guess indienews _could_ support rel-syndication and pull the title of the page from the `<title>` element, but it's also partly there to encourage microformats adoption
btremI understand what you're saying. What /I'm/ saying is that to do that, I'd need to change my template. As carrvo[d] says, "it should be easy" until I start.
gRegorI understand. I'm ignoring that for now because it's fine to leave that. Syndication links don't have to be automated through front matter or whatnot.
btremThere is no hand-written text in the post with a syndication link. Nor should there be, IMHO, because anything in the content winds up in the <main.e-content> element, and syndication links are not part of the content.
btremI'm probably not going to put the syndication link in the content. Maybe I'll change my template, rebuild the site, re-upload the file, and resubmit to indie news.
btremaaronpk: is the 500 status code for not found urls part of the php code? I'd be happy to create a PR to fix that. Of course, if it's the nginx config, I don't think a PR will do any good. ;-)
btremThen I was told I think here in #dev that the syndication had to be a child of the `h-entry`, which I misunderstood as meaning I only had to move the <link rel>. So I tried that, but it failed for reasons that we just discussed.